1. why MMFat UT?
2. Have you applied other schools? 我申的都是加国的学校。。。然后他问any US school or EU schools?
3, did u receive any offer?
4. what is your career goal?
5. the definition of marchov chain and Brownian motion
6. how many programming tools do you learn?
7. how to rank C in 1-5
8. how to rank matlab in 1-5
9. hobby
10. the internship楼主之前又在银行的信贷部门实习过
11. which programming tool do u use to inpute the data into database(我前面说,在银行的时候有帮忙输入数据,但只是excel啊。。。)我就老实说,用excel,然后她神秘一笑,excel is great。。。
12. 问他问题