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Issue144 重写版 请狠拍! [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-3-18 01:53:57 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

144"It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."

*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.

不同意此观点,永久价值是aratist,critic, common people共同创造的
1 艺术家给了作品生命,其中有着作者的个人感悟
2 尽管艺术家创作了作品,但是是评论家发觉了它的价值,使它被更多人所欣赏
3 普通大众也有很重要的因素,评论家的评论并不完全是客观的,但大众的影响力和感染力是最强的,他们可以使越来越的人喜欢,使作品长久 保持自己的价值

In my opinion, something, if has a value, is surely to be fulfill with worthy, importance and usefulness to someone. That is, what can determine a value far-reaching and lasting links to many aspects. Therefore, it is not only the artist or the critic able to make an art work with a lasting value, as the speaker implies.

To begin with, it is widely known that no matter what king of discussion about one work occurs only after an artist creates it. This is the beginning of everything. But why an artist has a spirit to do things like this and how he or she finishes a work? As we all know, there is an impulse also called inspirtion lead to the artist make a work., always forms under the environment and society the artist places. With this, the artist starts his work in a natural and non-stop way. Similar to human beings use their mouths, bodies to express what and how they think, works are the mirror to exhibit the personal emotion of the artist and the way they believe reveals the society. Since works are highly close with the society, if not the reflection of it directly, it must have several meanings to the world. For example, here is a painting in front of us. In the first sight, whether it is beautiful or not breaks our mind because the primary meaning of one work is how it looks like in the sense of the audience, which is also the way individuals give their first impress on each thing. After this, we feel ourselves in the painting trying hard to catch the point of it—like what it want people to understand, by doing this, the work has its value that it makes humanity have something in mind.

Admittedly, works are the just materiel created by some certain people, it has worth in the reason that it can effect people. Despite the artist put their personal value in his or her works, if these works have no chance to expose to other people, the works are only several pieces of paper without any value but a little weigh. In this case, the critic plays a regardless role in find the value of the works. The critic, beyond well trained, is a professor in this area and acknowledge as more works as possible, has a much better and extensive comprehension of the works than others. It is no doubt that almost each priceless work is first discovered by the critic. They show to the public the most notable key of one work, cause the interesting of the public. Do you remember how many books or movies ever seen are introduced by the critic? A great number, at least. When you want to choose one movie to see, unless you see it according to its director or players, you will first search and read some critics about it, then judge if it is worth to watch.

Finally, it still lacks of  the third factor, to combine with the artist and the critic, control the lasting value of works. After the critic evaluating one work, created by the artist, and successfully to attract the curiosity of some certain people, but it does not mean most individuals in the society have desires to appreciate the work. Think about every year's movie ceremony such as Oscar. The awarding movie focusing on sense of art always difficulty for common people to understand so that they feel no interesting in this kind of movie is excellent and full of value in the view of the critic. In addition, it is true that the critic can interpret the inner of the work, like the emotion its artist was in the moment he or she was doing the work, along with the time and society it places, however, the unavoidably problem is that the critic may have a prejudice opinion upon the work. Thus, they may not seize the true value of the art. But in this case, common people, if they have been little skilled rather than layout people, can give a positive attitude on works, by doing so, it is possible for works to be received by most individuals. When common people like a work, they will introduce it to their friends or discuss with others because human beings are born with confidence on the people who they know very well. Thus, it will make more and more people know the work, after that the increasing number of humanity will find its value in the thought of themselves and obtain a further understand of it, all of these make the work become a lasting value one for its broad fame and flounce.

In a conclusion, the artist who gives birth to an work, under the guide of the critic together with the infectivity of common people make the work priceless with lasing value to the society.

[ 本帖最后由 manad 于 2007-3-19 22:30 编辑 ]

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