Does Luck contribute to success?
Confucious once said that luck plays an important role in our daily lives. Although hardworking is undoubtly necessary to success,yet luck is also significant because there are countless exmples that success depended on the luck through out the history.Common sense tell us that luck is a vital factor which cannot be negleted,and it is luck that help us to cross some gap.
As for some serious concerning history,people may associste XXX with good luck.......
I stand aside with the luck plays an important role in success.Hardworking can lead us to the success through the tortourse path.However,no one can ignore the fact that a good luck can accelerate the speed and push us to the destination, and how can we say that luck does not help us in some dillema?
Luck is like an ladder leading us to success.If a person does not be blessed by luck godess,he or she may walk more harder than those who surrounded by her.