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[i习作temp] issue150 [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-9-5 22:11:07 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC:ISSUE 150 - "Because of television and worldwide computer connections, people can now become familiar with a great many places that they have never visited. As a result, tourism will soon become obsolete."
WORDS:533          TIME:0:40:00          DATE:2005-9-5

I mostly disagree with the author's conclusion that people become familiar with places that they have never visited would cause tourism soon become obsolete. I think the author's assertion is too extremly because he or she does not pay enough attention on the positive effects which the television and computer bring to tourism.

In the first place, the televison and worldwide compter connections do make people become familiar with a great many places that they have never visited, yet, it is to hasty to say that tourism would become obsolete. In many cases, people like to travel may because they are interest in natural phenomena, or perhaps they have a curious to discovery new things and find new friends all over the world, or maybe they think tourlism is good for health, etc. Only be familiar to the places through the computer connection and television cannot prove people would have no passion and curiousness to travel in the real places which they are interested in, many goals which people want to travel cannot be achieved unless people go to the places really. For instance, people who like to travel to see the rising of the sun cannot have the intimated sence unless they really getting touch with the nature. In other words, getting infromation in internet and TV can could provids people outlines or sketches of the tourist places, yet that cannot satisfy people the deeply motivations of them.

In the second place, the speaker gives a specious conclusion because he or she considers too hasty and extreme, without paying enough attention that things always have two aspects. People maybe lost their interests after being familiar with the informaiton about the introductions of the tourlist places by internet and TV, however, they also could have more interesting after they know more about the outlines and sketches of the places. It is entirely possible that people show enough avid hearts when they understanding the introductions of the places where they have heard before or perhaps they would find intrigues after they accept the information of the places. For example, more and more travel agents use ad. by TV and internet to appeal their expected costomers and sometimes these agents do achieve their goals, in which ways people understand more about the tourist places and decide to go.   

Yet, I have to say that the conclusion of the speaker also has some possibility. That is, another aspect to which I have mention in last paragraph, people may last the interesting after they see the information about the tourious places. Many places have been overstated by the media and the travelagents nowadays because of the business profits, and that places have not enough enticement to some people. Also, different people have different tastes so they could preclude some places where they cannot decide wehther to go or not through TV and internet. These factors would cause the tourlism become obsolete to some degree.

In sum, it is too hard to say the effects that television and worldwide computer connections on tourlism. I would like to believe that sometimes TV and internet could provide some positive effects on tourlism although sometimes they also give some negitive effects.

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