A: an as at all are any and add age also able area after about around ate ask act anybody anyone anything agree always allow apply
B: be by but buy both below become before boy back big bit because bird ball band
C: can car call calm class chart cool could come came change control concern content contend斗争
D: do did deal does done down deep during drink day
E: end extra enter even ever each every external extreme extinct electric用电的 electrical有关电的 electronic电子的 electricity F: for found fail from front free first firm few far fun fat fact fall face find food file fill flow flip fly floor flat
G: go get got god grow give gift good great
H: has hear had have how he his her him hid here hold high help
i: is in if its into ice
J: job just
K: keep
L: led last let less late law like local live love lot large
M: make many mass most more must move main major mean mail
N: no not now note near next need new never
O: or on ok of one out over only oral other off order
P: play plan path pay part
R: reading relax right
S: so set six side such soul song some should same site show solve share start somebody someone something supply
T: to too two three the they them then this that there their these those than time thing take took talk teach tutor
U: us up use under until?v: very view
W: will with was were why who when what where work world would went well woman worse worst warm wage ways wall
Y: you your yes yet ?