1.you have been rejected?
2.In order to save your time and my time, let us go straight. Since you will spend lots of money on your program, what will you do after graduation?
I will try to work as a senior engineer in one large local company.
3.can you be a senior engineer right after your graduation?
Why not? ( 特自信的说:) )
6.why not study in local university?
U.S. univ. is better ...blablabla. I refused to enter the graduate school in my univ. although I can be admitted.
7.any proof?
No. (I show him my certification of my ranking and GPA)
8. not believe, still want proof?
I said “ how can one with XXX ranking can not be admitted by his own univ.!?” (我排名很前,很有气势的说:))
9.your parents’ jobs?
10.you family seems rich?
…They’ve been to lots of countries.
11. why not have you been to other countries?
Well. I’ve engaged all my spare time into study and internship… :)
12. why not ph.D?