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[i习作temp] Issue150【0706G-CRUSADE小组】第6次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-3-1 10:14:59 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE150 - "Because of television and worldwide computer connections, people can now become familiar with a great many places that they have never visited. As a result, tourism will soon become obsolete."
WORDS: 453          TIME: 0:45:00          DATE: 2007-3-1

1. Television and Internet entitle people to be familiar with places that they never visit before

2. Television and Internet arouse human curiosity towards these places, thus they are catalyst of tourism rather than obstacle.

3. Tourism will become popular instead obsolete in the future.

Will tourism become obsolete owing to the wide spread of television and computer connections? The speaker claims so. I concede that the worldwide television and Internet entitle people to be familiar with those places that they never visit before. However, such convenience is a catalyst rather than an obstacle for the development of tourism.

To begin with, television and Internet provide us a new way to get information about where we are unfamiliar with. For example, the series of documentaries of the Forbidden City well elaborate the mysterious place for us such as history, architecture, location, and customs. Therefore, any visitor who watches the documentaries will have a full understanding about the magnificent buildings so as to better enjoy the tourism resort, when they visit there someday. Similar introductions are common on the Internet, which we can acquire easily when we are suffering the Internet. Thus, it is a good choice for us to turn to the television and Internet for information of where we will visit later.  Meanwhile, as for those places that we might not have opportunity to visit, television and Internet also broaden our horizons by introducing them to us. Based on the above analysis, we know more about unfamiliar places owing to television and Internet, which are beneficial no matter whether we will visit those places in the future or not.

On the other hand, we become more curious about those places that television and Internet introduced just because of their introduction. It is their introduction that makes us familiar with those strange places through images and sound. However, our curiosity will not be satisfied by the limited pictures and explanation soon. We eagerly want to experience everything that attracts us so much by ourselves. Anyone will find it more attractive and interesting to see the taking scenery on his own, rather than through the cold screen of televisions or computers. It is human nature to be curious with what we know a little rather than what we are totally unfamiliar with, which seems beyond our life. Meanwhile, the enjoyment of a great place includes not only its landscape or history, but also the local life styles, the local snacks, and the residents' customs, which are far beyond the capacity of televisions and Internet. To some extent, tourism is the only choice for us to enjoy all the above.  Therefore, television and Internet is the catalyst rather than obstacle for tourism.

In sum, it is unwise to claim that the development of television and Internet will lead to the declination of tourism. On the contrary, they will motivate tourism to develop quickly by arousing our curiosity towards a strange place. Television and Internet and tourism are complementary for each other.

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