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[优秀习作] issue3 我的第一篇,快绝望了,求帮助与批评,越狠越好 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2004-2-22 23:15:35 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue 3 “It is more important to allocate money for immediate, existing social problems than to spend it on long-term research that might help future generations."

While we enjoy the fruits of industrialization and modernization, we cannot neglect the negative aspect those brought out. Technology is a two-edged sword no matter whether we are willing to admit.  On the one hand, it leads to the thriving and prosperity of the whole society, on the other hand, it really bring out some serious problem in every aspect of the society both in our moral custom and ethics such as the pollution of environment, the arising of social crimes and unemployment. Facing the dilemma resulting by the progress of the technology, many people think it is more important to allocate money for immediate, existing social problems than to spend it on long-term research that might help future generations. There’s no doubt that society and government should focus on the sensitive and sharp problems, but as for the chronic even more important than the present ones, the above issue exceeds my support.

Patently, a stable and thriving society is based on the degree of satisfaction of the public. The evidence suggests that, on balance people today tend to concern themselves with only practical matters that are related to their life. In order to gain the mostly support the citizenry, governments tend to allocate more funds and energy to satisfy the immediately needs people call for. So almost every society and government attach much importance to the drugs, unemployment, natural disasters, arterials of communicants, in order to accomplish the betterments of social welfare, increase of economic efficiency, and the better contentment concerning the living standard, government devote tremendous material force and energy. All those efforts mentioned above facility our life, and contribute to the stable and thriving of the society.

Admittedly, the people are the makers of history and the masters of the society, according to some extend to the avid, short-insight, selfish of humanity, some thing which some individuals do not think significant do some thing that is severe and contributes much to the accelerating of steps of the civilization of the human beings even more significant whose importance is ignored or maybe cannot be perception until future in fact. Environment is a case in point. With the advent of Industrial Evolution, the problem of environment is more and more marked, some western countries were not conscious of its serious consequences till recently, when we fully realize its server, the world has long been it now. More terribly, some developing countries still are blinding to the detriment of the pollution of the environment. Also as individuals, we need more quantity and lower charging of energy ascribe to the dependence on modern electronic auto machine. If only for the current interests, we may reach an agreement concerning exploiting as much traditional energy sources such as rude oil and coal as possible. But why multitude of scientists endeavor all their energy and time to the discovery or invention of new energy source which can be used to institutes the extant ones? The solitary explanation is we cannot neglect our children, we must help future generations, even more to some extend that helping others means helping ourselves, all in all the crisis of energy source and environment as well as the anti-terrorist are something we’ll confront one day even have to face to now.

Some long-term research and invest may not have the immediately guarantee and remuneration, such as the education and some space explore. But we can not dwell and stand still, what we expect is not the boom of prosperity but the continuity of stability and thriving.

To achieve the sustained development of economic and society we need to call for a balance of solving problem between existing, immediate and chronic which will bless all of us.

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Aries白羊座 荣誉版主

发表于 2004-2-23 14:13:41 |只看该作者

Issue 3 “It is more important to allocate money for immediate, existing social problems than to spend it on long-term research that might help future generations."

While we enjoy the fruits of industrialization and modernization, we cannot neglect the negative aspect those brought out. Technology is a two-edged sword no matter whether we are willing to admit(no matter we admit it or not即可,不过我觉得这半句完全没有必要,可以省略). On the one hand, it leads to the thriving and prosperity of the whole society, on the other hand, it really bring(少s) out some serious problem(前面是some,这里应该有s) in every aspect of the society both in our moral custom and ethics(moral custom and ethics基本上是一回事,没必要用both) such as the pollution of environment(environment pollution即可), the arising of social crimes and unemployment.前面讲技术带来的社会问题,花的笔墨太多了,其实立刻可以进入正题。 Facing the dilemma resulting by the progress of the technology, many people think it is more important to allocate money for immediate, existing social problems than to spend it on long-term research that might help future generations. There’s(正式行文请避免使用缩略语) no doubt that society and government should focus on the sensitive and sharp problems, but as for the chronic even more important than the present ones, the above issue exceeds my support.不明白最后半句话的意思

Patently(这个词很少见,不如apparently), a stable and thriving society is based on the degree of satisfaction of the public对什么东西的满意度?. The evidence(你用的是the,说明上文已经提到过了,可是你并没有说起哪里有evidence) suggests that, on balance people today tend to concern themselves with only practical matters that are related to their life. In order to gain the mostly support the citizenry(别扭,不如in order to gain support from people as much as possible), governments tend to allocate more funds and energy to satisfy the immediately needs people call for.这句话就这么带过去了,可惜,其实这里才是重点所在。为什么政府重视短期利益呢?因为他们有固定的任期,在任期里做出事情就得到选票了。这注定了政治家的行为都是短期的。这完全可以展开说。 So almost every society and government attach much importance to the drugs, unemployment, natural disasters, arterials of communicants, in order to accomplish the betterments(罗嗦,better或improve即可) of social welfare, increase of economic efficiency, and the better contentment concerning the living standard, government devote(少s) tremendous material force and energy. All those efforts mentioned above facility(应用动词形式) our life, and contribute to the stable and thriving of the society.

Admittedly, the people are the makers of history and the masters of the society, according to some extend to the avid, short-insight, selfish of humanity, some thing which some individuals do not think significant do some thing that is severe and contributes much to the accelerating of steps of the civilization of the human beings even more significant whose importance is ignored or maybe cannot be perception until future in fact(从第二行开始你就没有一个标点符号。毕竟我们都不是出GRE阅读题的人,没必要把句子写得这么复杂,还容易出错). Environment is a case in point. With the advent of Industrial Evolution, the problem of environment is more and more marked(最好是serious),这里应用句号 some western countries were not conscious of its serious consequences till recently, when we fully realize its server, the world has long been it now. More terribly, some developing countries still are blinding to the detriment of the pollution of the environment. Also as individuals, we need more quantity and lower charging of energy ascribe to the dependence on modern electronic auto machine. 用于描述环境污染的笔墨太多了,只要稍微交代一下即可,因为你要论述的重点是该不该把钱花在这上面,这一点你又说得很少。If only for the current interests, we may reach an agreement concerning exploiting as much traditional energy sources such as rude oil and coal as possible. But why multitude of scientists(multitude of scientists这样的说法实在别扭) endeavor all their energy and time to the discovery or invention of new energy source which can be used to institutes the extant ones? The solitary explanation is we cannot neglect our children, we must help future generations, even more to some extend that helping others means helping ourselves, all in all the crisis of energy source and environment as well as the anti-terrorist are something we’ll confront one day even have to face to now.

Some long-term research and invest may not have the immediately guarantee and remuneration, such as the education and some space explore. But we can not dwell and stand still, what we expect is not the boom of prosperity but the continuity of stability and thriving.

To achieve the sustained development of economic and society we need to call for a balance of solving problem between existing, immediate and chronic which will bless all of us







建议你看看精华区的范文,分析他们是怎么说理的。还有这篇文章里讲的思路,非常值得学习。https://bbs.gter.net/bbs/showthre ... =%BD%CC%C2%DF%BC%AD

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发表于 2004-2-23 14:48:32 |只看该作者
最初由 paisley 发布

是啊, 进作文版前, 我一定要打开金山词霸 :o

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RE: issue3 我的第一篇,快绝望了,求帮助与批评,越狠越好 [修改]
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issue3 我的第一篇,快绝望了,求帮助与批评,越狠越好
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