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[i习作temp] issue218 4月作文小组3月30日第六次作业 by寂寞樱花 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-3-30 18:04:15 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE218 - "In order for any work of art-whether film, literature, sculpture, or a song-to have merit, it must be understandable to most people."
WORDS: 524          TIME: 2:00:16          DATE: 2007-3-30


Nowadays art becomes more popular in civilians, whether film, literature, sculpture or a song, they are surrounding our lives. But no matter how popular they are, the merit of any pieces of work of art is judged by its meaning but how understandable it is to people.

Admittedly, if a piece of work can be understood by most people, it will be easier to be accepted by the public. People always like the work which is lucid to deliver the idea of the author, and it tend to be more attractive to the civilians. For example, Lord of Ring is a successful film for presenting its world view in a easy to read and understand and even ravishing plain. It would be consider as a great hit in film on ground of getting 11 awards in the 35th Academy Award of Oscar.

However, the works which have no real sensation of the former but only to cater to the taste of audiences will not have an inherit merit. They may be very popular in a while, but they would be oblivious when other ones come out. Many commercial movies are good examples, most of which are easy understandable and may be very prevalent in the period when they are on view, yet, they would be replaced when another more interesting ones emerged. And the real masterpieces that have merit should be inherited from one generation to another.

So, what, you may wonder, is the merit of work of art? It is not catering to the taste of the audiences or how understandable to people, but a medium to represent the emotions, thoughts, and respects of the artists. According to what Freud has said, art, in essence, is a kind of release of individual lust, converting to human libido into plentiful creativity. It is through the work of art that artists express their passions, emotions, and desires. From this we can see, art is therefore, first and foremost, concerning with the inner world rather than with the outside one as a whole. Extremely example involved Picasso and his canvases, which are always obscure due to a nonfigurative creating way made they are almost unintelligible, but as we all know that they also have their own merit in the area of art up to now. So what affects the merit of the work is not the comprehending of people but the meaning in it.

Furthermore, understanding of most people is a mission hardly possible. Because the extension of people is limited and not all people are psychologist that can understand the meaning behind the works exactly. However, it also has merit if it can be appreciated. People may feel the sentiment of poet even do not understand the real meaning, or you may enjoy a song in spite of you know why it composed like this or not. And because of intricateness, it leaves a room for imagination, which makes the work full of humor and wit. Follow as Shakespeare's saying that "There is a thousand Hamlet in a thousand people's eyes", nobody dare to claim that he understand the works of Shakespeare, but it do not affect Hamlet to be a note of masterpiece.

To sum up, it will be good that if the meaning of a work of art can be understand by people easily, but whether the work has merit does not depend on it. It is the meaning behind the work that determines if it is a masterpiece of art.

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issue218 4月作文小组3月30日第六次作业 by寂寞樱花
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