Ph.D.openings are available in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineeringat the University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, in Dr. Xu Jin’s group on thetopics of intelligent control. We look for excellent students in one ormore of the following areas: 1. Adaptivecontrol 2. Iterativelearning control 3. Nonlinearsystems and control 4. Vision-basedcontrol 5. Groundvehicles/Quadrotors 6. Multiagent/interconnected/networked/cyber-physicalsystems Moreresearch details can be found on Dr. Xu Jin’s website: the external links included. The positions include stipend, health care,and tuition support. Qualifications: The applicants MUST ALREADY HAVE,or will soon have the TOEFL/IELTS test score (if applicable) meetingthe departmental minimum requirement. For students to be enrolled in Fall 2024,GRE will no longer be required in the application process, but stillencouraged. Howto apply: Applications should be emailed to Dr. Xu Jin at assoon as possible. Please include a full CV (including TOEFL/IELTSscores if applicable, and GRE scores if available), PDFs of relevantpublications, and names of at least three references. Upon initial emaildiscussions, those who are encouraged to apply should then apply to thedepartment as soon as possible, and indicate Dr. Xu Jin’s name in the applicationpackage. 金老师简介:美国肯塔基大学助理教授、博士生导师。新加坡国立大学电子计算机专业一等荣誉学士学位,加拿大多伦多大学电子计算机专业硕士学位,美国佐治亚理工大学数学硕士学位,美国佐治亚理工大学航天工程博士学位。发表论文70余篇,引用量3400余次。金老师在斯坦福全球前2%科学家“2022年度科学影响力排行榜”排名7562 *Short note about the department and the city: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineeringis the largest department in the College of Engineering with 35 tenured andtenure-track faculty members, over 1,000 undergraduate students, and over 120graduate students. The department also has state-of-the-art computationalfacilities, research labs, and classrooms, including UAV, ground robot, and airtable satellite testing facilities. The city of Lexington is ranked #3 BestCity to Raise a Family, #4 City with Best Tech Career Potential, # 8 City withthe Lowest Living Cost, # 21 Best Places to Live in America, and # 31 MostEducated Cities in America. Located in the heart of the Bluegrass Region,Lexington is known as the “Horse Capital of the World”. Queen Elizabeth IIvisited Kentucky five times during her reign as the head of the British royalfamily, when she visited horse farms in the Lexington area.