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[求助] 战战兢兢的独立写作....请批改~ [复制链接]

Rank: 8Rank: 8


美版2016offer达人 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance 2016 US-applicant

发表于 2013-2-28 09:07:16 |只看该作者
叶子123 发表于 2013-2-26 06:56
我又来骚扰了~ 请批改,谢谢大神!

People who cannot accept the criticism from others will not be successful at working in a group.

As is known to all, no man is born to be perfect and everyone will surely make mistakes. If he cannot accept the criticism from others, then he will get no development, not to mention achieving success in a group. So from my perspective, people should accept others' criticism to grow and to be successful in a group.

Admittedly, people will make mistakes from time to time. What if a man sticks to his own wrong ideas regardless of others' criticism? For himself, he will make no progress and even mislead himself in a wrong way. Take my uncle's experience for an example. When my uncle and his classmates graduated from their university, they started a small company together to chase their dream (This is one of those lofty expressions that really irk me. It's so annoyingly vague and seldom relevant, exactly because it is so vague. Now, ). One of his classmates Tim, dreaming of exploring a shortcut to being wealthy, proposed that they could bribe the officers who were responsible for testing the quality of the products to cheat consumers by reducing the amount? quality? necessary ingredients (This huge sentence has the following actions: 1. a proposal of bribery to QA (Quality Assurance) people; 2. cheating customers..and the following people: 1. they, presumably your uncle et. al.; 2. the QA people. Who is doing what? From the way you've piled everything together, I read 'Tim suggested the team to bribe QA so QA would cheat customers by doing something to the ingredients'. But that cheating bit is not a QA's job – I don't mean because it's illegal. It's just that even if a company does this kind of cheating, it won't be the QA who does it, since it can only be done at the manufacturing level, which is pre-QA. So my point is, I kind of understand what you're trying to say but what you manage to actually express is really confusing, because you're trying to do too much with one sentence.). Other team members strongly disagreed with this idea due to their conscience and the brand's reputation (If you just started a company, you'd probably have little 'brand reputation'..and once again I would make a personal comment: I find it extremely interesting that Chinese students I've seen, almost without exception, tend to appeal to 'reputation' and 'conscience' – in other words, very volatile, emotional guidelines for making decisions – and never 'laws' or 'standards' in such examples. It is even more interesting in your example that this guy was punished by the legal system rather than conscience or whatnot, which is sort of ironic.). But Tim just held his point without any support (I'm not quite understanding what this means. Do you mean he 'held onto' his point..?). Soon he set up another company in his own way and it took no time to put him into prison (This means the actual action of 'putting into prison' takes no time, not that the time between him setting up his own company and him being put into prison is short..which would be something like 'it took no time before he was put into prison'.). I believe if Tim changed his mind at the very beginning, there would be a bright future for him. Face your mistakes and accept it modestly, and you will see your progress everyday (The point about 'progress everyday' isn't very clearly illustrated in the example or your argument, especially why it has to be 'everyday'.).

For a group, a stubborn person who holds on to his idea may lead the whole group to low efficiency and develop in a wrong direction which is far away from success. One of my experiences can illustrate it. Once I took part in a mathematical modeling contest which required three people to make a team and finished a paper during three days. A guy named Van took in charge of the programming part but he was easy to be stuck in the irrelavant details (1. This is almost a direct translation. Only things are 'easy'. You don't describe people as 'easy'. If they have the tendency of doing things in a certain way, etc., you say they are 'prone to <something>', but not they are 'easy to do <something>'; 2. If you say 'the' irrelevant details, then you need to be more specific, otherwise stay generic with 'irrelevant details'.). On the first day, he was stuck again (If he is stuck 'again' on the very first day, it means he's stuck at least for once before even the first day, which means you guys started doing this thing before the first day, which means the contest isn't exactly three days..) and abandoned all the other important tasks to research that little point while my teammate and I were busy discussing models (The problem here is that without specifying what exactly the 'little point' is, it's very hard to see why it must be a little point just because you said it was. All along it's only your judgment on the usefulness of your teammate's efforts. It's dictating. It's not truly persuasive. You don't need to discuss the technicalities of such things in detail, but if you can illustrate with some more solid information that your teammate's concentration was really on something that would be judged by most people to be irrelevant to a math modeling project, e.g. 'the font he should use for his code', your argument would be more effective.). Though we talked to him and wanted him to get out of that detail and move on, he ignored it and was addicted in that. So my teammate and I had to finish the rest of work with exhausted minds (1. 'exhaust' is often a physical/mental mix so it's kind of awkward to talk about only the mind being 'exhausted'; 2. if you finish the work 'with exhausted minds', it means you were already exhausted, for whatever reason, when you were doing the work. But as far as I see, what you want to say is actually that, because you have to share 3 people's work between the 2 of you, you were exhausted, and probably that's why you didn't do a very good job and all. Again, you see I kind of understand your reasoning, but you just didn't manage to express the important details that would 'nail' your discussion clearly. Instead, you go about happily describing things in ways that are not really helping the readers to see the 来龙去脉 of things with minimum effort. In other words, your readers have to piece up your argumentation by themselves to a large extent. Different ways of describing the same thing would highlight different aspects of it, and would contribute differently in terms of relevance and efficiency to the purpose of illustrating a particular argument. Be precise. Always think about what exactly your reasoning is and let that drive your descriptions, not the other way round.). At last, the result of the contest is unsatisfying, from which I realize the importance of accepting others criticism for the sake of the whole group.

Granted, sometimes the truth is held in a handful of persons' hands and you may be right (Who are you addressing as 'you' here?). But a person will make numerous mistakes during his life and he should consider and follow others' advice rather than insist on his own ideas (If you put this sentence next to your question, you should see what you have in mind as the main point of argument is not exactly the same as what the question wants.).



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发表于 2013-2-28 15:05:34 |只看该作者
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美版2016offer达人 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance 2016 US-applicant

发表于 2013-2-28 20:35:23 |只看该作者
叶子123 发表于 2013-2-26 06:56
我又来骚扰了~ 请批改,谢谢大神!


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美版2016offer达人 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance 2016 US-applicant

发表于 2013-3-2 13:15:36 |只看该作者
叶子123 发表于 2013-2-27 07:49

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RE: 战战兢兢的独立写作....请批改~ [修改]
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