没有加入备考小组,因为我不确信自己能够跟得上进度,不过还是想开个贴,记录一下平时的疑难问题,我是一个非常不喜欢整理笔记的人,应该说根本就是很多年不做笔记了,之前有考过一次G情况不妙- -像G这样宏伟的工程,老是做一段废一段也不行,还是要整理一下- -,我把前几楼全部占上,以后有问题就往这几楼上面搬,每天记录一下自己遇到的不懂的题,也方便之后复习O(∩_∩)O~顺便兴许有大神路过可以答疑一下, 苦逼每日战,一定要坚持 。
这是今天的 … 陈圣元section37. 5. The notion that a parasite can alter the behavior of a host organism is not mere fiction; indeed, the phenomenon is not even_____.
(A) observable
(B) real
(C) comprehended
(D)√ rare
(E) imaginable
概念不是虚构,现象并不罕见- -我总感觉这逻辑有点…跟不上啊- -
【应该是找fiction的同义词吧,首先会感觉是imaginable,概念不是虚构,因为现象不是想象出来的,但是还是因为我词义没看准吧,imaginable能想象,并不是 因为现象是不能想象出来的;概念不是虚构,因为现象很普遍---也就是not even rare…我很努力的说服自己。】
7. Darwin's method did not really____the idea of race as an important conceptual category; even the much more central idea of species was little more than a theoretical____.
(A)√ require.. convenience
(B) apply.. measurement
(C) exclude.. practice
(D) subsume[包含,包容].. validation
(E) reject.. fact
【达尔文的方法并不xx1这种思想,即使是更中心思想也只不过是一种理论上的xx2,我起初的错误想法就不说了,之前在群里问过,感谢大家积极的思考和回答,不过我还是觉得不得要领,按翻译来说,达尔文的方法并不真正需要属的思想作为一个重要的概念范畴,即使是更中心的种的思想也只不过是理论上的图方便而已。翻译过来感觉还好,但是就是自己不太好想。】群里有提出新的good idea----measurement/practice/fact都是指实际,与theoretical搭配的上的只有convenience,我觉得这个想法通顺多了^^.
section38. 5.As Juanita argued, this new code of conduct is laughable; its principles are either____, offering no wisdom but the obvious, or are so devoid[缺乏的] of specific advice as to make almost any action____.
(A) irresolute[犹豫不决的].. unlikely
(B) corroborative[确证的].. redundant
(C)√ platitudinous.. justifiable
(D) homogeneous.. impartial
(E) labyrinthine.. unacceptable
【全力配合ETS的逻辑- -,offering no wisdom but the obvious不智慧而又显而易见,即陈腐platitudinous,缺乏明确的建议会导致几乎任何行动都是合理的,so ...as to/almost/any[都暗示了要转折],devoid of specific advice---[反]justifiable.】
section39.7. It is almost always desirable to increase the yield of a crop if____increases are not also necessary in energy, labor, and other inputs of crop production.
(A) predetermined
(B)√ commensurate
(C) compatible
(D) measured
(E) equivocal
【yield产量increase,if input 不需要(xxx的)increase,commensurate相匹配的】
T5.go across and around the United State指旅游国内国外
T6.假设成立assumption is satisfied.
section40.7. The startling finding that variations in the rate of the Earth's rotation depend to an----degree on the weather has necessitated a complete----of the world's time-keeping methods.
(A)√ unexpected.. overhaul[v.& n.彻底检查,大修]
(B) anticipated.. recalibration[calibrate v.量…口径,校准]
(C) indeterminate.. rejection
(D) unobservable.. review
(E) estimated.. acceptance
【不知道怎么纠结的还是选错了[第二空应该和startling finding 对应,acceptance刚好相反,rejection过了。第一空,应该相当于a certain degree/那就应该是一种可以预见的程度了anticipated.AC意料之外的和不能决定的都不对,unobservable不能观测的那么科学家是怎么知道的。。。]原想法,太错误了,鄙视掉![第二空overhaul/recalibration/review都可以,第一空startling啊,anticipated了还会震惊吗...]】
section41.3. Since many casual smokers develop lung cancer and many____smokers do not, scientists believe that individuals differ in their____the cancer-causing agents known to be present in cigarette smoke.
(A)√ heavy.. susceptibility to[易感染,易屈服,高度脆弱]
(B) chronic.. concern about
(C) habitual.. proximity to
(D) devoted.. reliance upon
(E) regular.. exposure to
7. His imperturbability[冷静,沉着] in the face of evidence indicating his deliberate fraud failed to reassure supporters of his essential____; instead, it suggested a talent for____that they had never suspected.
(A) culpability[苛责,有罪].. intrigue
(B) wisdom.. reproof[斥责,责备]
(C) remorse.. loquacity
(D)√ probity.. guile
(E) combativeness.. compromise
【这两题之前就错过,第二次做还是错了TAT,T3.第一空没有什么可以排除的选项,第二空要注意susceptibility的意思,易感染,易屈服,高度脆弱。T7.imperturbability在面对一个什么不好的(修饰的先不管),fail to reassure supporters,reassure/suporters翻译不出来就看成同一个词,冷静没能怎么样,怎么样就是指reassure一个好的方面。wisdom/probity都可入选,instead一个坏的方面,纵观BD,guile比较合适.】
section43. 4. The architects of New York's early skyscrapers[n.摩天楼], hinting here at a twelfth-century cathedral, there at a fifteenth-century palace, sought to legitimize the city's social strivings[奋斗] by ----- a history the city did not truly -----.
(A)revealing.. deserve
(B)displaying.. desire
(C)√ evoking[祈求,请求/提示,暗示].. possess
(D)preserving.. experience
(E)flouting[轻视].. believe
7. Early critics of Emily Dickinson's poetry mistook for simplemindedness the surface of artlessness[同] that in fact she constructed with such -------.
(A) astonishment
(B) vexation[n.困扰,苦恼]
(C) allusion[暗示]
(D) innocence
(E)√ cunning[构成反义]本意是狡猾的,这里理解为煞费苦心
section44. 6.Any population increase [beyond a certain level] necessitates greater ____vegetable foods; thus, the ability of a society to choose meat over cereals always arises, in part, from _____ the number of people.[重复]
(A) reliance on.. replenishing
(B) production of.. estimating
(C) spending on.. concealing
(D) recourse to.. limiting √
(E) attention to.. varying
【第一空没有区分度,所有选项都可以,句子分析:上半句,人口增长→vegetable增长,下半句,meat over cereal的增长(即蔬菜下降,cereal是vegetable的重复)→人口下降】
section45. 7. The actual _____ of Wilson's position was always _____ by his refusal to compromise after having initially agreed to negotiate a settlement.
(A) outcome.. foreshadowed
(B) logic.. enhanced
(C) rigidity.. Betrayed √
(D) uncertainty.. alleviated
(E) cowardice.. .highlighted
【refusal to compromise after having initially agreed to negotiate a settlement 起初同意协商,后来又拒绝协商,是一种rigidity的表现?!给ETS的logic跪死过去。(ˇˍˇ) 嗯~一坨屎说 固执僵化 那就 固执僵化 吧~betray①背叛②暴露,这里显然取 暴露 的意思。】
ascertain [vt.查明,弄清,确定]
contemporary [a.当代的;同时代的 n.同代人,当代人]
oscillate [摆动]
section46. 5. The significance of the Magna Carta lies not in its_____ provisions[n.供应;预备;条款( pl.)给养,口粮]. but in its broader impact[冒号后面是解释][反]: it made the king subject to the law.
(A) specific √
(B) revolutionary 革新的
(C) implicit 含蓄的
(D) controversial
(E) finite 有限的
【Infinite是指时间、空间、数量的有限,这里的broader impact更好的对应是specific.】
6. The theory of cosmic evolution states that the universe, having begun in a state of simplicity and _____, has _____[重复] into great variety[反].
(A) equilibrium[平衡].. modulated
(B) homogeneity[同质].. Differentiated√同质更好
(C) contrast.. metamorphosed
(D)√proportion[比例;部分;均衡,相称].. accelerated
(E) intelligibility[可理解的,可理解的事物].. developed
7. Not wishing to appear ______ ,the junior member of the research group refrained from ______ any criticism of the senior members' plan[反] for dividing up responsibility for the entire project.
(A) reluctant.. Evaluating
(B) inquisitive.. offering
(C) presumptuous[胆大妄为的].. Venturing √
(D) censorious[a.吹毛求疵的,苛求的].. undercutting
(E) moralistic[道学的].. observing
【第二空可填offering/venturing,Refrain from...是不想看起来怎么样...(压抑是为了看起来不妄自尊大。)】
本渣最近超恨背单词,静不下来,记不住,QAQ,先附几个词再说吧~ defiance[藐视,违抗]
section 47. 2. Because many of the minerals found on the ocean floor are still ____ on land, where mining is relatively inexpensive, mining the ocean floor has yet to become a ____ enterprise.
(A) scarce[缺乏的,不足的]. . common
(B) accessible.. Marginal[a.微小的;仅以微弱多数获胜的;有旁注的]
(C) unidentified.. Subsidized[津贴,资助]
(D) conserved . . public
(E) plentiful.. Profitable √
【矿藏(怎样1)会导致矿业inexpensive,Blank1应该是不罕见,多...Blank2对应矿业是一种怎样的事业。yet to还没有,yet是否定词。Inexpensive恰好对应yet to be profitable.】
3. The valedictory address, as it has developed in American colleges and universities over the years, has become a very strict form, a literary ____ that permits very little____.
(A) text.. clarity
(B) work.. tradition
(C) genre.. Deviation √
(D) oration.. Grandiloquence
(E) achievement.. rigidity
【A very strict form refers that permit very little+adj.(与strict构成反义)grandiloquence/deviation均可,genre文学体裁,与form对应更准确。】
section48. 7. The ____ with which the French aristocracy greeted the middle-class Rousseau was all the more ____ because he showed so little respect for them.
(A) deference.. remarkable
(B) suspicion.. uncanny
(C) [reserve]revere.. unexpected √
(D) anger.. Ironic
(E) appreciation.. Deserved
【答案中翻译的解释是 法国贵族们对待卢梭尊敬的态度让人unexpected因为卢梭对他们不尊敬,但是reserve的确只有保留,预留的意思,单词打错了吧- -revere才有尊敬的意思】 violate 违反,妨碍,侵略
statute 法令,条例
futility 无用,徒劳
decadence 颓废,堕落,衰落
confound 混淆
repudiate 拒绝,否决
disjunction 分离,析取,分裂
section49. 7. Even after ------ against the ------- of popular sovereignty were included, major figures in the humanistic disciplines remained skeptical about the proposal to extend suffrage to the masses[重复].
(A) recommendations.. continuation
(B) safeguards.. Excesses √
(C) arguments.. Introduction
(D) provisions. advantages
(E) laws.. creation
【Extend与第二空对应,全句由even引起一个转折,即使是怎么样(抑制了)扩大大众选举,对扩大大众选举还是持有怀疑。(即使是对扩大大众选举采取了防御措施……】 elated[得意洋洋的,振奋的]
conformism[因循守旧,conform 一致,符合]
section50. 5/6/7都错了,我要主要吐槽一下今天做的36-exercise 13那篇说pinniped这种生物的,主要说了三个sea lions /walruses/seals,通过比较他们的flipper来说明superficial resemblance到底是取决于descende还是convergent evolution.walruses and seal's flipper呈现一致说明他们是来自同一祖先,而开头部分说,walruses/sea lions来自同一祖先,后面说如果是受环境的影响,walruse和seal的flipper就应该是一致的,读跪死过去了好吗!!中间有一句话说,convergent evolution被undermine了,那就应该是support descended啦,但是descende是开头提出的long remain 的观点不是要被推翻的吗!!/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~水平太差了,读不明白,以后再看QAQ~
As Juanita argued, this new code of conduct is laughable; its principles are either____, offering no wisdom but the obvious, or are so devoid[缺乏的] of specific advice as to make almost any action____.
(A) irresolute[犹豫不决的].. unlikely
(B) corroborative[确证的].. redundant
(C)√ platitudinous.. justifiable
(D) homogeneous.. impartial
(E) labyrinthine.. unacceptable
【全力配合ETS的逻辑- -,offering no wisdom but the obvious不智慧而又显而易见,即陈腐platitudinous,缺乏明确的建议会导致几乎任何行动都是合理的,so ...as to/almost/any[都暗示了要转折],devoid of specific advice---[反]justifiable.】
觉得justifiable难以理解啊,so... as to...表示如此。。。以至于。。。,如此少针对性意见,以至于几乎任何行动都是合理的,感觉没有明显逻辑关系啊。(也可以说成,“如此少针对性建议,以至于任何行动都不合理啊”)