Two PhD positions (research assistants) are available in the Department of Mechanical Engineering within the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology at Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). The full-support positions are available from Fall 2018. The research projects are focused on conducting computational simulations of various materials, including atomistic and multiscale simulations, under the supervision of Prof. Shengfeng Yang ( The PhD program of the Mechanical Engineering Department at IUPUI is a part of the Purdue University Ph.D. program. Therefore, the graduated PhD student will receive a PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University.
Candidates who have a Bachelor/Master's degree in Engineering Mechanics, Solid Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering, or Material Science and have research experience in one or more of the following areas are encouraged to apply: (1) Atomistic Simulations (Molecular Dynamic); (2) Finite Element Modeling and Analysis; (3) Multi-scale Simulations; (4) Computational Coding (FORTRAN, C++, MPI, Linux). Interested applicants please send a detailed C.V. and transcripts to Dr. Yang by email (
印第安纳大学普渡大学印第安纳波利斯(IUPUI)的普渡工程技术学院的机械工程系将招收两名博士学生(研究助理), 2018年8月开学。研究项目主要是各种材料的计算模拟,包括原子和多尺度模拟 ( IUPUI机械工程系的博士项目是属于普渡大学博士项目的一部分。因此,毕业博士生将获得普渡大学机械工程博士学位。
欢迎工程力学,固体力学,机械工程或材料的本科生或硕士生申请,并在(1)原子模拟(分子动力学); (2)有限元建模与分析; (3)多尺度模拟; (4)计算机编程 (FORTRAN,C ++,MPI,Linux) 等一个或多个领域有一定研究经验的毕业生提出申请。申请人请把详细的简历和成绩单通过电子邮件发送至。