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[i习作temp] Issue38 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-22 01:04:31 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue 38
When Baird John Logie invented television,he would never imagine it might have largely changed people’s life in thefollowing eighty years. Quite beyond his expectation, nowadays television notonly acts as a media propagandizing social responsibility and morality, butalso offers a convenient way to learn knowledge. However, when referringlearning knowledge, it still can not completely replace book.

Admittedly, compared with books, televisionhas its unique advantages. Firstly, it can turn somehow monotonously traditionallearning into a vivid three-dimensional world. For children, who are much moreinclined to accept picturesque images than abstract letters or characters,vivid television program is always a successful teaching way. Even for adults,television is more attractive and interesting than dull reading. Secondly, televisioncan offer us the latest news and discoveries which would take a fairly longertime to publish on books. For example, we can know immediately about thebreakout of Iraq War or a new discovery of life in the Antarctic ice cap on thetelevision, but we have to wait for the books covering such information untilthe stop of the war and the finish of research on the new discovery, or even more time. However, as TV stations operate as profit enterprises, their commercial orientation drives them to design more and more entertainment programs rather than educational ones that are obviously less profitable. Consequently, meaningless entertainments occupy the time for advanced intellectual thinking and learning.  

More importantly, television has fatal weaknesses when referring to abstract ideas and theories, which is the most crucial texture in advanced scientific research, or inspiring our imagination thatare crucial for any creation and invention. Take math study for example, vivid image can hardly help us achieve a deep understanding of the complex settlementof absurd equations. Similarly, we almost can never catch not mentionappreciate philosophers’ great thought from television, since image can nevertake place of specifically and systematically literal description such as what is emotion, or why every object is always moving. Books, however, provide uswith systematic summary of abstract ideas and theories and enough room for usto use our imagination and creativity. Thus, by reading meteorology books, we cannot only know the earth’s various weather features, but also can draw atentative conclusion on future weather trend; by reading history, we can freely imagine things happened in the past without the limit of popular views claimed by TV. From thispoint, learning from television can not take place of reading books.

In addition, learning from books is more activethan from televisions. As television programs are arranged by televisionstations, people have fairly limited choices when watching television. What wecan do is to select in the given range with fixed time, fixed content and fixedlevel. Sometimes, even if we have already acquired certain knowledge fromtelevision, it is quite possible that we have to tolerance its repeatingbroadcast since the programs will be renewed slowly. Reading books, on thecontrary, is an active process, in which we can make choice of what, when andto which extent we want to learn. However, television cannot provide such free choice.

To sum up, although in television agetelevision has become a vivid and efficient way to learn, reading books is stillimportant as it once was. We may expect that no matter how large the development of television might be in the future, it can never replace readingin learning process.

1. 团队协作能产生团队精神,提高工作效率
2. 团队容易抹杀创新,达成妥协的观点
3. 个人竞争是激发工作动力的有效方法
1 的确社会需要会对人们的行为有约束

[ 本帖最后由 woodman 于 2007-7-22 03:30 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-22 19:52:30 |只看该作者
Issue 38
When Baird John Logie invented television,he would never imagine it might have largely changed people’s life in thefollowing eighty years. Quite beyond his expectation, nowadays television notonly acts as a media propagandizing social responsibility and morality, butalso offers a convenient way to learn knowledge. However, when referringlearning knowledge, it still can not completely replace book.

Admittedly, compared with books, televisionhas its unique advantages. Firstly, it can turn somehow monotonously traditionallearning into a vivid three-dimensional world. For children, who are much more inclined to accept picturesque images than abstract letters or characters,vivid television program is always a successful teaching way. Even for adults,television is more attractive and interesting than dull reading. Secondly, televisioncan offer us the latest news and discoveries which would take a fairly longertime to publish on books. For example, we can know immediately about thebreakout of Iraq War or a new discovery of life in the Antarctic ice cap on thetelevision, but we have to wait for the books covering such information untilthe stop of the war and the finish of research on the new discovery, or even more time. However, as TV stations operate as profit enterprises, their commercial orientation drives them to design more and more entertainment programs rather than educational ones that are obviously less profitable. Consequently, meaningless entertainments occupy the time for advanced intellectual thinking and learning.  (个人觉得让步段可以短点,如果你的观点否定成分居多的话)

More importantly, television has fatal weaknesses when referring to abstract ideas and theories, which is the most crucial texture in advanced scientific research, or inspiring our imagination that are crucial for any creation and invention. Take math study for example, vivid image can hardly help us achieve a deep understanding of the complex settlement of absurd (abstruse?)equations. Similarly, we almost can never catch not mentionappreciate philosophers’ great thought from television, since image can nevertake place of specifically and systematically literal description such as what is emotion, or why every object is always moving. Books, however, provide uswith systematic summary of abstract ideas and theories and enough room for usto use our imagination and creativity. Thus, by reading meteorology books, we cannot only know the earth’s various weather features, but also can draw atentative conclusion on future weather trend; by reading history, we can freely imagine things happened in the past without the limit of popular views claimed by TV. From thispoint, learning from television can not take place of reading books.(感觉这段用几个提示性的短语,如自然科学方面...,文学方面...,会更好些)

In addition, learning from books is more activethan from televisions. As television programs are arranged by televisionstations, people have fairly limited choices when watching television. What wecan do is to select in the given range with fixed time, fixed content and fixedlevel. Sometimes, even if we have already acquired certain knowledge fromtelevision, it is quite possible that we have to tolerance its repeatingbroadcast since the programs will be renewed slowly. Reading books, on thecontrary, is an active process, in which we can make choice of what, when andto which extent we want to learn. However, television cannot provide such free choice.

To sum up, although in television age(age of television, 好像英语中名词叠用不常见,television 没有形容词词性) television has become a vivid and efficient way to learn, reading books is stillimportant as it once was. We may expect that no matter how large the development of television might be in the future, it can never replace readingin learning process.

1 的确社会需要会对人们的行为有约束

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-22 19:56:50 |只看该作者
When Baird John Logie invented television,he would never imagine it might have largely changed people’s life in thefollowing eighty years. Quite beyond his expectation, nowadays television not only acts as a media propagandizing social responsibility and morality, but also offers a convenient way to learn knowledge. However, when referring learning knowledge, it still can not completely replace book.

Admittedly, compared with books, television has its unique advantages. Firstly, it can turn somehow monotonously traditional learning into a vivid three-dimensional world. For children, who are much more inclined to accept picturesque images than abstract letters or characters,vivid television program is always a successful teaching way. Even for adults,television is more attractive and interesting than dull reading. Secondly, television can offer us the latest news and discoveries which would take a fairly longertime to publish on books. For example, we can know immediately about the breakout of Iraq War or a new discovery of life in the Antarctic ice cap on the television, but we have to wait for the books covering such information until the stop of the war and the finish of research on the new discovery, or even more time. However, as TV stations operate as profit enterprises, their commercial orientation drives them to design more and more entertainment programs rather than educational ones that are obviously less profitable. Consequently, meaningless entertainments occupy the time for advanced intellectual thinking and learning.  

More importantly
, television has fatal weaknesses when referring to abstract ideas and theories, which is the most crucial texture in advanced scientific research, or inspiring our imagination that are crucial for any creation and invention. Take math study for example, vivid image can hardly help us achieve a deep understanding of the complex settlement of absurd equations. Similarly, we almost can never catch not mentionappreciate philosophers’ great thought from television, since image can nevertake place of specifically and systematically literal description such as what is emotion, or why every object is always moving. Books, however, provide us with systematic summary of abstract ideas and theories and enough room for us to use our imagination and creativity. Thus, by reading meteorology books, we cannot only know the earth’s various weather features, but also can draw atentative conclusion on future weather trend; by reading history, we can freely imagine things happened in the past without the limit of popular views claimed by TV. From this point, learning from television can not take place of reading books.

In addition, learning from books is more active than from televisions. As television programs are arranged by television stations, people have fairly limited choices when watching television. What we can do is to select in the given range with fixed time, fixed content and fixed level. Sometimes, even if we have already acquired certain knowledge from television, it is quite possible that we have to tolerance its repeating broadcast since the programs will be renewed slowly. Reading books, on the contrary, is an active process, in which we can make choice of what, when and to which extent we want to learn. However, television cannot provide such free choice.

To sum up, although in television age television has become a vivid and efficient way to learn, reading books is still important as it once was. We may expect that no matter how large the development of television might be in the future, it can never replace reading in learning process.


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