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[a习作temp] Argument2 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-24 22:35:36 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
The arguer’s view seems to be sound andconvincing at first glance that it is reasonable to adopt our own set of restrictions onlandscaping and housepainting in that Brookville community who did so sevenyears ago has its average property values tripled. However,I’m afraid his argument can hardly bear further consideration since there areseveral flaws in it.

Firstly, the arguer fails to provideconvincing information about that the tripled average property values in Brookville is dueto its adaptation of a set of restrictions on how the community’s yards shouldbe landscaped and what colors the exteriors of homes should be painted. Heignores the possibilities that other factors might be mainly responsible forsuch rising values. Generally speaking, the values of acommunity depend on many conditions such as location, surrounding environment,and management. It is possible that the district where Brookville community locates has developed intoa commercial center in the past seven years, thus the values of Brookvillecommunity rose, and consequently average property values tripled. Or Brookvillecommunity invested a lot of money in improving surrounding environment in thepassing seven years, thus clean air, seashore view, large area of grass and soon make it a beautiful place to live in and more and more people takeinterested in buying houses there. As a result, its value tripled. Without ruling the possibilities above, the arguer’s recommendationis problematic.

Secondly, even if the tripled average property values inBrookville is due to its adaptation of a set of restrictions on landscaping andhousepainting, the arguer fails to offer any proof that can ensure experienceseven years ago can be still feasible today. It is possible that seven yearsago people have insufficient money to adorn their houses characteristically,thus restrictions on landscaping and housepainting is welcomed by residents. Aseconomy has developed greatly in the passing years, people’s life has beensharply improved. They can afford various styles of landscaping andhousepainting now; meanwhile, they increase their requirements on the exteriorsof homes. Thus, though uniform style was popular seven years ago, now the samedoing might be not practical since the uniform exterior might not meet most customer’srequirement and finally Deerhaven Acres might lose its market, ultimatelyleading to economic loss.  

Finally,given that the tripled average property values in Brookville is dueto its adaptation of a set of restrictions on landscaping and housepainting andthe uniform exterior are still feasible today, there is no evidence shows that DeerhavenAcres will surely raise its property values if it takes the same restrictions. Theauthor does not provide any information that Deerhaven Acres 's condition issimilar to that of Brookville. Maybe many houses in Deerhaven Acres are very old,then the restrictions on landscaping and housepainting might cost far moremoney than just maintain them, consequently the property value decrease.Moreover, if the residents in Deerhaven Acres are unwilling to change theirstyle of the housepaintings and yard landscaping, the sales of the house mightdrop, and then may result in the decrease of the property value.

In all,to persuade me that Deerhaven Acres adopts the same set of restrictions of Brookvillecommunity on landscaping and housepainting is necessary, the arguer mustprovide detail information that the tripled average property values inBrookville is due to its adaptation of such restrictions, and offer convincingevidence that such restriction are still welcomed by house owners. Moreover,the arguer should show me that Deerhaven Acres will surely raise its propertyvalues if it takes the same restrictions.






[ 本帖最后由 woodman 于 2007-7-25 17:37 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-25 00:36:12 |只看该作者
The arguer’s view seems to be sound andconvincing at first glance that it is reasonable to adopt our own set of restrictions onlandscaping and housepainting in that Brookville community who did so sevenyears ago has its average property values tripled.(The autor conclude that it is reasonable to adopt our own set of restrictions onlandscaping and housepainting in that Brookville community who did so sevenyears ago has its average property values tripled. The  arguer’s view seems to be sound andconvincing at first glance  顺序调整一下会好些,突出作者主题,这也算TS) However,I’m afraid his argument can hardly bear further consideration since there areseveral flaws in it.

Firstly, the arguer fails to provide convincing information about that the tripled average property values in Brookville is duet o its adaptation of a set of restrictions on how the community’s yards shouldbe landscaped and what colors the exteriors of homes should be painted. He ignores the possibilities that other factors might be mainly responsible forsuch rising values. Generally speaking, the values of acommunity depend on many conditions such as location, surrounding environment,and management. It is possible that the district where Brookville community locates has developed intoa commercial center in the past seven years, thus the values of Brookvillecommunity rose, and consequently average property values tripled. Or Brookvillecommunity invested a lot of money in improving surrounding environment in thepassing seven years, thus clean air, seashore view, large area of grass and soon make it a beautiful place to live in and more and more people takeinterested in buying houses there. As a result, its value tripled. Without ruling the possibilities above, the arguer’s recommendationis problematic.

Secondly, even if the tripled average property values inBrookville is due to its adaptation of a set of restrictions on landscaping andhousepainting, the arguer fails to offer any proof that can ensure experienceseven years ago can be still feasible today. It is possible that seven yearsago people have insufficient money to adorn their houses characteristically,thus restrictions on landscaping and housepainting is welcomed by residents. Aseconomy has developed greatly in the passing years, people’s life has beensharply improved. They can afford various styles of landscaping andhousepainting now; meanwhile, they increase their requirements on the exteriorsof homes. Thus, though uniform style was popular seven years ago, now the samedoing might be not practical since the uniform exterior might not meet most customer’srequirement and finally Deerhaven Acres might lose its market, ultimatelyleading to economic loss.  

Finally,given that the tripled average property values in Brookville is dueto its adaptation of a set of restrictions on landscaping and housepainting andthe uniform exterior are still feasible today, there is no evidence shows that DeerhavenAcres will surely raise its property values if it takes the same restrictions. Theauthor does not provide any information that Deerhaven Acres 's condition issimilar to that of Brookville. Maybe many houses in Deerhaven Acres are very old,then the restrictions on landscaping and housepainting might cost far moremoney than just maintain them, consequently the property value decrease.Moreover, if the residents in Deerhaven Acres are unwilling to change theirstyle of the housepaintings and yard landscaping, the sales of the house mightdrop, and then may result in the decrease of the property value.

In all,to persuade me that Deerhaven Acres adopts the same set of restrictions of Brookvillecommunity on landscaping and housepainting is necessary, the arguer mustprovide detail information that the tripled average property values inBrookville is due to its adaptation of such restrictions, and offer convincingevidence that such restriction are still welcomed by house owners. Moreover,the arguer should show me that Deerhaven Acres will surely raise its propertyvalues if it takes the same restrictions.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-25 02:48:35 |只看该作者
The arguer’s view seems to be sound andconvincing at first glance that it is reasonable to adopt our own set of restrictions onlandscaping and housepainting in that Brookville community who did so sevenyears ago has its average property values tripled. However,I’m afraid his argument can hardly bear further consideration since there areseveral flaws in it.

Firstly, the arguer fails to provideconvincing information about that the tripled average property values in Brookville is dueto its adaptation of a set of restrictions on how the community’s yards shouldbe landscaped and what colors the exteriors of homes should be painted. Heignores the possibilities that other factors might be mainly responsible forsuch rising values. Generally speaking, the values of acommunity depend on many conditions such as location, surrounding environment,and management. It is possible that the district where Brookville community locates has developed intoa commercial center in the past seven years, thus the values of Brookvillecommunity rose, and consequently average property values tripled. Or Brookvillecommunity invested a lot of money in improving surrounding environment in thepassing seven years, thus clean air, seashore view, large area of grass and soon make it a beautiful place to live in and more and more people takeinterested in buying houses there. As a result, its value tripled. Without ruling the possibilities above, the arguer’s recommendationis problematic.(分析明确例子展的很开阿比偶好多了)

Secondly, even if the tripled average property values inBrookville is due to its adaptation of a set of restrictions on landscaping andhousepainting, the arguer fails to offer any proof that can ensure experienceseven years ago can be still feasible today. It is possible that seven yearsago people have insufficient money to adorn their houses characteristically,thus restrictions on landscaping and housepainting is welcomed by residents. Aseconomy has developed greatly in the passing years, people’s life has beensharply improved. They can afford various styles of landscaping andhousepainting now; meanwhile, they increase their requirements on the exteriorsof homes. Thus, though uniform style was popular seven years ago, now the samedoing might be not practical since the uniform exterior might not meet most customer’srequirement and finally Deerhaven Acres might lose its market, ultimatelyleading to economic loss.  

Finally,given that the tripled average property values in Brookville is dueto its adaptation of a set of restrictions on landscaping and housepainting andthe uniform exterior are still feasible today, there is no evidence shows that DeerhavenAcres will surely raise its property values if it takes the same restrictions. Theauthor does not provide any information that Deerhaven Acres 's condition issimilar to that of Brookville. Maybe many houses in Deerhaven Acres are very old,then the restrictions on landscaping and housepainting might cost far moremoney than just maintain them, consequently the property value decrease.Moreover, if the residents in Deerhaven Acres are unwilling to change theirstyle of the housepaintings and yard landscaping, the sales of the house mightdrop, and then may result in the decrease of the property value.

In all,to persuade me that Deerhaven Acres adopts the same set of restrictions of Brookvillecommunity on landscaping and housepainting is necessary, the arguer mustprovide detail information that the tripled average property values inBrookville is due to its adaptation of such restrictions, and offer convincingevidence that such restriction are still welcomed by house owners. Moreover,the arguer should show me that Deerhaven Acres will surely raise its propertyvalues if it takes the same restrictions.



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