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[i习作temp] Issue109 【永往直前小组】第十次作业by269750640 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-29 16:43:06 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
109."The purpose of many advertisements is to make consumers want to buy a product so that

they will 'be like' the person in the ad. This practice is effective because it not only

sells products but also helps people feel better about themselves." 109 很多广告的目的就



The speaker asserts that the many ads that make consumers want to "be like" the person portrayed in the ad are effective not only in selling products but also in helping consumers feel better about them. I strongly disagree with that opinion. Actually, while ads portraying people we want to "be like" are undoubtedly effective in selling products, they are equally ineffective in helping consumers feel better about themselves.
    Advertising is paid, one-way communication through a medium in which the sponsor is identified and the message is controlled. Variations include publicity, public relations, product placement, sponsorship, underwriting, and sales promotion. Every major medium is used to deliver these messages, including: television, radio, movies, magazines, newspapers, the Internet, and billboards. Advertisements can also be seen on the seats of grocery carts, on the walls of an airport walkway, on the sides of buses, heard in telephone hold messages and in-store public address systems. Advertisements are usually placed anywhere an audience can easily and frequently access visuals and audio, especially on clothing. Because of that the consumers often rely on the advertisements, the advertising industry became amount large.
    For many female consumers, advertising is aspiration. Advertising allows a form of escapism that many women welcome and indeed pursue. As with other photographs and most artistic media, there exists an implicit understanding that what is depicted is not necessarily a mirror reflection of real life – and to many viewers this is the very attraction of the images. The models in the advertising reflect how many women want to be, which is why they are used to advertise fashion brands in the first place. Women welcome such pictures as a way of affirming their own focus on certain elements of aesthetic attractiveness. The glamour of the fashion industry in general and its advertising campaigns in particular is a welcome input to the humdrum existence led by many of the people who consume the pictures. They are grateful for the chance to engage in fantasying vicariously about a glamorous, fashionable lifestyle. But this can be harmful to women by encouraging dieting, eating disorders and cosmetic surgery, or simply by making them feel inadequate and ugly. The person in the ad are judged on their physical appearance, primarily on their looks ,it will adds to the pressure on all women to conform to it ,because of only a minority of women are born of beauty.
     In sum, the advertisement which the above mentioned is a sense of false hope, leading ultimately to disappointment and a sense of failure and inadequacy-in other words, feeling worse about ourselves.

197. "The material progress and well-being of one country are necessarily connected to the material progress and well-being of all other countries."197一个国家的生活质量提高和社会的安定是和其他所有国家的生活质量提高和社会安定密不可分的。1 一个国家的安危设计到全世界的和谐共处问题.
2 国家的富强也是与其他国家密不可分的。

174."Laws should not be stationary and fixed. Instead, they should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places." 174法律不应该太严格、太固定。他们应该根据实际情况而有伸缩性1 法律都不严格什么严格,不固定是什么意思?
2 倘若法律不能够一视同仁的话,怎么样能够公平的对待每个人

176."The function of science is to reassure; the purpose of art is to upset. Therein lies the value of each." 176科学的目的是打消疑虑,艺术的目的是颠覆。1 科学的目的的确是深入研究某些事情,从而打消疑虑
2 艺术的目的是颠覆,不赞同,应该是创新

171."People who pursue their own intellectual interests for purely personal reasons are more likely to benefit the rest of the world than are people who try to act for the public good." ?? 171那些出于个人目的追求自己兴趣的人是得益于那些肯牺牲自我为大众造福的人的1 追求自己的兴趣与造福别人没有太大关系
2 肯牺牲自己就更加谈不上了



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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-30 20:30:27 |只看该作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-31 00:21:36 |只看该作者
The speaker asserts that the many ads that make consumers want to "be like" the person portrayed in the ad are effective not only in selling products but also in helping consumers feel better about them. I strongly disagree with that opinion. Actually, while ads portraying people we want to "be like" are undoubtedly effective in selling products, they are equally ineffective in helping consumers feel better about themselves.

Advertising is paid, one-way communication through a medium in which the sponsor is identified and the message is controlled. Variations include publicity, public relations, product placement, sponsorship, underwriting, and sales promotion. Every major medium is used to deliver these messages, including: television, radio, movies, magazines, newspapers, the Internet, and billboards. Advertisements can also be seen on the seats of grocery carts, on the walls of an airport walkway, on the sides of buses, heard in telephone hold messages and in-store public address systems. Advertisements are usually placed anywhere an audience can easily and frequently access visuals and audio, especially on clothing. Because of that the consumers often rely on the advertisements, the advertising industry became amount large.

For many female consumers, advertising is aspiration. Advertising allows a form of escapism that many women welcome and indeed pursue. As with other photographs and most artistic media, there exists an implicit understanding that what is depicted is not necessarily a mirror reflection of real life – and to many viewers this is the very attraction of the images. The models in the advertising reflect how many women want to be, which is why they are used to advertise fashion brands in the first place. Women welcome such pictures as a way of affirming their own focus on certain elements of aesthetic attractiveness. The glamour of the fashion industry in general and its advertising campaigns in particular is a welcome input to the humdrum existence led by many of the people who consume the pictures. They are grateful for the chance to engage in fantasying vicariously about a glamorous, fashionable lifestyle. But this can be harmful to women by encouraging dieting, eating disorders and cosmetic surgery, or simply by making them feel inadequate and ugly. The person in the ad are judged on their physical appearance, primarily on their looks ,it will adds to the pressure on all women to conform to it ,because of only a minority of women are born of beauty.(觉得这段感觉一直在讲一个问题,但中心不十分明确)

In sum, the advertisement which the above mentioned is a sense of false hope, leading ultimately to disappointment and a sense of failure and inadequacy-in other words, feeling worse about ourselves.

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RE: Issue109 【永往直前小组】第十次作业by269750640 [修改]
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Issue109 【永往直前小组】第十次作业by269750640
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