网申的时候,填一个Supplementary Information Form,里面有一个问题:
“MEng students have the option of pursuing, within the context of the MEng degree, diplomas in several specialities. Please indicate succinctly whether you have plans to pursue a diploma, and if so, which is of the greatest interest to you: software engineering, computer networks and security, sustainable energy, or management science.” 这是问我要不要降档拿diploma文凭吗?还是单纯问感兴趣的研究方向? 我有没有plans去pursue diploma和这个MEng有什么关系?不敢填了,很蒙很蒙,英语理解能力啥的一下子就不行了 哎愁死了 求大佬们解答 谢谢你们!!