574签证是面向博士生和研究型硕士的,如果你属于这两类之一,不用去官网find a VISA那里苦苦寻找了,你所需要的就是574,再细分的话是LEVEL1,这个跟申请者的国籍有关。作为0起步的DIY申请者,刚开始我是费了点时间才确定574的,不是看不懂英文,而是面对这么基础但是重要的问题,刚开始很难走上正轨,而且处处怀疑自己是不是弄对了。
1--For a student visa application complete form 157A.其实就是签证申请表,很多人网申提交了申请还不停的问,要不要上传这个表,其实要是仔细看了解释就会知道根本不需要,因为网申的时候填的就是这个表,不需要再手填一次了。
2--electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE) certificate(s)这就是COE,找学校要,必须材料
3--Visa application charge 网申提交之后会让你付款的,支付就可以了,不需要再上传任何凭证
4--Certified copies of documents to verify custody and access arrangements for children under 18 years of age. This is not required if both parents or legal custodians are included in the application.如果你单身,忽略这项
5-- passport sized photographs 电子照片,把护照相片电子版直接上传就行
6--Evidence of the relationship between yourself and all members of your family unit. Example:
•certified copies or notarised copies of birth certificates (including those who are not joining you in Australia)
•marriage certificate.
这一项很有意思,很多人没有看明白,看见birth certificates 字样就去把自己的出生证明、与父母的关系公证了一下上传了。很可笑。574签证中 family unit的含义并不是指你和你的父母、亲属,而是你和你的配偶、孩子。如果你单身,这一项直接忽略,如果你结婚有孩子,那么你需要去公证处公证你的结婚证和你孩子的出生证明,然后扫描成电子版上传。这些材料的目的是证明你和你配偶、孩子的关系,因为如果将来他们要去陪读的话,也需要574签证,而且只有他们才有资格获得这个陪读签证,所以移民局需要证明你和配偶、孩子关系的证明。至于你的父母,是没有资格申这个签证的,只以旅游或者探亲之类的名义申请其他签证类型。
7--If you are living in a de facto relationship, independent evidence that you have been in the relationship for at least 12 months.如果你单身,忽略这项
8--If you or anyone included in the application has been permanently separated, divorced or widowed, a certified copy of the statutory declaration/separation certificate, divorce decree absolute or the death certificate of the deceased partner (as appropriate).如果你单身,忽略这项
9--If anyone in the application has changed his or her name, certified copies of documents verifying the name change.关于改名字的,如果你没改过名字,忽略
10--If any dependent child included in the application is adopted, certified copies of the adoption papers.如果你单身没有收养孩子,忽略这项
11--Certified copies of documents to verify custody and access arrangements for children under 18 years of age. This is not required if both parents or legal custodians are included in the application.如果你单身,忽略这项
12--•medical and x-ray examinations就是体检,前边已经解释过了
13--Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) 这是学生的医疗保险。必须的。有很多保险公司都提供,需要注意的是你要买的保险期限足够长才行,一般都是57个月。如果买的时间短,可能会被要求补。还有就是,你必须在保险生效之后进入澳洲。
14--You may be required to provide a penal clearance for any country you have lived in for 12 months, or longer, in the last ten years, since reaching 16 years of age. 无犯罪记录证明,不是必须的,如果让补,再去弄。这个要先去公证处拿一个调查申请表,然后拿着表去你户口所在地的派出所,派出所办完后给你一个单子,拿着再回去公证处办公证、翻译就行了。如果派出所的公务员效率低的话,可以提前先办这个,一旦要求补可以迅速上传,免得到时候等的干着急。
15--You must declare on your student visa application that you have sufficient funds to cover yourself and your family members for the duration of your stay in Australia for:资金证明,如果有学校的全奖或者公派奖学金,就不需要这项了,只需把奖学金offer上传就行(我这里说的是你自己申请,如果带着老婆孩子,情况就不一样了)
16--Welfare for students under 18如果你单身没孩子,忽略这项