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[i习作temp] Issue88 【永往直前小组】第三次作业by269750640 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-22 16:49:10 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
88"Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."88 科学技术不但影响而且决定了社会风俗和民族习惯

When I stay comfortable in front of my advanced computer with a Inter processor, I get amazed by the contents in the website page that in a historic site of temple ,archeologists have found human bones which are affirmed left by the sacrifices who were killed during the rituals in that time . surely it is hard for us who live in modern times to understand the cruel history, according , I could not agree  the claim more that Technologies-which serve as a catalyst for the progress of human society-would have a deep impact on our customs and ethics . however, once the assertion amounts to that" Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics”, it would lose my supports.

I do insist that customs and ethic would not be dominated by technologies, and even they would be affected or not is in need of further study of simultaneous circumstance

admittedly, common sense tells us , colossal variety would take place once a breakthrough of technologies was achieve in the history , people's life style would  be more convenient and pleasurable as the result of dramatically rise of productive force ,according to brought distinctions , original customs and ethics which were founded on former materials would also vary .the example of the status of man and women come into mind immediately ,once in many countries women always got despised by society because of their poor labor , braveness , and aggression , whereas men shared their superiority especially when they cultivated in the field under a unbearable climate ,the situation remained until Second Industrial Revolution  which resulted in the appearance of machines, the devices erase  the gap of sex in burdensome works . Consequently, from then on, all the people would have to face the similar mental challenges which induce the fair status of female. in short , Technologies alter the ethics in such situation.
In addition, revolution caused by technologies innovation also could be found in social customs, which were decided by human's innocence. burial in China is a good example  ,fifty years ago in China, especially in the countryside , people preferred to bury their relations whole in the ground after their death holding the faith that they soul would be accepted by God , however, due to the development of technologies of biology, the scientist unravels the truth of death and the destructive effects ground-burying would brought , people are more likely to choose burning-burying –burn dead body to ashes before burying .accordingly, customs and ethics related with recognitions and productive force would vary as the technologies develop.

Next our attentions would focus on the occasions that customs and ethics could give a firmly rejection responds to requires of technologies. at first We’d like to search the derivation of some virtues as illustrations . it is widely accepted that shaking hands in a first meeting would imply your amity and favor ,this custom would have a correlation with the  habit in Middle ages in Europe, in that era , people-especially male- always dressed themselves with  swords , when they met each other , to express their kindness and believes to others, they would shake hands to imply: you see, I have no weapons , that was just a approach to promise their safety which is needed by humanity. Although several hundreds of years have passed from then on , no things change in those years, the substantial meaning of this custom is still preserved and inherited and will be done forever.
Maintenance would not only appear in customs, but also be universal in ethics once referring to meet the needs of humanity. person, if he or her want to have a peaceful life as a gregarious creature, must learn people skills, which could be the reason for the insisting of several basic rules- amity ,kindness, desire of peace, protecting others ,accommodation ,and loyalty -which turn the dispersed human society to a organical whole to resist the outside threaten which would mean a lot to human's existing.
In short, obviously we may find customs and ethics based on humanity also remain steadily.

so in conclusion, we should divide the social customs and ethics into two parts: one is referring to the humanity while the other bases on the material which could be influenced largely of technologies , as a result, while the instincts-decided part stay firmly in front of the technologies, only the technological part of customs and ethics would vary as the society progresses

203. "The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its heroines." 203理解一个社会特征的最好的方法就是研究那个社会所认为的伟大人物

1 社会的特征是由该时代的伟人为代表的

2 伟人并不能代表所有人民的特征,有些只有个性,并不是共性

183."As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and more mysterious." ?? 183随着我们的知识越来越多事情不是变得更好理解而是变得更复杂更神秘
1 知识丰富,信息爆炸容易让人们对事物失去判断力
2 知识丰富可以使人们看事情更加全面,从而分析问题更加深刻

112. "Some educational systems emphasize the development of student's capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, but students would benefit more from an education that also taught them to explore their own emotions." 112一些教育机构强调培养学生的推理和逻辑思考能力但是学生从教他们如何培养个人情操的教育系统中获益更多



30"The primary goal of technological advancement should be to increase people's efficiency so that everyone has more leisure time."30技术进步的最主要的目标就是提高人们的效率,使得每个人都有更多的闲暇时间
1 技术的进步的确提高了人们的效率
2 然而技术进步并未带给人们更多的闲暇时间


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发表于 2007-7-23 17:39:07 |只看该作者
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RE: Issue88 【永往直前小组】第三次作业by269750640 [修改]
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Issue88 【永往直前小组】第三次作业by269750640
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