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Issue38同主题写作,求拍! [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2005-8-30 13:36:38 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

Has reading books been less important as it once had been? The author claims so, for
the reason that people can learn as much by watching television. Although I concede it is true to some extent, but it is not always necessarily the case under some circumstances.

First of all, I must admit that television enable us to learn different kinds of
knowledge about human beings and the world around us more efficiently and more
conveniently. Assumed that only with books, how can children learn the roar of a
lion, the howl of a wolf, or the call of a canary. What's more, we can learn how to
dance and how to address as well as learn a foreign language or a professional
technique in a much easier way by television programs because excellent teachers are
always available to help us on TV. Without the assistance of TV, learning would be
a nightmare especially by self-study. Thus the author's claim has some merits when
it comes to education.

Although I agree that watching TV is a valid and convenient way to learn some
kinds of knowledge, which cannot be mastered merely by reading, I insist that watching TV cannot impart enough information to meet different needs of different people from different regions. In the first place, the aim of TV programs is to entertain people and make a fortune, so the majority of the TV programs must be making people relax and persuading them to pay for all kinds of commodities, which are of no use at most times. Then people are not able to learn whatever they need when it disobey the principle of the game.

In the second place, as a way of learning, watching TV is not as efficient as reading. For instance, reading would inspire us to think over seriously. Compared with watching TV, reading is not only a traditional way but also an effective way to learn. From ancient time to now, students are used to studying different types of knowledge by reading rather than by watching TV though it is an era of book in ancient time. Since watching TV is only a passive way to gain a variety of information, reading still holds its dominant status among various means of learning.

However, people are tend to pay less attention to read in this age of information explosion for there lies new types of multi-media. For example, with the prevalence of World Wide Web, people prefer learning by web for its outstanding merits such as cheap, instant and vivid. Thus reading is facing the dilemma of losing its predominance as time flies.

From all the aspects discussed above, it would be safely hold the convincing opinion that neither can watching TV take the place of reading, nor it achieve the status of reading. Nevertheless, we have to admit reading is not as important as it once was for it meets the competitive challenges from other kinds of means to learn.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-31 10:00:01 |只看该作者


Has reading books been less important as it once had been? The author claims so, for the reason that people can learn as much by watching television. Although I concede it is true to some extent, but it is not always necessarily the case under some circumstances.这样开头很快捷吧,不过感觉有点虚

First of all, I must admit that television enable us to learn different kinds of
knowledge about human beings and the world around us more efficiently and more conveniently. Assumed that only with books, how can children learn the roar of a lion, the howl of a wolf, or the call of a canary. What's more, we can learn how to dance and how to address as well as learn a foreign language or a professional
technique in a much easier way by television programs because excellent teachers are always available to help us on TV. Without the assistance of TV, learning would be a nightmare especially by self-study. Thus the author's claim has some merits when it comes to education.

Although I agree that watching TV is a valid and convenient way to learn some
kinds of knowledge, which cannot be mastered merely by reading, I insist that watching TV cannot impart enough information to meet different needs of different people from different regions. 这个主题句讲watching tv不能满足不同地区的不同人的不同的需要,但是下面是讲的watching tv不能满足学习的需要,建议把主题句改了In the first place, the aim of TV programs is to entertain people and make a fortune, so the majority of the TV programs must be making people relax and persuading them to pay for all kinds of commodities, which are of no use at most times. Then people are not able to learn whatever they need when it disobey the principle of the game.

In the second place, as a way of learning, watching TV is not as efficient as reading. For instance, reading would inspire us to think over seriously. Compared with watching TV, reading is not only a traditional way but also an effective way to learn. From ancient time to now, students are used to studying different types of knowledge by reading rather than by watching TV though it is an era of book in ancient time. Since watching TV is only a passive way to gain a variety of information, reading still holds its dominant status among various means of learning. 前面说“I must admit that television enable us to learn different kinds of
knowledge about human beings and the world around us more efficiently and more conveniently.”而且论证的很充分,这里又说“watching TV is not as efficient as reading”,前后有些矛盾。你的提纲是“看电视是一种被动的学习方式”,这段里并没有很好体现出来。如何被动?如果是说接受方式被动的话,那怎么不如reading了呢;如果是节目的安排被动的话,那就跟前段观点有些重复了

However, people are tend to pay less attention to read in this age of information explosion for there lies new types of multi-media. For example, with the prevalence of World Wide Web, people prefer learning by web for its outstanding merits such as cheap, instant and vivid. Thus reading is facing the dilemma of losing its predominance as time flies.

From all the aspects discussed above, it would be safely hold the convincing opinion that neither can watching TV take the place of reading, nor it achieve the status of reading. Nevertheless, we have to admit reading is not as important as it once was for it meets the competitive challenges from other kinds of means to learn.

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