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最近来坛子逛得少了, 由于在改论文, 今个抽空整理了一下基于课堂的测试评估, 这是语言测试最近的一个研究热点, 以往的测试研究偏重于统计分析, 而在classroom-based assessment中, 开始重视qualitative research methods, 关于质化分析在语言测试研究中的越来越受到重视,也可以通过ETS关于TOEFL的研究报告中发现这一trend.在下现在导师是这个领域的权威, 综合她的讲义, 汇总资源如下, 是英文的,由于论坛字数受限,下面是相关参考书目,全文在最后有WORD版本下载. 上次4EVER斑竹说要加强对研究方向和专业的认识,希望这点东西能够对那些即将面临选择方向的同胞们有帮助, 也对即将踏上TESOL/TESL之路或者对语言测试有兴趣的朋友提供参考.
By the way, think about the difference between assessment for leaning and assessment of learning, which one do you prefer? Why? How will you assist/scaffold your students in classroom assessment, like helping students answer your questions...
Understanding Classroom Teacher Assessment
Useful References and Further Reading
BOOKS: EAL Specific
Bourne, J. & McPake, J. 1991. Partnership Teaching. London: NFER/DES for HMSO. Breen, M. P., Barratt-Pugh, C., Derewianka, B., House, H., Hudson, C., Lumley, T., & Rohl, M. (1997). How Teachers Interpret and Use National and State Assessment Frameworks. Vols 1-3. Canberra: Department of Employment, Education, training and Youth Affairs.
Cline, T. & Frederickson, N. 1996. Curriculum Related Assessment, Cummins and Bilingual Children. Avon: Multilingual Matters Ltd.
Cummins, J. 1984. Bilingualism and Special Education: Issues in Assessment and Pedagogy. Avon: Multilingual Matters Ltd.
Genesee, F. (ed). 1994. Educating Second Language Children: The Whole Child, the Whole Curriculum, the Whole Community. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gibbons, P. (1991) Learning to Learn a Second Language. NSW, Australia : Primary English Teaching
Association. (Available through NALDIC).
Hall, Deryn. 1997. Assessing the Needs of Bilingual pupils: Living in Two Languages. London: David Fulton Publishers.
Keel, P. 1994. Assessment in the Multi-ethnic Primary Classroom. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Books.
McKay, P., Hudson, C., & Sapuppo, M. (1994). ESL Development: Language and Literacy in Schools Project. Canberra: National Languages and Literacy Institute of Australia.
Mohan, B., Leung, C. & Davison, C. 2001. English as a Second Language in the Mainstream: Teaching, Learning and Identity. Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education Ltd. [not specifically on assessment]
O’Malley, J. M. & Valdez Pierce, L. 1996: Authentic Assessment for English Language Learners: Practical Approaches for Teachers. United States of America: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
Rea-Dickins, P. (Forthcoming 2004) Guest Editor. Language Testing Special Issue: Exploring Diversity in Teacher Assessment, Vol. 20 (3).
Rea-Dickins, P. 2000. Guest Editor, Language Testing Special Issue: Assessment of Young Language Learners, Vol. 17 (2).
BOOKS: General AssessmentBlack, P. and Wiliam, D. 1998. Inside the Black Box. London: Kings College. Clarke, S. 1998:Targeting Assessment in the Primary Classroom. Bristol: Hodder & Stoughton.Gardner, S. & Rea-Dickins, P. 2002. Focus on Language Sampling: a Key Issue in EAL Assessment. NALDIC Occasional Paper 15. NALDIC Publications: 1-25.
Genesee, F. & Upshur, J. 1996: Classroom-based evaluation in second language education. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Gipps, C. 1994. Beyond Testing. London: The Falmer Press.
Harlen, W. 1994. Enhancing quality in assessment. London: Paul Chapman.
Pollard, A., Thiessen, D., & Filer, A. (Ed.). (1997). Children and their Curriculum. London: The Falmer Press.
The Assessment Reform Group, 1999. Assessment for Learning: Beyond the Black Box. Cambridge: University of Cambridge School of Education.
Torrance, H. and Pryor, J. 1998. Investigating formative assessment. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Cameron, L. & Bygate, M. 1997. Key Issues in Assessing Progression in English as an Additional Language. In Leung, C. and Cable, C. (eds.), English as an Additional Language: Changing Perspectives. Watford: National Association for Language Development in the Curriculum: 40-52.
Gardner, S. & Rea-Dickins, P. 2001. Conglomeration or Chameleon? Teachers’ Representations of Language in the Assessment of Learners with English as an Additional Language. Language Awareness. Vol. X, (3&4) 1-17.McKay, P., 2000. On ESL Standards for School-age Learners Language Testing Volume 17 (2) 2000, page nos: 185 – 214.
Rea-Dickins, P. (forthcoming 2004). Classroom Assessment: possibilities and pitfalls. Kluwer International Handbook of Education. Netherlands: Kluwer Publishers.
Rea-Dickins, P. September 2003. Framing Assessment: Breaking the Mould. Invited Plenary Speaker delivered at the TESOL International Seminar on ESL/EFL Standards for Younger Learners, Rome, September 2003.
Rea-Dickins, P. 2003. Exploring the Educational Potential of Assessment with reference to Learners with English as an Additional Language. In Leung, C. (ed.) Language and Additional/Second Language Issues for School Education: a reader for teachers. York: York Publishing Services: 81-93.
Rea-Dickins, P. 2002. Assessment as a Pedagogical Tool. In Voss, B. & Stahlheber, E. (eds.). Fremdsprachen auf dem Prufstand: Innovation, Qualitat, Evaluation. Dokumentation zum 19. Kongress fur Fremdsprachendidaktik der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Fremdsprachenforschumg. Berlin: Padagogischer Zeitschriftenverlag: 129-137.
Rea-Dickins, P. and Gardner, S. 2000. Snares and silver bullets: disentangling the construct of formative assessment. Language Testing 17 (2), 215-243.
Rea-Dickins, P. 1999. Assessment for English as an Additional Language: a view from the bridge. In Rea-Dickins, P., Andrews, J. & C. Scott (eds.) NALDIC News 25. NALDIC.
Rea-Dickins, P. 2001. Mirror, mirror on the wall: identifying processes of classroom assessment. Language Testing. Vol. 18 (4), 429-462.Teasdale, A., and Leung, C. Teacher Assessment and Psychometric Theory : a case of paradigm crossing? Language Testing, Volume 17 (2) 2000 : page nos. 163 – 184.
ARTICLES IN BOOKS / JOURNALS: General AssessmentBlack, P. & Wiliam, D. 1998: Assessment and classroom learning. Assessment in Education, Vol. 5 (1), 7-74. OTHER PUBLICATIONS / ASSESSMENT SCHEMES : EAL SpecificCline,T. & Shamsi,T. (2000) Language Needs or Special Needs? The Assessment of Learning
Difficulties in Literacy Among Children Learning English as an Additional Language: A
Literature Review, DFEE Research Report No 184. Nottingham, DfEE Publications.
ESL: Companion to the Curriculum Studies Framework (CSF) (Board of Studies, State of Victoria,
Australia) is available on the following web-site:
NALDIC. September 2000. A NALDIC Response to the QCA publication ‘A Language in Common: Assessing English as an Additional Language’. Watford: National Association for Language Development in the Curriculum.
NASSEA (2001) EAL Assessment : Guidance on the NASSEA EAL Assessment System.
QCA. 2000. A Language in Common: Assessing English as an Additional Language. Sudbury: QCA Publications. www.qca.org.uk
OTHER PUBLICATIONS: GeneralESL Standards for pre-K—12 Students. (USA) 1997.
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
1600 Cameron Street, Suite 300
Alexandria, VA 22314-2751 USA. E-mail: tesol@tesol.edu
Suffolk Advisory Service. September 2000. Classroom Assessment: a survey of current practice in Suffolk schools. [Copies are available from: Suffolk Advisory Service. St Andrews House, County Hall, Ipswich IP4 1LJ. Tel: 01473 584735] |