求救贴:好不容易盼来了UBC的offer,忽然发现这个项目的时长只有10个月,当初是冲着它是BC的PNP项目,毕业后就可以申请省提名才申请的,现在开始担心只有10个月估计只有1年的工签?而PR申请时长可能都需要1.5年(据某中介说),那不是等不到PR下来就得回国了?本来挺高兴的忽然感觉心凉了![](https://oss.x-php.com/smile/CJBbtU7TTVXfBfuN47LgTuT47s9FWUxeGMFqZIFgZxCzcjIxNDc~) The MIF degree is a 3-term course-based program consisting of 31 credits: - 28 credits of required courses (or approved alternates*)
- a set of professional development skills workshops
- and a 3-credit directed study, placement, or project
The program will be intensive and require full-time attendance at the UBC-Vancouver campus for 8 months (Sept – April). MIF students are provided with a laptop computer for the duration of the program. * as approved by the Program Director. Timeline to CompletionDegree requirements are completed in 10 months. MIF students are expected to arrive and be settled in Vancouver at the beginning of September to begin the program orientation. Courses will run from the start of September to the end of the following April. All courses are taught in module format. There will be a short holiday break in December. See the program structure below for more information. Directed Studies, Placements, and/or Projects will be completed between May and July. Professional development workshops will be completed throughout the year. Workshops offered may include conflict resolution, project management, leadership skills, structured decision making, technical writing, professional social networking, and oral presentation skills.