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[资料分享] outline-issue 87 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2015-12-9 20:46:44 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Claim: Any piece of information referred to as a fact should be mistrusted, since it may well be proven false in the future.
Reason: Much of the information that people assume is factual actually turns out to be inaccurate.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.

Any piece of information referred to as a fact should be trust in engineering fields and science fields, but not in social science fields.
In engineering fields, information should be trusted as long as it can be applied into practice.工程领域以后推翻或者证伪不会影响现在的应用价值。举例:爱迪生发明电灯使用了钨丝,即使后来人们发现了更好的灯丝材料,钨丝电灯在那个年代任然适用。
In science fields, information now should also be trusted because it can be used to explain many phenomena. 举例:相对论与牛顿万有引力定律。
In social science, however, any piece of information referred to as a fact should be mistrusted and more proof is needed because the information may be biased.搜集数据者先入为主,使得观察结果带有偏误;根据Hawthorne effects,观察者知道自己在被观察时表现会受到影响。举例:社会学中的社会调研。

TS: We should not mistrust facts that have been proved logically especially those in mathematics.  For facts presented in science, while it is true that they may be proven false later, they can still be trusted in the domain where they are used to solve problems. Nevertheless, facts in politics should be treated with a grain of salt as the information is always colored by the bias of the observers.   

ts 1: Facts that have been proved logically should not be mistrusted.
example: the fact that there are infinite prime number
it can be easily proved by contradiction. Given a finite set of prime number, one can always get another prime number by adding one to the product of all the set of prime numbers.  
Facts like this should not be mistrusted because it has been proved rigorously in math.  And it is guarenteed to be timeless truth.  

ts 2: Facts found in science may be proved wrong later but the facts should be trusted so long as they are still useful in certain domain.
- Newtonian physics are later proved wrong by Einstein’s theory of relativity
- the Newton’s law, for example, may not apply when an object travels at a speed near the speed of light
- but facts in Newtonian physics are still useful in many fields such as civil engineering and mechanical engineering
- we still rely on such facts to drive the automobiles, fly the airplanes and send the sattelites to the space

ts 3: Information presented as facts in politics should be mistrusted for two reasons.
- it is not possible to see the whole picture and the information is always collected based on the interest of the observers
example: US criticizes China’s human right records  and China also criticizes US’s human rights records  
- US focuses on the human rights violation in China such as censorship and arresting dissidents but ignores the facts that national security is the prerequisite of protecting human rights
- China focuses on the overuse of police force and gun violence but overlook the fact that such problems are complex and deeply rooted in US history
- facts are presented with political motivation should  always be mistrusted as they may be challenged later with more information or hindsight

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