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[i习作temp] Issue36 勇往直前小组第一次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-20 22:53:28 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
There are a lot of great people coming out with the development of our culture and society. How to decide the greatness of individuals? It is a problem to answer. The speaker insists that only people could value their foregoing people. However, I think that it is too absolute and simple to draw such a conclusion. My opinions of contention with the speaker lie on that we should value the greatness of individuals from both their later generations and their contemporaries.

Admittedly, the decisions which are drawn by later generations have advantages. People could value the fore going's greatness from enduring effects and more impersonal angles. We always say that practice is the only standard to value the truth. Later generations have more time and chance to practice, understand and decide the greatness of foregoing individuals. In art field, we have known many famous artists who are not recognized by their contemporaries but have gained high praise by those who live after them. For example, Shake Spears' novels and dramas got excellent appraisals by critics after he died. Beethoven had been called crazy man by his contemporary musicians. In other fields as science research, we also could provide many instances as in art fields, such as the relativity theory of Einstein and the astrophysics of Galileo. All these evidences could prove that the decisions made by later generations are more all-sided and impersonals.

However, we also have to face other instances which are difficult to evaluate and decide by later generations. For instance, historians seldom decide and value historical people easily, especially some famous political chiefs and kings. In China, how to praise the First King of Qing dynasty has become an enduring problem of historians from one generation to another. With the pass of time, it is more and more difficult to know the historical affairs of Qing dynasty correctly and exactly. And because of the difference of two absolutely epochs, historians find it very hard to approach the truth of the history. Nowadays in historical researches about the First King of Qing dynasty, historians incline to decide the greatness of the First King of Qing dynasty by historical documents written by his contemporaries. In these kinds of instances, such as in historical researches, decisions made by contemporaries of certain individuals usually more logical and correct.

Moreover, there are some other reasons affected the decisions of certain individuals. The most common method to decide the greatness of individuals for later generations is to use all kinds of historical records and documents. But we have no ability to distinguish that which records are the truths of history. In human race's political history, there are a lots of special affairs happened, such as rebellions and mutinies. Once rebellions are successful, the leaders always sophisticate the historical documents and records to let their actions legal. And some historical documents have been lost or fragmentary. It is obvious that later generations could not draw any correct decisions from these kinds of records.

In summary, I consider that the correct way to decide the greatness of individuals should fellow two steps: first, distinguishing the kind of individuals. Second, deciding individuals based on their different characters. For examples, if individuals are artists or scientists, they should be decided by those who live after them in order to know their achievements well enough. Or if individuals are historical or political people, they should be decided by their contemporaries who know the truth of history and polity best.

10"Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nation’s cultural traditions are preserved and generated."
1.  正:主要城市是一个国家发展的标志,有些传统文化在城市里得到保存。例如文物博物馆和名胜古迹。
2.  反:城市的繁荣和发展让很多种文化得到融合,使各国的文化传统渐渐趋同。和各国各地的大城市,体现出的均是类似的特征,摩天大楼、汽车和时装等。
3.  反:农村在文化发展中也起到了重要的作用,很多传统文化在广大农村中得到保留和传承。例如中国地方戏曲和民俗文化等。
结论:文化传统的保存应该不分城市和农村,both are important.

28"Students should memorize facts only after they have studied the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts. Students who have learned only facts have learned very little."
1.  正:在学习一个知识的之前了解和他相关的概念和倾向有利于更好的学习知识。化学实验,社会实践等。
2.  反:不是每个知识都有相关的概念和倾向可以学习,很多抽象的知识不适合这种学习方法,如数学和哲学。
3.  反:这种建议只适合学习能力较高的学生。对于处于初级阶段的学生而言,简单的记忆更有利于提高学习效率。

46. "While some leaders in government, sports, industry, and other areas attribute their success to a well-developed sense of competition, a society can better prepare its young people for leadership by instilling in them a sense of cooperation."
1.  正:合作精神很重要。现代社会的人均是作为社会的一个成员而存在的,因此,合作能力是人们能在社会生存和成功的必要条件。领导的成功也是一个团队的成功。
2.  反:竞争能力同样很重要。不具备竞争实力会被社会淘汰。优胜劣汰。
3.  反:竞争是使年轻人继续向上发展的动力。

142"The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority."
1.  正:权威也会犯错误,对权威所犯错误的质疑有利于社会的发展。盲目的跟从权威的说法,不利于社会的发展,会混淆社会。
2.  反:对权威的质疑过多,不分对错,不利于社会的正常发展和稳定。权威在大多数时间代表了社会发展的主流趋势。
3.  合:对权威的质疑要合理,对错误要勇于指出,但也不能盲目的质疑。


使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-21 00:06:38 |只看该作者
There are a lot of great people coming out with the development of our culture and society. How to decide the greatness of individuals? It is a problem to answer. The speaker insists that only people could value their foregoing people. However, I think that it is too absolute and simple to draw such a conclusion. My opinions of contention with the speaker lie on (in)that we should value the greatness of individuals from both their later generations and their contemporaries.

Admittedly, the decisions which are drawn by the later generations have advantages. People could value the fore going's(连起来) greatness from enduring effects and more impersonal angles. We always say that practice is the only standard to value the truth. Later generations have more time and chance to practice, understand and decide the greatness of foregoing individuals. In art field, we have known many famous artists who are not recognized by their contemporaries but have gained high praise by those who live after them. For example, Shake Spears' novels and dramas got excellent appraisals by critics after he died.(这个例子不太好,老莎生前混的还不能叫潦倒吧,小白一世还去看过他的剧作呢) Beethoven had been called crazy man by his contemporary musicians. In other fields such as science research, we also could provide many instances as in art fields 去掉好点, such as the relativity theory of Einstein (爱翁的理论虽说是承认得晚,但还是被同时代的人认可了,这个有争议,恩)and the astrophysics of Galileo. All these evidences could prove that the decisions made by later generations are more all-sided and impersonals.

However, we also have to face other instances which are difficult to evaluate and decide by later generations. For instance, historians seldom decide and value historical people easily, especially some famous political chiefs and kings. In China, how to praise the First King of Qing dynasty has become an enduring(controversial?) problem of historians from one generation to another. With the pass of time(as time went by), it is more and more difficult to know the historical affairs of Qing dynasty correctly and exactly. And because of the difference of two absolutely epochs, historians find it very hard to approach the truth of the history. Nowadays in historical researches about the First King of Qing dynasty, historians incline to decide the greatness of the First King of Qing dynasty by historical documents written by his contemporaries. In these kinds of instances, such as in historical researches, decisions made by contemporaries of certain individuals usually more logical and correct.

Moreover, there are some other reasons affected the decisions of certain individuals. The most common method to decide the greatness of individuals for later generations is to use all kinds of historical records and documents. But we have no ability to distinguish that (去掉)which records are the truths of history(这个表达感觉不地道). In human race's (这个词去掉)political history (of mankind), there are a lots (这种错误要小心)of special affairs happened, such as rebellions and mutinies. Once rebellions are successful, the leaders always sophisticate the historical documents and records to let their actions legal. And some historical documents have been lost or fragmentary. It is obvious that later generations could not draw any correct decisions from these kinds of records.

In summary, I consider that the correct way to decide the greatness of individuals should fellow two steps: first, distinguishing the kind of individuals. Second, deciding individuals based on their different characters. For examples, if individuals are artists or scientists, they should be decided by those who live after them in order to know their achievements well enough. Or if individuals are historical or political people, they should be decided by their contemporaries who know the truth of history and polity best.

总体来说 1.例子要多斟酌一下,一是适用否,二是是否很好的衔接以作证观点

10"Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nation’s cultural traditions are preserved and generated."
1.  正:主要城市是一个国家发展的标志,有些传统文化在城市里得到保存。例如文物博物馆和名胜古迹。
2.  反:城市的繁荣和发展让很多种文化得到融合,使各国的文化传统渐渐趋同。和各国各地的大城市,体现出的均是类似的特征,摩天大楼、汽车和时装等。(有点偏,针对一国文化而言,感觉应该是和rural 比好一点)
3.  反:农村在文化发展中也起到了重要的作用,很多传统文化在广大农村中得到保留和传承。例如中国地方戏曲和民俗文化等。
结论:文化传统的保存应该不分城市和农村,both are important.

28"Students should memorize facts only after they have studied the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts. Students who have learned only facts have learned very little."
1.  正:在学习一个知识的之前了解和他相关的概念和倾向有利于更好的学习知识。化学实验,社会实践等。
2.  反:不是每个知识都有相关的概念和倾向可以学习,很多抽象的知识不适合这种学习方法,如数学和哲学。
3.  反:这种建议只适合学习能力较高的学生。对于处于初级阶段的学生而言,简单的记忆更有利于提高学习效率。

46. "While some leaders in government, sports, industry, and other areas attribute their success to a well-developed sense of competition, a society can better prepare its young people for leadership by instilling in them a sense of cooperation."
1.  正:合作精神很重要。现代社会的人均是作为社会的一个成员而存在的,因此,合作能力是人们能在社会生存和成功的必要条件。领导的成功也是一个团队的成功。
2.  反:竞争能力同样很重要。不具备竞争实力会被社会淘汰。优胜劣汰。
3.  反:竞争是使年轻人继续向上发展的动力。

142"The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority."
1.  正:权威也会犯错误,对权威所犯错误的质疑有利于社会的发展。盲目的跟从权威的说法,不利于社会的发展,会混淆社会。
2.  反:对权威的质疑过多,不分对错,不利于社会的正常发展和稳定。权威在大多数时间代表了社会发展的主流趋势。
3.  合:对权威的质疑要合理,对错误要勇于指出,但也不能盲目的质疑


使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-21 16:58:46 |只看该作者
There are a lot of great people coming out with thedevelopment of our culture and society.(这里coming out with感觉怪怪的,你本意是不是在人类文明与社会发展史上出现了很多great people?有点中文的味道) How to decide the greatness ofindividuals? It is a problem to answer. The speaker insists that only peoplecould value their foregoing people. However, I think that it is too absoluteand simple to draw such a conclusion. My opinions of contention with thespeaker lie on that we should value the greatness of individuals from boththeir later generations and their contemporaries.

Admittedly, the decisions which are drawn by later generations have advantages.People could value the fore going's greatness from enduring effects and moreimpersonal angles. We always say that practice is the only standard to valuethe truth. Later generations have more time and chance to practice, understandand decide the greatness of foregoing individuals. In art field, we have knownmany famous artists who are not recognized by their contemporaries but havegained high praise by those who live after them. For example, Shake Spears'novels and dramas got excellent appraisals by critics after he died. Beethoven had been called crazy man by his contemporarymusicians(小莎在27岁时写的《亨利六世》三部曲,已经让他赢得了很高的声誉,且在伦敦站稳了脚。贝多芬当世时好像已经很有名气了啊。这2个例子都有问题。). In other fields as science research, we also could provide manyinstances as in art fields, such as the relativity theory of Einstein(爱因斯坦生前赢得了很高的声誉,还诺贝尔了)and the astrophysics of Galileo. All these evidences could prove that thedecisions made by later generations are more all-sided and impersonals.

However, we also have to face other instances which are difficult to evaluateand decide by later generations. For instance, historians seldom decide andvalue historical people easily, especially some famous political chiefs andkings. In China,how to praise the First King of Qing dynasty has become an enduring problem ofhistorians from one generation to another. With the pass of time, it is moreand more difficult to know the historical affairs of Qing dynasty correctly andexactly. And because of the difference of two absolutely epochs, historiansfind it very hard to approach the truth of the history. Nowadays in historicalresearches about the First King of Qing dynasty, historians incline to decidethe greatness of the First King of Qing dynasty by historical documents writtenby his contemporaries. In these kinds(这一段只说了一个历史领域的例子)of instances, such as in historical researches,decisions made by contemporaries of certain individuals usually more logicaland correct.

Moreover, there are some other reasonsfactors比较妥)affected the decisions of certain individuals. The most commonmethod to decide the greatness of individuals for later generations is to useall kinds of historical records and documents. But we have no ability todistinguish that which records are the truths of history. In human race'spolitical history, there are a lots of special affairs happened, such asrebellions and mutinies. Once rebellions are successful, the leaders alwayssophisticate the historical documents and records to let their actions legal.And some historical documents have been lost or fragmentary. It is obvious thatlater generations could not draw any correct decisions from these kinds ofrecords.

In summary, I consider that the correct way to decide the greatness ofindividuals should fellowfollow two steps: first(老外喜欢用firstly, distinguishing the kind of individuals. Secondsecondly, deciding individuals based on theirdifferent characters. For examples, if individuals are artists or scientists,they should be decided by those who live after them in order to know theirachievements well enough. Or if individuals are historical or political people,they should be decided by their contemporaries who know the truth of historyand polity best.

10 1  正:主要城市是一个国家发展的标志,有些传统文化在城市里得到保存。例如文物博物馆和名胜古迹。2  反:城市的繁荣和发展让很多种文化得到融合,使各国的文化传统渐渐趋同。和各国各地的大城市,体现出的均是类似的特征,摩天大楼、汽车和时装等。(思维过于发散了,要紧扣主题。既然你在结论强调both重要,那么你这么写对于宗旨没有什么帮助啊)3  反:农村在文化发展中也起到了重要的作用,很多传统文化在广大农村中得到保留和传承。例如中国地方戏曲和民俗文化等。结论:文化传统的保存应该不分城市和农村,both are important.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-21 21:49:27 |只看该作者

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