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[i习作temp] issue144【0710G-HIT坚持交作业小组】第二次作业 SavileRow [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-31 14:25:44 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
题目:ISSUE144 - "It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."

*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.
字数:551          用时:01:04:18          日期:2007-7-30 14:58:23



The speaker asserts that art, compared to art critic, is of more lasting value to society. I agree with the speaker because the functions of art critic although do exist, are usually limited and overestimated.

The first function of art critics is that they are more capable in understanding and interpreting art works. Indeed, an art critic, who sometimes, is also an artist, can appreciate art works better, especially those abstruse ones. And a critic who is familiar with certain categories of artists and their works, might have particular insights in them that average people would not. However, this function is better accomplished by art teachers and books for beginners. Anyone who wants to step into the hall of art can make greater progress through the objective, educated training from teachers and text books. Moreover, the appreciation and understanding of art does not lie in instructions from others, but rather relies on truly feeling the emotional impact that art has on a person's all senses, souls and spirits. Art critic, on the other hand, would distract us from that genuine experience of the encounter of art.

The art critics' evaluation of art sometimes does serve as a filter that determines which art is more worthwhile than others. Nevertheless, this function is one we should be quite cause to. In the role of a judge, critics have disappointed us repeatedly. Consider the example that Beethoven's music was completely dismissed by those critics of his times. Or, think of the harsh criticism that Ieoh Ming Pei's design of Louvre Pyramid received. The root of these "accidents" is that the parameters on which critical judgment depends vary because of personal palates and preferences. What’s worse ,the parameters ,are in most of cases limited by the confine of ossified and outdated standards compared to the timeless attribute of art, and involve self ego of critics themselves. Simply put, we can never count on art critique for our own choice of art.

The art critics, someone might argue that, provide useful feedback to artists, which taken to heart may result in higher-quality art works. Nonetheless, this function is the most suspect. My neighbor,a painter, makes a compelling and somehow ironic example. Young as he was, he showed his unparalleled gift in art and he won constantly in all kinds of drawing contests for children. His later mentor, also an art critic, pointed out that his works were too fancy and fabulous that he should concentrate more on plain finesse or his career would be ruined. Having integrated the mentor's concern, he, a promising Picasso-like master, now ends up as an ordinary painter who earns his life by selling imitation of masterpieces he painted. This example aptly illustrates the point that art critics' judgment, usually, jeopardizes an artist's life of art rather than offers constructive feedback as they claim. Further, the works of art, are the manifestation of an artist's true passion and creative soul. Only catering to critique might eventually render them viable industrialized products from factories And those so called “works” are not qualified as art works any longer due to the loss of originality and creativity.

In sum, art, as crème de la crème, occupies an essential place in the fame of hall of intellectual treasure. Artists, through whose creation, add invaluable distillate to the accumulation of human race. Those genuine masterpieces act as beautiful photographs for the contemporaries and future generation to gaze into for the appreciation of history and culture. Art critics, on the other hand, play a subordinate role, and do a disservice to human race by making those photographs jaded now and then, not be mention leaving lasting value to the society.

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issue144【0710G-HIT坚持交作业小组】第二次作业 SavileRow
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