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[i习作temp] issue203 我的第一篇关于社会类的issue,欢迎拍砖 [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-7-19 08:27:54 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue203  第11篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!
The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its heroines.

What is the appropriate approach to appreciate the character of a society comprehensively and precisely? Some people recommend examining the character of the society’s heroes and heroines, just as the speaker claimed. It is true that understanding a society's heroes and heroines may, to some extent, reflect certain aspects of the society; nevertheless, in order to gain all-around information of a society, investigating the thoughts, the common pattern of appearance and behavior of the public should be the best approach.
Admittedly, fundamental information relevant to those so-called heroes and heroines are necessary in order to allow scholars and researchers to acquire general outlines of a society. After all, born and growing in the similar ambience, many of their beliefs, values, and mores can effectively represent those of the public. A compelling example can better illustrate the above point may be the Martin Luther King, a famous philosopher and socialist in the United States. On account of his extraordinary contributions to the equal rights of the black men and his painstaking endeavor for fighting against racial discrimination, he was honored as the national hero. His public proclamation and behavior penetrated the prevailing opinion of the American at that time—that is, they strongly yearned for equality and freedom and abhorred any sorts of unequal discrimination. Besides, up to now, what make our historians headache about the research about previous dynasties or empires is lacking sufficient statistical data and recording pertaining to the public. What available for them is just those cliché anecdotes about these exceptional figures: generals, nobles, kings, etc., which has been replete in our today’s textbooks. Under such circumstances, it is only through research about these heroes and heroines that we have access to demote and dismissed societies.  
Simply put, neglecting the step of studying those heroes, we might find ourselves lose the expeditious method to understanding a society. However, overemphasis paid on these heroes means narrow foci in which we shall lose larger or even the fallacious picture. No one hopes to understand the human body by only inspecting his own toenails; instead, he needs to glean more detailed knowledge about other organs or tissues. Similarly, the overall characteristic of the society cannot rely on limited information about the features of its prominent persons.
The primary reason may lie in the fact that the majority of heroes and heroines in most countries obtained high laudation by their people for approximately the similar reasons. Just consider those admired experts in various fields, no matter the realm of science and technology or of humanity and art. Interestingly, they were honored just for the similar reason, namely, their remarkable contributions and dazzling éclat. Mathematics, politics, musicians exist in every part of the world. Through comparing their character, we may strikingly find that their common features outweigh their individual ones. For supporting examples, one needs look no further than George Washington, who led American people against the pressure from the British colonists and built up the United States, and Mao Zedong, an eminent Chinese political leader, who led the Chinese people against ferocious invasion by Japanese Nazis and finally constructed the People’s republic of China. As the outstanding political leaders and the public’s heroes, no more information about the culture, political, economic of the two completely different countries can be obtained by analysis of them.
Hence, only through investigating the overall features of the mass can we reach a comparatively precise impression about a country. In reality, they are the main body of the country and, more importantly, they create the society rather than solely by the heroes or heroines. Without them, those heroes would immerse in the mire of solitary striving without any supporting and were ultimately doomed to fail. Through their manner of their attire, the principle condition about the country's beliefs and religion can be obtained; through their daily consumption level and the sum of their salary, the basic information about the country's economic can be obtained; through the concrete details about the country's Movie, paintings and music shared by the public, the basic condition about the country's culture can be concluded.
To sum up, as the outstanding individuals of the mass and primary incentive to push the society forward, these heroes and heroines indeed play a pivotal role in the development of human history and their opinions, thoughts and other aspects may stem from the public. However, they are just a small portion just like a big tree in a area of intricate forest. What character they represent may be the entire features of big trees such as the pine and cypress; nevertheless, these information pales with regard to the detailed information about the bush and grass. Only by inspecting the overall aspects of the multitudes can we have a comprehensive impression about a forest---the big trees, bushes, grass and so on. As a matter of fact, these two methods are invariably intermingled with each other.

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-7-19 at 13:20 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-7-19 10:35:11 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-7-21 09:59:04 |只看该作者
What is the appropriate approach to appreciate the character of a society comprehensively and precisely? Some people recommend examining the character of the society’s heroes and heroines, just as the speaker claimed. It is true that understanding a society's heroes and heroines may, to some extent, reflect certain aspects of the society; nevertheless, in order to gain all-around information of a society, investigating the thoughts, the common pattern of appearance and behavior of the public should be the best approach.

Admittedly, fundamental information relevant to those so-called heroes and heroines are necessary in order to allow scholars and researchers to acquire general outlines of a society. After all, born and growing in the similar ambience, many of their beliefs, values, and mores can effectively represent those of the public. A compelling example can better illustrate the above point may be the Martin Luther King, a famous philosopher and socialist in the United States. On account of his extraordinary contributions to the equal rights of the black men and his painstaking endeavor for fighting against racial discrimination, he was honored as the national hero. His public proclamation and behavior penetrated the prevailing opinion of the American at that time—that is, they strongly yearned for equality and freedom and abhorred any sorts of unequal discrimination. Besides, up to now, what make our historians headache about the research about previous dynasties or empires is lacking sufficient statistical data and recording pertaining to the public. What available for them is just those cliché anecdotes about these exceptional figures: generals, nobles, kings, etc., which has been replete in our today’s textbooks. Under such circumstances, it is only through research about these heroes and heroines that we have access to demote and dismissed societies.  
这里你谈了英雄gives outlines of a society, 举马丁的例子等…当都没有提及社会的character怎样被反应的问题, 我觉得要在进一步提及这个问题.

Simply put, neglecting the step of studying those heroes, we might find ourselves lose the expeditious method to understanding a society. However, overemphasis paid on these heroes means narrow foci in which we shall lose larger or even the fallacious picture. No one hopes to understand the human body by only inspecting his own toenails; instead, he needs to glean more detailed knowledge about other organs or tissues. Similarly, the overall characteristic of the society cannot rely on limited information about the features of its prominent persons.

The primary reason may lie in the fact that the majority of heroes and heroines in most countries obtained high laudation by their people for approximately the similar reasons. Just consider those admired experts in various fields, no matter the realm of science and technology or of humanity and art. Interestingly, they were honored just for the similar reason, namely, their remarkable contributions and dazzling éclat. Mathematics, politics, musicians exist in every part of the world. Through comparing their character, we may strikingly find that their common features outweigh their individual ones. For supporting examples, one needs look no further than George Washington, who led American people against the pressure from the British colonists and built up the United States, and Mao Zedong, an eminent Chinese political leader, who led the Chinese people against ferocious invasion by Japanese Nazis and finally constructed the People’s republic of China. As the outstanding political leaders and the public’s heroes, no more information about the culture, political, economic of the two completely different countries can be obtained by analysis of them.

Hence, only through investigating the overall features of the mass can we reach a comparatively precise impression about a country. In reality, they are the main body of the country and, more importantly, they create the society rather than solely by the heroes or heroines. Without them, those heroes would immerse in the mire of solitary striving without any supporting and were ultimately doomed to fail. Through their manner of their attire, the principle condition about the country's beliefs and religion can be obtained; through their daily consumption level and the sum of their salary, the basic information about the country's economic can be obtained; through the concrete details about the country's Movie, paintings and music shared by the public, the basic condition about the country's culture can be concluded.

To sum up, as the outstanding individuals of the mass and primary incentive to push the society forward, these heroes and heroines indeed play a pivotal role in the development of human history and their opinions, thoughts and other aspects may stem from the public. However, they are just a small portion just like a big tree in a area of intricate forest. What character they represent may be the entire features of big trees such as the pine and cypress; nevertheless, these information pales with regard to the detailed information about the bush and grass. Only by inspecting the overall aspects of the multitudes can we have a comprehensive impression about a forest---the big trees, bushes, grass and so on. As a matter of fact, these two methods are invariably intermingled with each other.

感觉上和243 有同样的问题, 我想本体中如果去掉character那你的文字则很精彩
可以指摘的地方不多, 惟独在对题目的理解上有点不同.
你的语言风格自称体系的, 我不能多加改动, 否则破坏其整体性.
我写文章, 往往是往最直观, 最现实的地方写, 组要考虑到现实考试中时间等问题. 写的深入我的能力不够, 你的243 我可是想了一晚上!

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-7-23 13:10:04 |只看该作者


我觉得character of society 主要是指一个社会在经济\文化\政治方面的基本情况.我也不知道是否正确。

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RE: issue203 我的第一篇关于社会类的issue,欢迎拍砖 [修改]
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issue203 我的第一篇关于社会类的issue,欢迎拍砖
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