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[i习作temp] Issue70 【永往直前小组】第七次作业by269750640 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-27 10:46:51 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Should we step down leaders every five years in any profession such as business, politics, education, government? The speaker claims so, for the reason that the surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership. I concede that in some areas this solution takes benefit. Otherwise, in some realms the suggestion has obvious disadvantages.
     In considering the political world it might be more tempting to agree with the speaker. The British historian Lord Acton once said "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely; great men are almost always bad man… There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it." Imagine if a political leader maintain his power for a long period, the destiny of the whole country will be dependent on his or her own intellect and decision, which is extremely dangerous because no one can always be right. Chin Dynasty First Emperor Ying Cheng, the leader of Qin dynasty, his behavior was a positive outrage. He rules with a heavy hand, forces to build the Great Wall during which many people were purged or killed. Therefore to change the leadership from time to time is sensible and better for enhancing democracy.

       In the educational field, the situation is different. If the Minister of Education, university president or school headermaster are step down every five years, it will be too hasty or even cruel .Even it is a waste of human recourses .Because the experience and knowledge which needed to be accumulated in a much longer period than just five years. Charles W. Eliot, the president of Harvard president, holder the president for more than 40 years. The average period which the Harvard president occupy is 13.9 years .Richard Levin, the president of Yale University, said "The president period are more than 10 years, otherwise they can do nonthing.15 years are better, 6 years are too rigid." Mei yiqi, the Tsinghua University president, occupy 17 years, to contribute the university become the top 1 university in China. Therefore in education, we always say we can get more from the elder. Only elder can give us more experience of life and perspective of questions which is more crucial in education for the purpose of make out true individual.

      In sum, the change of leadership in every profession seems not always to be a good deed. The conclusion should be varied according to certain realms. In some fields such as politics and governments we should take the suggestion to benefit the society while in other areas we should consider the advantages and disadvantages of the suggestion before we make the decision to reelect our leaders.

Issue 173(第13类传统保留 Vs 创新发展:频次21),180(第15类法律:频次37),170(第16类国家、国际:频次31),210(第17类态度、方法论:频次29
173."Originality does not mean thinking something that was never thought before; it means putting old ideas together in new ways." 173 创意不是指想人们没有想过的东西而是指把旧的观点放在一起形成新的观点
2 创意也是把旧的观点放在一起然后整合出一种新的观点
180."Many problems of modem society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system because moral behavior cannot be legislated." 180 现代社会的许多问题是法律和司法系统不能解决的因为立法不能左右人的道德行为
1 是有许多问题法律和司法系统不能解决,那是因为法律和司法系统有漏洞
2 立法可以限制人们的道德行为
170."The surest indicator of a great nation is not the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but the general welfare of all its people."
First, it fails to define "general welfare."
2 其他的都是次要的
210."Most people choose a career on the basis of such pragmatic considerations as the needs of the economy, the relative ease of finding a job, and the salary they can expect to make. Hardly anyone is free to choose a career based on his or her natural talents or interest in a particular kind of work." 210 大多数人找工作是基于钱这种很实际的考虑,费多大的劲找到工作,就希望拿多少薪水。很难得有人能从自己的潜质和兴趣出发去找一份特殊的工作
2 社会的体制决定了人们必须先考虑生存,如果人们都能够吃饱饭的话,无论做什么工作都是差不多的,就可以选择自己有兴趣的工作了。

[ 本帖最后由 269750640 于 2007-7-27 11:11 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-27 15:17:44 |只看该作者
Shouldwe step down leaders every five years in any profession such as business,politics, education, government? The speaker claims so, for the reason that thesurest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through newleadership. I concede that in some areas this solution takes benefit. Otherwise(However), in some realms the suggestion hasobvious disadvantages.这一次的开头比上一次好多了,呵呵

In considering the political world it might be more tempting to agree with thespeaker. The British historian Lord Acton once said "Power tends tocorrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely; great men are almost alwaysbad man… There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder ofit." Imagine if a political leader maintain his power for a long period,the destiny of the whole country will be dependent on his or her own intellectand decision, which is extremely dangerous because no one can always be right.(人非圣贤孰能无过,执政时间短叶可能犯错啊) Chin Dynasty First Emperor Ying Cheng(这个句子有毛病噢), the leader of Qin dynasty, his behavior was a positiveoutrage. He rules with a heavy hand, forces to build the Great Wall duringwhich many people were purged or killed. Therefore to change the leadershipfrom time to time is sensible and better for enhancing democracy. (秦始皇修长城不足以为长时间以至于犯错的证据,不具有典型性)在政治领域选举主要是为了防止腐败以及僵化。
In the educational field, the situation is different. If the Minister ofEducation, university president or school headermaster are step down every fiveyears, it will be too hasty or even cruel(感情色彩太强) .Even it is a waste of human recourses .Because the experience andknowledge which needed to be accumulated in a much longer period than just fiveyears. Charles W. Eliot, the president of Harvard president, holder thepresident for more than 40 years. The average period which the Harvardpresident occupy is 13.9 years .Richard Levin, the president of Yale University,said "The president period are more than 10 years, otherwise they can dononthing.15 years are better, 6 years are too rigid." Mei yiqi, the Tsinghua Universitypresident, occupy 17 years, to contribute the university become the top 1university in China.Therefore in education, we always say we can get more from the elder. Onlyelder can give us more experience of life and perspective of questions which ismore crucial in education for the purpose of make out true individual.

In sum, the change of leadership in every profession seems not always to be agood deed. The conclusion should be varied according to certain realms. In somefields such as politics and governments we should take the suggestion tobenefit the society while in other areas we should consider the advantages anddisadvantages of the suggestion before we make the decision to reelect ourleaders.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-27 17:00:05 |只看该作者
Should we step down leaders every five years in any profession such as business, politics, education, government? The speaker claims so, for the reason that the surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership. I concede that in some areas this solution takes benefit(s). Otherwise, in some(other) realms the suggestion has obvious disadvantages.

In considering the political world it might be more tempting to agree with the speaker. The British historian Lord Acton once said "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely; great men are almost always bad man… There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it." Imagine if a political leader maintain his power for a long period, the destiny of the whole country will be dependent on his or her own intellect and decision, which is extremely dangerous because no one can always be right. (推理上不够缜密,不换届并不代表独裁。反例:罗斯福。这里正面论证不如反面论证来的容易,比如“永远不换人”回如何如何)Chin Dynasty First Emperor Ying Cheng, the leader of Qin dynasty, his behavior was a positive outrage. He rules with a heavy hand, forces to build the Great Wall during which many people were purged or killed. (所有的皇帝都是终身制,但不是所有的皇帝都是秦始皇。他的那些个暴行不是由于长时不下台导致的,而是制度使然,而这个制度除了终身外还包括了其他的很多的决定性因素。so,这个例子可以用,但是要适当修改,focus到时间上来。)Therefore to change the leadership from time to time is sensible and better for enhancing democracy.

In the educational field, the situation is different. If the Minister of Education, university president or school headermaster are step down every five years, it will be too hasty or even cruel. Even it is a waste of human recourses. Because the experience and knowledge which needed to be accumulated in a much longer period than just five years.(以上句子可以整合成一句) Charles W. Eliot, the president of Harvard president, holder the president for more than 40 years. The average period which the Harvard president occupy is 13.9 years .Richard Levin, the president of Yale University, said "The president period are more than 10 years, otherwise they can do nonthing.15 years are better, 6 years are too rigid." Mei yiqi, the Tsinghua University president, occupy 17 years, to contribute the university become the top 1 university in China. (这例子集团很帅...编的吧?)Therefore in education, we always say we can get more from the elder. Only elder can give us more experience of life and perspective of questions which is more crucial in education for the purpose of make out true individual.(一个always,一个only,非常不好。你要反驳的是“不是所有的field都是年轻的好”,而不是“一定越老越好”。)

    In sum, the change of leadership in every profession seems not always to be a good deed. The conclusion should be varied according to certain realms. In some fields such as politics and governments we should take the suggestion to benefit the society while in other areas we should consider the advantages and disadvantages of the suggestion before we make the decision to reelect our leaders.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-27 19:16:43 |只看该作者


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