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[i习作temp] Issue218, 还是超时了,唉。。 [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-4-13 12:36:16 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue218: 356 words  40 minutes
In order for any work of art—whether film, literature, sculpture, or a song—to have merit, it must be understandable to most people.

The debate on what is the correct criteria for judging an art work's merit has long been exist. While some people holds that being understood by the majority of people is the prerequisite for any art work to have merit, I tend to disagree with this view. Per my thinking, the merit of any art work is actually in itself and whether it is accepted by most people is no criterion of it.

First, the origin of art initially decides where the merit of an art work really lies in. From inspecting the primitive emergence of art, we could find the oldest definition on its purpose: art is to provide people with pleasure. Though simple, it clearly pointed out that whether an art work have merit should be judged by the pleasure it brings to people, which actually has no necessary relation with people's understanding of it. People may appreciate a painting, a sculpture simply out of its beauty. For example, Mona Lisa, the most famous masterpiece of Dan Vinci, has not yet been fully understood by even those art critics, let alone most ordinary people, but its merit is globally admitted. Similarly, people will like a symphony, a song, a drama merely because they feel well listening to them. This is why such masters as Beethoven's Destiny, Hero get warm welcome by many people though they may not quite understood the author's real passion and feeling reflected in it.

Moreover, the history of art also objected the speaker's claim. In retrospect of art history, we could see clearly that before 19th century or so, the arts were mainly dominated by the few socialites, such as the church, the government and the aristocrats. At that time, artists were in fact craftsmen of the governors and the works of them were mainly done as commissioned tasks. Done according to the governors' wish and thoughts, these works could not possibly understood or even welcomed by the majority of public, but their merits were never masked. The outstanding paintings, sculptures created in Renaissance are mostly these kinds of examples. For instance, the painting of Virgin Mary with little Jesus in her arm is considered as masterpiece because it seems to be the revelation of transparent spirituality, which may not truly understood by the ordinary majority though..  

Last but not least, the nature of art reveals the merit of an art work lies in itself rather than others’ evaluations or appreciations. Though as mentioned above art was toy or tool for governors in a long period of time, it is nevertheless always the reflection and expression of its creator’s private passion and emotion. While towards the same thing, ordinary people could not get the same feeling as an artist, maybe in another angle, or maybe less intense in the emotion, a great work bearing its creator’s ardor or fervency may not be truly understood by them. This may lower the art work’s acceptance by the public, especially by its contemporaries, but will never weak the merit of it even a little. Concerning this, the appealing example of Van Gogh quickly comes to mind. Van Gogh usually painted with supplementary colors to express his extraordinary enthusiasm towards nature, universe and life. Free using of pointillism made his works appear so different from the mainstream that they could even be accepted by people living then, let alone being understood and appreciated by them. However, masterpieces are masterpieces. Their great values are recently proved by its unprecedented highest price of 15 million dollars.

Therefore, from what discussed above, we could safely get the conclusion that any art work’s true merit is embodied by itself, not depending on how many people could accept or understand it.
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-4-13 12:58:48 |只看该作者
Issue218: 356 words 40 minutes
In order for any work of art—whether film, literature, sculpture, or a song—to have merit, it must be understandable to most people.

The debate on what is the correct criteria for judging an art work's merit has long been exist(existed?). While some people holds that being understood by the majority of people is the prerequisite for any art work to have merit, I tend to disagree with this view. Per my thinking, the merit of any art work is actually in itself and whether it is accepted by most people is no criterion of it.

First, the origin of art initially decides where the merit of an art work really lies in. From inspecting the primitive emergence of art, we could find the oldest definition on its purpose: art is to provide people with pleasure. Though simple, it clearly pointed out that whether an art work have (has) merit should be judged by the pleasure it brings to people, which actually has no necessary relation with people's understanding of it. People may appreciate a painting, a sculpture simply out of its beauty. For example, Mona Lisa, the most famous masterpiece of Dan Vinci, has not yet been fully understood by even those art critics, let alone most ordinary people, but its merit is globally admitted. Similarly, people will like a symphony, a song, a drama merely because they feel well (while)listening to them. This is why such masters as Beethoven's Destiny, Hero get warm welcome by many people though they may not quite understood(understand) the author's real passion and feeling reflected in it.(最后两句还是应该和merit联系上吧?:))

Moreover, the history of art also objected the speaker's claim. In retrospect of art history, we could see clearly that before 19th century or so, the arts were mainly dominated by the(a) few socialites, such as the church, the government and the aristocrats. At that time, artists were in fact craftsmen of the governors and the works of them were mainly done as commissioned tasks. Done according to the governors' wish and thoughts, these works could not possibly understood or even welcomed by the majority of public, but their merits were never masked. The outstanding paintings, sculptures created in Renaissance are mostly these kinds of examples. For instance, the painting of Virgin Mary with little Jesus in her arm is considered as masterpiece because it seems to be the revelation of transparent spirituality, which may not truly understood by the ordinary majority though.(这个例子我觉得不是很恰当,好像不能论证画像不能被普通人所理解,作后我觉得还是总结一下本段比较好)

Last but not least, the nature of art reveals the merit of an art work lies in itself rather than others’ evaluations or appreciations. Though as mentioned above art was toy or tool for governors in a long period of time, it is nevertheless always the reflection and expression of its creator’s private passion and emotion. While towards the same thing, ordinary people could not get the same feeling as an artist, maybe in another angle, or maybe less intense in the emotion, (thus)a great work bearing its creator’s ardor or fervency may not be truly understood by them. This may lower the art work’s acceptance by the public, especially by its contemporaries, but will never weak the merit of it even a little. Concerning this, the appealing example of Van Gogh quickly comes to mind. Van Gogh usually painted with supplementary colors to express his extraordinary enthusiasm towards nature, universe and life. Free using of pointillism made his works appear so different from the mainstream that they could (not?)even be accepted by people living then, let alone being understood and appreciated by them. However, masterpieces are masterpieces. Their great values are recently proved by its unprecedented highest price of 15 million dollars.(这段论证的很好,例子的表达也很切合本段TS!最后对例子再分析一下可能更好)

Therefore, from what discussed above, we could safely get the conclusion that any art work’s true merit is embodied by itself, not depending on how many people could accept or understand it.



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发表于 2005-4-13 23:57:05 |只看该作者

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Scorpio天蝎座 荣誉版主

发表于 2005-4-14 13:48:22 |只看该作者
Issue218: 356 words 40 minutes
In order for any work of art—whether film, literature, sculpture, or a song—to have merit, it must be understandable to most people.

The debate on what is the correct criteria for judging an art work's merit has long been exist. While some people holds that being understood by the majority of people is the prerequisite for any art work to have merit, I tend to disagree with this view. Per my thinking, the merit of any art work is actually in itself and whether it is accepted by most people is no criterion of it.开头可以,不同意作者观点。

First, the origin of art initially decides where the merit of an art work really lies in. From inspecting the primitive emergence of art, we could find the oldest definition on its purpose: art is to provide people with pleasure. Though simple, it clearly pointed out that whether an art work have merit should be judged by the pleasure it brings to people, which actually has no necessary relation with people's understanding of it. People may appreciate a painting, a sculpture simply out of its beauty. For example, Mona Lisa, the most famous masterpiece of Dan Vinci, has not yet been fully understood by even those art critics, let alone most ordinary people, but its merit is globally admitted. Similarly, people will like a symphony, a song, a drama merely because they feel well listening to them. This is why such masters as Beethoven's Destiny, Hero get warm welcome by many people though they may not quite understood the author's real passion and feeling reflected in it.这段的分析我怎么都觉得是着重于两个方面的论述:第一,艺术的目的是娱乐人们;第二,艺术是不一定懂也有价值;这是两方面的论述,能否各自为政进行论述?段内的递进论证可以,可以考虑先用一个总领句开头,然后写original purpose,再写beyond这个purpose的东西,后面的笔墨不要太重,保持一个平衡

Moreover, the history of art also objected the speaker's claim. In retrospect of art history, we could see clearly that before 19th century or so, the arts were mainly dominated by the few socialites, such as the church, the government and the aristocrats. At that time, artists were in fact craftsmen of the governors and the works of them were mainly done as commissioned tasks. Done according to the governors' wish and thoughts, these works could not possibly understood or even welcomed by the majority of public, but their merits were never masked. The outstanding paintings, sculptures created in Renaissance are mostly these kinds of examples. For instance, the painting of Virgin Mary with little Jesus in her arm is considered as masterpiece because it seems to be the revelation of transparent spirituality, which may not truly understood by the ordinary majority though.. 这段的思想就是pooh分析的完整体现,理解的很深呀

Last but not least, the nature of art reveals the merit of an art work lies in itself rather than others’ evaluations or appreciations. Though as mentioned above art was toy or tool for governors in a long period of time, it is nevertheless always the reflection and expression of its creator’s private passion and emotion. While towards the same thing, ordinary people could not get the same feeling as an artist, maybe in another angle, or maybe less intense in the emotion, a great work bearing its creator’s ardor or fervency may not be truly understood by them. This may lower the art work’s acceptance by the public, especially by its contemporaries, but will never weak the merit of it even a little. Concerning this, the appealing example of Van Gogh quickly comes to mind. Van Gogh usually painted with supplementary colors to express his extraordinary enthusiasm towards nature, universe and life. Free using of pointillism made his works appear so different from the mainstream that they could even be accepted by people living then, let alone being understood and appreciated by them. However, masterpieces are masterpieces. Their great values are recently proved by its unprecedented highest price of 15 million dollars.after all比however要好;这段讲艺术作品的merit不是public决定的,而是艺术作品本身decide,写的不错

Therefore, from what discussed above, we could safely get the conclusion that any art work’s true merit is embodied by itself, not depending on how many people could accept or understand it.

三十而立 战战兢兢
如临深渊 如履薄冰

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-4-14 16:01:44 |只看该作者
Issue218: 356 words 40 minutes
In order for any work of art—whether film, literature, sculpture, or a song—to have merit, it must be understandable to most people.

The debate on what is the correct criteria 这个词用的很到位哦!for judging an art work's merit has long been exist. While some people holds the notion后面是个同位语从句但本来的宾语却没有了 that being understood by the majority of people is the prerequisite for any art work to have merit, I tend to disagree with this view.感觉有点怪 Per my thinking, the merit of any art work is actually in itself and whether it is accepted by most people is no criterion of it.

First, the origin of art initially decides where the merit of an art work really lies in. From inspecting the primitive emergence of art, we could find the oldest definition on its purpose: art is to provide people with pleasure. Though simple, it clearly pointed out that whether an art work have merit should be judged by the pleasure it brings to people有了wether 就应该有or not, which actually has no necessary relation with people's understanding of it. People may appreciate a painting, a sculpture simply out of its beauty. For example, Mona Lisa, the most famous masterpiece of Dan Vinci, has not yet been fully understood by even those art critics, let alone most ordinary people, but its merit is globally admitted. 这个例子举得很到位,很贴切呢!呵呵,我喜欢!Similarly, people will like a symphony, a song, a drama merely because they feel wellfeel well?感觉似乎有那么一点不爽 listening to them. This is why such masters as Beethoven's Destiny, Hero get warm welcome by many people though they may not quite understood the author's real passion and feeling reflected in it.

Moreover, the history of art also objected the speaker's claim. In retrospect of art history, we could see clearly that before 19th century or so, the arts were mainly dominated by the few socialites, such as the church, the government and the aristocrats. At that time, artists were in fact craftsmen of the governors and the works of them were mainly done as commissioned tasks. Done according to the governors' wish and thoughts, these works could not possibly understood or even welcomed by the majority of public, but their merits were never masked.mask用得不错,生动贴切,赞一个!~ The outstanding paintings, sculptures created in Renaissance are mostly these kinds of examples. For instance, the painting of Virgin Mary with little Jesus in her arm is considered as masterpiece because it seems to be the revelation of transparent spirituality, which may not truly understood by the ordinary majority though..

Last but not least, the nature of art reveals the merit of an art work lies in itself rather than others’ evaluations or appreciations. Though as mentioned above ,一定不要小看了这个标点,因为你用了个很出采的修辞:倒装art was toy or tool for governors in a long period of time, it is nevertheless always the reflection and expression of its creator’s private passion and emotion. While towards the same thing, Siminarlyordinary people could not get the same feeling as an artist, maybe in another angle, or maybe less intense in the emotion, a great work bearing its creator’s ardor or fervency may not be truly understood by them. This may lower the art work’s acceptance by the public, especially by its contemporaries, but will never weak the merit of it even a little. Concerning this, the appealing example of Van Gogh quickly comes to mind. Van Gogh usually painted with supplementary colors to express his extraordinary enthusiasm towards nature, universe and life. Free using of pointillism made his works appear so different from the mainstream that they could even be accepted by people living then, let alone being understood and appreciated by them. However, masterpieces are masterpieces. Their great values are recently proved by its unprecedented highest price of 15 million dollars.后面是不是再总结总结

Therefore, from what discussed above, we could safely get the conclusion that any art work’s true merit is embodied by itself, not depending on how many people could accept or understand it.结尾回应开头,依然简洁明了,赞一个!~


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to david,鬼鬼,你们这些斑斑都好负责阿,bow一个
to symphony22:加油,我也刚批了你的一篇,不要怪下手重哦,呵呵~~
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Issue218, 还是超时了,唉。。


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