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Issue207 :
Rituals and ceremonies help define a culture. Without them, societies or groups of people have a diminished sense of who they are.
The speaker asserts that since rituals and ceremonies help define a culture, certain societies and groups of people would have a diminished sense of who they are when rituals and ceremonies fade away. I quite agree with the speaker's premiss [premise], however, since they are not the only two influential factors, the conclusion may be kind of exaggerated.
[精华区里好像有篇文章讨论过 说开头复述题目不是很有必要 建议你把自己的观点写出来 不仅仅是表明立场]
Rituals and ceremonies help define a culture mainly because they reflect a culture's characteristics and sometimes positively express the spiritual essence rooted in the culture, [. Moreover] moreover, it helps reminding societies or groups of people from other cultures of its existence and finally accept it [这里的accept it 的主语是it?这句话写得有点乱了]. Taking the native American Indians' culture for example, every April they would assemble together, dressing up with the nation's [这里用nation好吗 Indian应该不算一个国家吧] special apperals [apparels] and performing all kinds of dances to express their prayment [prayer?] to their God. This ceremony now not only functions as expressions from themselves but also aims at retaining their culture permanently and transmitting their beliefs to the world. In fact, although they sufferred [suffered] a lot from colonists and even experienced the nation's extinction at a time, they keep these rituals and ceremonies from generation to generation [,] and finally display them to the world and get the world's recogniton [recognition].
Furthermore, with rapid development of the world and technology, communication among different places and societies becomes so easy that it do [does] make some conspicuous features such as rituals and ceremonies of certain cultures less noticeable than before [. Thus it leads/ , and thus] thus lead more and more cultures [culture question how to localize culture?] to the question that "how should we localize our culture" which is really a reaction of diminished sense of themselves. [这句话好长~~~ 建议分成几句来写 放在一起的话有点晕了 主要是找不到句子的重心 而且这一句话里说了两层意思了] And in some developed countries where migrators [migrants] consists the main population, say, America, Canada, Austrilia [Australia] and so on, the non-existence of specific rituals and ceremonies for nationwide [这个是形容词?] do reveal a relatively feeble culture quality. Just as we can confidently point out that a man who enjoy the Lantern Festival is probably Chinese while we can never be sure that a child who is enjoying the Halloween is American. Here we exclude the "National Day" of each country since all countries have their own special days on it.
[这一段是在证明当今世界的发展使得一些文明逐渐消逝吗?觉得 首先,用“less noticeable than before”应该意味着这些culture曾经是受外人瞩目的 但是很多culture特别是原著民文化本来就是不为人所知的 用noticeable 和 than before我觉得就不是很合适;第二,从你的论据来看是在证明一些文明比另一些文明被更多的人所接受 但是你的第一句话的最终落脚点是“a diminished sense of themselves”,我觉得这两者间的关系是比较间接的 中国人过美国的节日并不等于他们就不过自己的节日了 也不能推出他们的民族文化认同感降低了;第三就是 那个。。。最后一句话是证明什么的呀;其实我觉得移民国家作为例证本身是没有问题的 就是在分析方面缺一点说服力]
Then should we assert that without rituals and ceremonies, societies and groups of people will gradually lose their cultural quality and have a diminished sense of who they are? Absolutely not. One can easily find that the two factors mentioned are not the only factors that can help define a culture [,] and their influence cannot be significant for all cultures. Actually speaking, specific behavior, apparels, language even some inherent factors can also give us the sense, even in a much more clear [clearer?] and frequent way[ a much more efficient way? 这个用词我也不太有把握 不过clear and frequent总觉怪怪的。。]. For example, the Buddists [Buddhists] distinguish from others mainly on their eating [diet/ food], and Muslim women easily tell themselves apart from others on clothing. [这段的证明我觉得满妙的说!!简洁又有说服力] What's more, even if a culture brings in elements from other cultures and mix them together, it can also mix them in a particular way that the final result is also fulfilled with its own cultural characteristics. Taking the most influential and famous ballet of China------Red Detachment of Women for example, it used the Brazailian [Brazilian] folk music for reference and the whole music [piece of music] was performed by symphony orchestra derived from Europe, but the whole world can recognize it "great art of Chinese charateristic [characteristics]". So it is undoubted that even if rituals and ceremonies do disappear, societies or groups of people would not lose the recognition of their own culture.
[红色娘子军的例子我觉得最有说服力的地方在于芭蕾舞本身最初是欧洲宫廷舞蹈 这是它最重要的文化特征,将它与中国的故事相结合,产生中国文化特征的舞剧;而它的配乐是什么美国人并不一定知道 体会也就不会很深刻,拿它来作例子的说服力又会小一些。]
[不过 这后半段证明我不是很理解 你是在说即使发生不同文化的融和 也不一定会丧失本土文化的特点吗?这一点我总觉得和主题的关系不是非常密切]
Maybe the recognition and preservation of culture concerns the speaker deeply, but he/she underestimates the strong vatility [vitality?] of cultural essence and overestimates some superficial derivations of the culture [这个。。。把ritual and ceremonies说成superficial呀。。。你的body1里面不是说它们reflect a culture's characteristics and sometimes positively express the spiritual essence rooted in the culture的么], such as rituals and ceremonies, and finally gets a relatively wrong conclusion.
[整体读下来觉得不是很明白 可能是因为句子太长了 特别是ts。我觉得一些句子其实是两句或者三句话的内容 之间的逻辑关系也不是很密切 特别是那些你用and连接的句子 其实如果分成几句来写 可能效果会好一些。]
[第二是段落的分配 其实这样分三段是比较符合你整体思路的展开 但是body1和body3都包含了好几个内容 放在一起吧段落就变的很长 重点的观点就埋没在一大段话里面 不是很清晰了 看下来也就更糊涂了。。。]
[不过你的例子都举得很新颖的!!而且比较具体 我要好好学习下 如果是我 大概只能写出什么米国的外国移民叉叉 英国的外国移民也叉叉之类的例子。。] |