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[a习作temp] argument200 【勇往直前小组】 老八 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-28 18:33:13 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ARGUMENT200 - Statistics collected from dentists indicate that three times more men than women faint while visiting the dentist. This evidence suggests that men are more likely to be distressed about having dental work done than women are. Thus, dentists who advertise to attract patients should target the male consumer and emphasize both the effectiveness of their anesthetic techniques and the sensitivity of their staff to nervous or suffering patients.
WORDS: 438          TIME: 00:30:00          DATE: 2007-7-27 18:44:02

By the evidence which shows that men are more likely to distress than women when having dental work, the author suggest that dentists should make their advertisement lay more emphasis on male customers and stress on the effectiveness of their techniques and skills which would not make customers suffer. Although this conclusion seems persuasive at first glance, it suffered from several flaws which makes it can not bear further consideration.
  Firstly, the report from dentists is not sufficient. There is no detailed information about the population, area and other factors. For example, if the total numbers of male patients are far more than women, then it's quite common that men who faint during the operation are more than women. What's more, the survey is done in what area? Maybe the case in certain cities are quite different from the others. Again, the authors failed to give a detailed description about this, therefore, the conclusion cannot bear our doubt.
  Even if the survey holds true, we are insufficient to conclude that men are more likely to be disressed about having dental work. It is possible that men are more physically sensitive than women, and therefore, the feeling of pain comes fiercer, which lead to the final result. It is also possible that men would go to the dentists only when he can't bears the pain of his teeth, and women, might go there even if there is a little wrong with them; therefore the men would server more pain than women when the dentists are operating, which result in the final result as the survey showed.
  Finally, even if the reason why men faint three times more than women is that men are more likely to be distressed, the suggesting is convincible. The effectiveness of the advertisements cannot be guaranteed and it might not bring more profits. For example, maybe the factor of price is more pivotal when a man makes decision of dentists. Therefore, if dentists pay more attention on the facts that suggested, the patients might not choose them because of the price. Furthermore, even if the advertisement that follow the suggestion would have a good effect, how many potential male customers are there? Maybe the number female potential customers are far more than males. And women might more likely to considerate the outer appearance of there teeth after the process, rather than the pain in the process. If so, the advertisements that aimed at man would make the profits less, for there are more women customers than men. In conclusion, the author fails to give convincible evidence to show that the advertisement will function well.
  In sum, based on the lack of enough information, the  of the author failed to make his suggestions convincible.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-28 22:37:42 |只看该作者
By the evidence which shows that men are more likely to distress than women when having dental work, the author suggest that dentists should make their advertisement lay more emphasis on male customers and stress on the effectiveness of their techniques and skills which would not make customers suffer. Although this conclusion seems persuasive at first glance, it suffered from several flaws which makes(make) it can not bear further consideration.  

Firstly, the report from dentists is not sufficient. There is no detailed information about the population, area and other factors. For example, if the total numbers of male patients are far more than women, then it's quite common that men who faint during the operation are more than women. What's more, the survey is done in what area? Maybe the case in certain cities are(is) quite different from the others. Again, the authors failed to give a detailed description about this, therefore, the conclusion cannot bear our doubt.(攻击牙医的报告不准确)  

Even if the survey holds true, we are insufficient to conclude that men are more likely to be distressed about having dental work. It is possible that men are more physically sensitive than women, and therefore, the feeling of pain comes fiercer, which lead to the final result. It is also possible that men would go to the dentists only when he can't bears the pain of his teeth, and women, might go there even if there is a little wrong with them; therefore the men would server more pain than women when the dentists are operating, which result in the final result as the survey showed.(攻击男人比女人更容易痛苦)  

Finally, even if the reason why men faint three times more than women is that men are more likely to be distressed, the suggesting is convincible. The effectiveness of the advertisements cannot be guaranteed and it might not bring more profits. For example, maybe the factor of price is more pivotal when a man makes decision of dentists. Therefore, if dentists pay more attention on the facts that suggested, the patients might not choose them because of the price. Furthermore, even if the advertisement that follow(follows) the suggestion would have a good effect, how many potential male customers are there? Maybe the number female potential customers are far more than males. And women might more likely to considerate the outer appearance of there teeth after the process, rather than the pain in the process. If so, the advertisements that aimed at man would make the profits less, for there are more women customers than men. In conclusion, the author fails to give convincible evidence to show that the advertisement will function well.(攻击广告有没有效)  

In sum, based on the lack of enough information, the (argument)of the author failed to make his suggestions convincible.

[ 本帖最后由 Puding 于 2007-7-28 22:40 编辑 ]

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-29 12:28:14 |只看该作者
By the evidence which shows that men are more likely to distress than women when having dental work, the author suggest that dentists should make their advertisement lay more emphasis on male customers and stress on the effectiveness of their techniques and skills which would not make customers suffer. Although this conclusion seems persuasive at first glance, it suffered (suffers) from several flaws which makes it can not bear further consideration.
  Firstly, the report from dentists is not sufficient. There is no detailed information about the population, area and other factors. For example, if the total numbers of male patients are far more than women, then it's quite common that men who faint during the operation are more than women. What's more, the survey is done in what area? Maybe the case in certain cities are quite different from the others. Again, the authors failed to give a detailed description about this, therefore, the conclusion cannot bear our doubt. 攻击样本模糊

  Even if the survey holds true, we are insufficient to conclude that men are more likely to be disressed about having dental work. It is possible that men are more physically sensitive than women, and therefore, the feeling of pain comes fiercer, which lead to the final result. It is also possible that men would go to the dentists only when he can't bears the pain of his teeth, and women, might go there even if there is a little wrong with them; therefore the men would server (suffer) more pain than women when the dentists are operating, which resulted in the final result as the survey showed.攻击faint的其他可能性
  Finally, even if the reason why men faint three times more than women is that men are more likely to be distressed, the suggestingsuggestion is convincible. The effectiveness of the advertisements cannot be guaranteed and it might not bring more profits. For example, maybe the factor of price is more pivotal when a man makes decision of dentists. Therefore, if dentists pay more attention on the facts that suggested, the patients might not choose them because of the price. Furthermore, even if the advertisement that follow the suggestion would have a good effect, how many potential male customers are there? Maybe the number of female potential customers are far more than males. And women might be more likely to considerate the outer appearance of theretheir teeth after the process, rather than the pain in the process. If so, the advertisements that aimed at man would make the profits less, for there are more women customers than men. In conclusion, the author fails to give convincible evidence to show that the advertisement will function well.攻击广告的有效性
  In sum, based on the lack of enough information, the argument of the author failed to make his suggestions convincible.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-30 08:25:07 |只看该作者
顺序思维的话,可能逻辑的顺序上就只能以事实出现的第一点作为第一段,但是暗含的前提可能批驳不到。因为 事实是第一层, 事实推到的分论点是第二层,分论点推到总论点的时候才可以对一些没有事实的默认的前提进行批驳。而逆向思维的时候可以做到按照问题存在的前后来分,比如 隐含的前提。
第二顺序思维我觉得是可以对清晰思维有着很好的作用的,因为是基于事实来说话,一步一步向后推,而逆序思维 我经常在比较难的问题前面 就会觉得 隐含的条件太多,并且非常的容易混淆。这样看来顺序思维是可以很好的梳理思路的。
不知道你怎么看我的想法,并且对于解决段落是否按照逻辑顺序一次排列的问题 有没有什么想法。

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