在SAT考试中,阅读里面会出现一些长难句。这些句子,每个单词都认识,但是由于使用了倒装、省略、从句等复杂结构,读了2遍都找不到主谓宾,从而影响了阅读速度,甚至影响了阅读理解。 在下一次的SAT考试过程中,你很难碰到已经读过的长难句,但是,你遇到长难句的语法现象是有限的,我们只要把SAT真题里面的SAT长难句 搞懂,就可以搞懂这些语法现象。 这108句长难句,由啄木鸟满分名师猴哥、SAT阅读二郎神、SAT语法铁扇公主、白晶晶等满分名师花费了很多的时间和精力来整理SAT阅读当中的长难句,并就语法现象、意群、翻译等进行了讲解。 SAT阅读中国学生往往读不完,或者做不完题目,主要原因就在于和美国考试在以下三个方面的差异:单词量、长难句和知识背景。 0 j& U6 _* F/ _1 I4 d
单词量大家可以通过背诵《猴哥SAT词汇蓝宝书》(满分网有电子版下载)的猴哥8000来突破; 长难句只要坚持把这些长难句读懂,并可以背诵一部分,则可以取得SAT阅读的进步;词汇方面; 知识背景就需要平时的积累了。 x* N6 R6 A2 N+ G/ T8 r) a% ?8 ~
SAT长难句一共108句,其中分别有47句选自SAT真题、38句选自OG、23句选自OC(共)。 0 R( l8 k; @. J: e( W+ B
范例: 真题部分 1. Not only are celebrities the protagonists of our news, the subjects of our daily discourse, and the repositories of our values, but they have also embedded themselves so deeply in our consciousness that many individuals profess feeling closer to, and more passionate about, them than about their own primary relationships: witness the fervent public to interest in the life of Britain's Princess Diana, or the fans who told television interviewers that her wedding was the happiest day of their lives. 难句类型:倒装+并列+复杂修饰 难词注解:protagonist n.主角, 支持者 repository n.容器, 仓库, 贮藏室, 智囊 fervent a.热情的 语法分析:Not only are celebrities the protagonists of our news, the subjects of our 谓语 主语 宾语 daily discourse, and the repositories of our values, but they have also embedded 并列宾语 并列宾语 主语 谓语 themselves so deeply in our consciousness that many individuals profess feeling closer 结果状语从句 to, and more passionate about, them than about their own primary relationships: witness the fervent public to interest in the life of Britain's Princess Diana, or the fans 谓语 宾语 宾语补足语 宾语 who told television interviewers that her wedding was the happiest day of their lives. 定语从句 宾语从句 % o) a, D4 R/ \% j8 e6 g
意群训练:Not only are celebrities the protagonists of our news, the subjects of our daily discourse, and the repositories of our values, but they have also embedded themselves so deeply in our consciousness that many individuals profess feeling closer to, and more passionate about, them than about their own primary relationships: witness the fervent public to interest in the life of Britain's Princess Diana, or the fans who told television interviewers that her wedding was the happiest day of their lives.
3 C" L- e+ N J. G参考译文:名人不仅是新闻的主角、日常谈论的话题、价值观的源泉,而且他们把自己牢固树立在我们意识当中,许多人承认,他们对名人更有兴趣,更有激情,胜过关心自己的私人事务。举个例子,狂热的公众对威尔士王妃戴安娜的私生活非常感兴趣,还有粉丝告诉电视记者,戴安娜的婚礼当天是他们一生最幸福的一天。 ) Y4 ~5 [; S& T2 |) T
" ]9 ?# I% `! w% l$ D, d5 k2. “No, I won't ride with servicemen,” said my casually seditious father, as he slowed down and peered at a soldier and then resumed his full cruising speed, while I, patriotically offended, watched the stunned defender of my freedoms kicking at his duffle bag and getting smaller and smaller as planet Pontiac continued its fuming orbit. 难句类型:复杂修饰+修辞方法(明喻/simile)+幽默的语气 难词注解:seditious a.煽动性的 stunned a. 震惊的, 惊讶的 duffle bag帆布行李袋 Pontiac庞帝克,美国产轿车 fuming冒烟的 语法分析:“No, I won't ride with servicemen,” said my casually seditious father, as he slowed 谓语 主语 down and peered at a soldier and then resumed his full cruising speed, while I, patriotically 状语 主语 Offended, watched the stunned defender of my freedoms kicking at his duffle bag and 插入语 谓语 宾语 宾补 getting smaller and smaller as planet Pontiac continued its fuming orbit. + Y8 T1 b1 c/ M. [
意群训练:“No, I won't ride with servicemen,” said my casually seditious father, as he slowed down and peered at a soldier and then resumed his full cruising speed, while I, patriotically offended, watched the stunned defender of my freedoms kicking at his duffle bag and getting smaller and smaller as planet Pontiac continued its fuming orbit. ! b8 D( v6 W# H
参考译文:我爸爸减缓了车速,瞥见了士兵,又重新加足马力,带着一丝若无其事的煽动性语气说:“不,我才不要和军人共车呢!”。而我的爱国心却受到了伤害,看着那个惊愕的“自由守护者”踢着他的帆布行李袋。随着我们行星一样的庞帝克车继续行使在浓烟滚滚的轨道上,我也看着这个士兵的身影越来越小了。 |