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[i习作temp] Issue48【0706G-CRUSADE小组】第3次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-2-20 10:02:50 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE48 - "The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."
WORDS: 429          TIME: 1:00:00          DATE: 2007-2-19


Who made the most significant events and trends in history, the famous few or the group of people whose identities have long been forgotten? The speaker claims the latters did and that the study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. As history is a complex system, including the study of religion, economy, culture, military and the like, it is hard to distinguish who contributed more arbitrarily.

It is no doubt that famous persons play an important role in significant historical events and trends. George Washington, the first American president, made great contribution to the establishment of the judicial systems in the United States, who refused to be re-elected after the expiration of two tenures of office according to the restriction of the Constitution. Although at that time, Americans would definitely vote for him, he set up an example that anyone should abide by laws without exceptions even for the laws' makers. If Washington had accepted the position, the authority of the Constitution would inevitably have been challenged. Another instance is the great traveler, Marco Polo, who came to China, knew it, and introduced it to the western countries. His works, the Travel of Marco Polo, initiated the curiosity and craving of westerners to the mysterious world. Without Marco Polo, it may still have taken westerners decades or even a hundred years to explore the oriental country, which would definitely delaying their development. Therefore, famous persons indeed contributed a lot to the historical progress.

However, we should not merely attribute all the significant events to famous persons. No matter how great these famous persons were in history, to some extent, they were representatives of certain groups of people at their times. For example, the ending of Fascism was the result of the union and cooperation of all the pressed nations. We can not simply attribute the success to certain countries, let alone some successful battles nor even certain famous persons. Moreover, in some cases, people's will may even change the leader's attitude and standpoint. For instance, Abraham Lincoln, who was just sympathetic towards slaves at the beginning of the Civil War, turned to be a firm abolitionist finally. The change of his attitude was largely owing to the situation and people in the North at that time. Considering the historical revolutions, although leadership of famous persons should not be overlooked, their foundation was still the masses. Thus, it is unfair or unwise to place too much emphasis on famous people and exaggerate their feat in history, while forget those ordinary people who also devoted to the historical development.

In sum, we should not focus only on those historical figures. It is a case-by-case analysis to decide who devoted more and made the significant events and trends in history. Therefore, the ordinary people who also made contribution to the historical progress should not be forgotten.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2007-2-24 00:51:59 |只看该作者
I have not only one dream.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-2-24 15:07:58 |只看该作者
Who made the most significant events and trends in history, the famous few or the group of people whose identities have long been forgotten? The speaker claims the latters did and that the study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. As history is a complex system, including the study of religion, economy, culture, military and the like, it is hard to distinguish who contributed more arbitrarily.

It is no doubt that famous persons play an important role in significant historical events and trends. George Washington, the first American president, made great contribution to the establishment of the judicial systems in the United States, who refused to be re-elected after the expiration of two tenures of office according to the restriction of the Constitution. Although at that time, Americans would definitely vote for him, he set up an example that anyone should abide by laws without exceptions even for the laws' makers. If Washington had accepted the position, the authority of the Constitution would inevitably have been challenged.It is not a clause of the constitution in Washington's years, but seems to be a convention that most people agree with. In the history of American, some people have challenged this convention, resulted with failure, except war time President, Franklin Roosevelt. As I known, it is after the World War II, then this convention is write into the constitution as an amendment, so here, what your said Washington refused to be re-elected according to the Constitution is not proper, I think.  Another instance is the great traveler, Marco Polo, who came to China, knew it, and introduced it to the western countries. His works, the Travel of Marco Polo, initiated the curiosity and craving of westerners to the mysterious world. Without Marco Polo, it may still have taken westerners decades or even a hundred years to explore the oriental country, which would definitely delaying their development. Therefore, famous persons indeed contributed a lot to the historical progress.

However, we should not merely attribute all the significant events to famous persons. No matter how great these famous persons were in history, to some extent, they were representatives of certain groups of people at their times. For example, the ending of Fascism was the result of the union and cooperation of all the pressed nations. We can not simply attribute the success to certain countries, let alone some successful battles nor even certain famous persons. Moreover, in some cases, people's will may even change the leader's attitude and standpoint. For instance, Abraham Lincoln, who was just sympathetic towards slaves at the beginning of the Civil War, turned to be a firm abolitionist finally. The change of his attitude was largely owing to the situation and people in the North at that time. Considering the historical revolutions, although leadership of famous persons should not be overlooked, their foundation was still the masses. Thus, it is unfair or unwise to place too much emphasis on famous people and exaggerate their feat in history, while forget those ordinary people who also devoted to the historical development.

In sum, we should not focus only on those historical figures. It is a case-by-case analysis to decide who devoted more and made the significant events and trends in history. Therefore, the ordinary people who also made contribution to the historical progress should not be forgotten.

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