我们实验室的研究生以其卓越的研究成果,相继斩获100多个奖项,其中包括:National Science Foundation (NSF),Graduate Fellowships, Fulbright Scholarships, NASA Space Technology Research Fellowships, Baxter Young Investigator Awards, Materials Research Society (MRS) Graduate Student Award, Founder’s prize from the American Academy of Mechanics, Boris P. Stoicheff Memorial Scholarship from Optical Society of America, SPIE fellowship in Optics and Photonics, Best paper awards at the IEEE Ultrasonics Symposiums and MicroTAS Conferences。
先后有23位博士毕业生和博士后获得世界各地大学的教授职位,包括:The University of Texas, Austin (USA), ETH Zurich (Switzerland), University of Birmingham (UK), Virginia Tech (USA), University of Colorado, Boulder (USA), University of Indiana (USA), West Virginia University (USA), University of Iowa (USA), University of Nebraska, Lincoln (USA), University of Dayton (USA), Technical University of Munich (Germany), 北京大学, 浙江大学, 南方科技大学, 西安交通大学,西北工业大学, 大连理工大学,郑州大学。