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issue177 终于把06G的同主题作文写完了,很有成就感! [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-3-29 22:38:58 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE177 - "The study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the discipline, we see the same world as before, but with different eyes."
WORDS: 610         TIME: > 0:45:00          DATE: 2007-3-29

         2 : 外行和expert之间看同一事物不同看法。如看x光片,看物体的运动,看星空,看画,等等。
         5:In sum……

In the time of kids,everyone see the world in a simple way,in which things are only have two optional attributes,either right or wrong,good or bad.When the kids grow older into the age of adolescence,their mind grow more complex.When they judge one object,they are able to use the phrase 'in some aspects,it's...in other aspects,it's...".And then when they are old enough to go to college,to choose a major to study,they get the ability to perceive the objects in the world in a more reasonable and objective way.People with different majors must percive the same world with different eyes.

Major learing can help students to cultivate their thinking ability to change the way we percieve the world.When people watch an X-ray,intellectual neophytes,like kids,may regard it as a vague pattern of dark and light,but a trained radiologist or physician will be able to look at the same X-ray and see evidence of a tumor.When two kids are sitting in a car and view the outer trees.One kid may say that the car is driving forward,the other kid may say that it's the trees which is running in the opposite way.In this condition,a physical scientists would concede both views due to the theory that motion and quiescence are contracted together.When we are viewing the evening sky,a layperson may see the stars as mussy dots in the sky while a expert in astronomy will able to view them as beautiful constellations which are amazing,appeling,meanwhile too far away to travel.When we are enjoying the masterpieces of the great painter Van Gogh,a layperson may view them as nothing but odd pictures,although a earnest learner of fine art will view them as beautiful and elaborate ones.As a matter of fact,I can hard-impressed one realm in which learners see the objects they study as meaningless as a layperson.

Meanwhile,people in different disciplines may perceive the same phenomenon or object in different eyes because of their own angles to translate the world.For example,there are different annotations to death due to different realms or majors.One expert in the realm of biologist may perceive death as merely a transformation for one body from organism to mineral,which are a part of the world's most common circulation,while a theologist may see it a turnpoint for one to travel from one world to another.When we perceive a human body,no matter a beautiful woman or an ugly one,I can hard-impressed one major but the major of medicine,in which the students see it as nothing but a complexity of flesh,blood,and bones.

In my view,the phenomenon that students in different majors perceive the world with different eyes have great benefits to our society.One conspicuous example is the mothods people apply to repress crime problem.People in different realms try to tackle the problem by their own way but none can extinct the behavir of crime rootly.From ancient time,the lagislators have been trying to repress it by establish a system of laws to regulate people.In the 20th century,experts in crime psychology try to rescue those crmier in a psychotherapy way.In recent years,however,from the experiments in the level of genes and statistic datas,the genetics conclude that one's personal behavior is decided by his/her genes,which means we can hardly transform a crimer into a lawful citizen due to their unchangeable nature.In the future,through the debates and compromise between different experts in different realms,I believe the ways to repress crime would be increasingly reasonable and efficient.

In sum,due to the different systems of knowledge in different realms,experts in different majors will inevitablely percieve the world with different eyes.What's more,sagacious ideas will spring form the debate and compromise of these different experts when they are gathered together to interpret condite questions or tackle troublesome problems.

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issue177 终于把06G的同主题作文写完了,很有成就感!
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