考期将至,还没写过integrated writing, 看了OG例题、拜读了一些坛里牛人的经验谈马上动手写了一篇,自我感觉写的不太流畅不知有没有造成difficult to follow, 请各位牛牛给点意见,先谢谢大家了~
我还有点不明白,比如这题lecture反驳了reading,reading的观点需要转述吗?还是可以直接说This directly contradicts the passage.
The lecturer wants to convince people that ethanol fuel is a good replacement of gasoline. He makes explanation for every contrdiction raised in the given passage.
First, ethanol do release CO2 when burning. The lecturer tells students that ethanol comes from corn, which can absorb the CO2. That is, more ethanol is produced, more CO2 is absorbed. In other words, the amount of CO2 absorbed by corn could counteract that produced when burning ethanol. This directly solve the problem provided in the passage.
Second, the passage concerns if most of corn is put into production of ethanol, that used to feed animals will disappear. The lecturer explains that the main components for making ethanol are not eaten by animals. There is no contratdction between food for animals and source for ethanol.This successfully responds the worry of the passage.
Third, price of ethanol is lower than actual because of the tax subsidies from the government. According to the lecturer, in fact, if the production increased 3 times, the price will drop 40 percent. In other words, unlike what passage says, the cost using ethanol will not be higher than using gasoline.