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[(微)生物] Positions for PhD student and research technician in Berlin [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2021-4-22 21:25:40 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Positions for a PhD student and a research technician in Molecular Cell Biology in Berlin

We are seeking to recruit a PhD student and a research technician in molecular cell biology to study how osmotic stress and other stimuli regulate exo-/ endocytosis to control the biogenesis and function of lysosomes and autophagosomes and how this may relate to human disease [see: Lopez-Hernandez, T. et al (2020) Nat Cell Biol 22:815-2]. To this aim we use a combination of CRISPR genome engineering, proteomics, live imaging as well as correlative light and electron microscopy approaches among others.

The laboratory aims to understand how cellular membranes and membrane-enclosed compartments dynamically exchange materials between them and its implications for cell signaling in health and disease. Our main focus is on the endocytic and endolysosomal system that we study in genome-engineered cell lines, primary neurons and astrocytes, and in brain tissue [select publications: Ketel et al., (2016) Nature 529: 408-412; Marat et al. (2017) Science 356: 968-972; Soykan et al (2017) Neuron 93: 854-866; Vukoja et al (2018) Neuron 99: 1216-1232; Lopez-Hernandez, T. et al (2020) Nat Cell Biol 22:815-27; Rizalar, Roosen, Haucke (2021) Neuron 109: 27-41; Kuijpers et al (2020) Neuron 109:299-313]. The project is funded by the DFG and embedded into Research Unit 2625 focussed on the "Mechanisms of lysosomal homeostasis" [https://for2625-lysosomes.de]. The PhD student and research technician will be jointly supervised by Drs. Tania Lopez-Hernandez and Volker Haucke.

We seek highly motivated, ambitious, and talented young scientists and technicians to join an enthusiastic and collaborative team in an outstanding scientific environment to perform research. PhD student candidates should have a master's degree in molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, or related fields. Candidates for the position as a research technician should have received appropriate training as a laboratory assistant (BTA, CTA, MTA or alike) or, alternatively, a BSc degree in molecular biology. All applicants are expected to benefit from excellent written and oral communication skills and display a high personal motivation to excel in science. The working language is English; knowledge of the German language is not required.

Research Environment
The Leibniz-Institut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP) is a non-university research institute that conducts basic research in molecular pharmacology and provides a vibrant and collaborative environment with state-of-the-art facilities for research and employees from all over the world. The department is embedded into the NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence (see: http://www.neurocure.de/), a collaborative framework program that combines leading researchers in neuroscience from various Berlin based institutions.

Are you interested?
Then please submit your complete application documents, containing a one-page letter with a personal statement describing your scientific accomplishments and your interests in our laboratory, your CV and bibliography as well as, contact information for 3 references, in electronic form as one single pdf-file via e-mail to Dr. Tania Lopez-Hernandez (LopezHernandez@fmp-berlin.de) or Prof. Volker Haucke(haucke@fmp-berlin.de). Applications will be considered upon submission. The positions are available from 1 June 2021 (or later) and are based on contracts for the civil service (TVöD). They will be time limited for an initial period of two years with the possibility of extension.  For further information about the Institute and the Haucke department see www.leibniz-fmp.de/haucke.
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