Do you agree ordisagree with the following statement:It is easier for parents to raisetheir children than 50 years ago. Parents devote greatdeal of love, care, patience and of course money to raise their children.Compared to 50 years ago, I believe parent have more advantage to raise theirchildren with convenience in modern society. First, the lifequality and medical conditions have been greatly improved in the recent 50years. Children can get healthier food and more comfortable living conditionsnow than in the past. As we all know, nutrition and rest is essential forchildren's health. In modern society, thanks to the high productivity of foodconvenient transportation, children can get varieties of food from all countryeven all over the world. Compared to the past when food is in shortage, parentscan prepare more balanced diet for their children. Also, as the medical sciencedeveloped, many diseases are easier to get treated, and with social security,more family can afford the fees for treatment. 两个ment很单调,payment报酬,偿还的意思多一些 Much fewer parents would witness theirchildren suffering because of the lack of medical care. What's more theeducation system is more completed and theories of education are elaborated morefully than the pastime . Besidesphysical health, children need education when they growing up. The instructionfrom parents and teachers are rather significant for them. In modern time(当代? the present age; the contemporary era), parents caneasily find adequate school to educate their children, even when they are busyat their work, they would not leave their children unregulated. And the way ofeducation has also been improved as growing number of educators express theiridea to society and the revision in education occurs. For example, in the past,a number of parents used to be restricted to children expecting their successwhile ignore their true interest and characteristics. However, with more theoryof developing the children's talent and paying attention to their owninclination have made parents educate their children in a right way more easily. In addition, theincreasing social wealth also contributes to ??? children. For instance, maybeevery child, especially boys, has a dream to travel around the world. In thepast, when traveling can only be afford by the wealthy, common parent can hardlymeet the children' wish. However, with the growth of the social wealth, parentscan afford more for their children, a trip, a book, or some toys as present fortheir birthday or prize for their good work in school. Thus children spendtheir childhood happily with pleasure and satisfactory. In a nutshell, withthe improvement in both material and metal area, it is easier for parents to fostertheir children. 注意词汇变化 结构挺好,论证深入 |