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[a习作temp] argument124【0710天道酬勤互改小组】第十七次作业 [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-7-25 00:52:21 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ARGUMENT124 - The following is a memo from the business manager of National Daily News.

"To expand the home delivery service of our national newspaper, we should concentrate on the state of Urba rather than on the state of Sylva. First, the population of Sylva is more widely dispersed, which would require us to spend more money to deliver our papers in that area, resulting in less profit per customer. Second, a long-term study of television viewing habits suggests that Sylvans prefer local to national news, since they spend twice as much time viewing local news programs as they do viewing national programs. Finally, because events in Urba receive more coverage in our newspaper than do events in Sylva, we can expect Urbans to be more interested in reading our newspaper."
WORDS: 353->449          TIME: 00:30:00 修改          DATE: 2007-7-24 23:24:53

In this argument, the manager concludes that they should concentrate on the state of Urba rather than on the state of Sylva. To substantiate his conclusion, the manager cites that the population, the television viewing habits and the coverage of their newspapers. However, the analysis is unconvincing for several critical flaws.

First of all, it is unfair to concludes that they can not get more profits from Sylva based on the fact the population of Sylva is more widely dispersed. The manager does not mention that the proportion of the cost of delivery. Perhaps it only plays a small proportion in the total cost of newspaper costs. Then it will not influence much on the profits of their newspaper. Or perhaps it requires them more money to deliver their papers in Sylva. But the manager does not mention the overall population would read their papers of the two States. Perhaps there are more people would read their papers in Sylva. Then the overall profits of their paper in Sylva would be much higher than the state of Urba. If true, these facts would serve to refute the conclusion of the manager.
Secondly, the manager false compares the watching habits of television and the reading habits of newspapers. The television viewing habits can not reflect the habits of reading newspaper. Perhaps people in Sylvans prefer watching local to national news on television, and then they would prefer to read more national news from newspapers. What is more, the manager does not mention any evidence to show the fact in Urba. Perhaps the residents in Sylva do not care about any news, then they would also do not read their newspapers. So, without providing the detail evidence of the truth, the manager can not justifiable make the conclusion.

Finally, from the evidence that in Urba receive more coverage in their newspaper than in Sylva, the manager can not conclude that Urbans will be more interest in reading their newspaper. The significant issue of a newspaper is to publish the attracted news, no matter where it was happened. So too many news about Urba would influence the sell of their papers. Or perhaps the residents of Urbans prefer reading the news happened in the other place. Or perhaps there are other newspaper does a better job than them, and the residents in Urba have used to read that newspaper. In short, without providing the directly evidence, the manager can not make the conclusion.

In sum, the argument is lacks credibility because the evidence cites in analysis does not lend strong support to what the manager maintain. To strengthen the argument, the arguer would have to provide more evidence to proof his conclusion.

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