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推荐书目:剑桥12345、胡敏《雅思高分作文》、吴建业作文、刘洪波《阅读真经》12(只看文章,不能做题)、外研社《中级听力listen to this2》、俞敏洪《雅思词汇》
对29-31题 7分 32-35 7.5分 36-38 8分
3、题目永远比文章重要,先看题目再看文章,根据题目或选项中的关键词定位。关键词一般包括:数字、大写字母capital letters、符号mark等。
b.分成两类specific直接找细节和general 需要自己总结。
c. True (yes): 提到并符合
False (no): 提到但不符合
Not given: 没有提到或提到但不清楚,即根据现有的证据无法判断是对或错。
EG: P: He thinks Tom is good.
Q: Tom is good. NG
EG: P: He likes A
Q: He likes A and B NG
P: He only likes A
Q: He likes A and B False
EG: P: He is one of the best
Q: He is the best NG
EG: P: Many lectures find their jobs very rewarding.
Q: The majority of lecturers get satisfaction from their work. NG
5、list of headings题
e. Matching 题讲到就可以选,是往细的方面选。Heading题相反,一定要全面,选择可以包含文中有提到的更广范围的。
f. 第一遍做题可以先选出多个选项,再进行排除。用排除法来对照选项,看那段文章是否符合该选项中每一个蕴涵的意思。有一个方面不对就可以排除。
g. 在一个选项可以配对两题,你实在选不出的时候,宁可两题选一样的,放弃一题比两题都错好。
对30-32题 7分 33-35 7.5分 36-38 8分
2、填写时间如果是专门写月份,月份不可缩写(January\ February\ March\ April\ May\ June\ July\ August\ September\ October\ November\ December)
掌握金钱符号,英镑£ 欧元 美圆$
5、把握并列关系词(and, not only but also, also, too, either)转折关系的词(but, although, however, nevertheless, while, whereas)递进关系的词(then, in addition, moreover, furthermore)
b. name分为:first name, given name, family name, surname. 必须要记住的几个名字:Susan, Thomas, Helen, Ellen, Charles, George. Smith, Walshan
Address: 32 Bank Street/Road/ Avenue
Postcode: NW45SA 一定要大写
Time: AM/am PM/pm 8 in the morning=8 am
Initials: E.S. 名字首字母缩写
电话号码:七位xxx xxxx 八位xxxx xxxx 33: double three 333: triple three
d.不要选带有太绝对词的选项,如:everyone, only, all
b.题干=选项 每个选项都会用到
题干﹥选项 每个选项会用到一次以上
题干﹤选项 每个选项最多用一次
第一部分 小作文是图表类说明文:只要客观说明对象数据
As is shown/displayed/illustrated/demonstrated in the bar chart/diagram/graph, the amount of
expenditure of transport and communication in Britain has changed/ varied/ differed during the three different periods.
All the trends namely car, public transport, postal service and tale-communication could be divided/ categorised/ classified into four kinds/ groups/ respects/ aspects. As for/ In terms of car, it subsided steadily/ gradually from 1960 to 2000, reaching its peak at 12 million pounds, and its bottom at about 5 million pounds. On the contrary, tale-communication had a reverse trend, with its minimum at approximately 7.5 million pounds and its top at 16 million pounds. Meanwhile, public transport fluctuated evenly, within the range of 12-14.5 million pounds while postal service stabilized at 9.5 million pounds.
What is worth mentioning is that the total amount of expenditure of transport and communication in Britain has not changed greatly during the 40 years.
第一:1、A rank the first 2、A+最高级3、A stay at the first place/ the top of the list 4、……emerge/ belong to A 5、the year of 1878 saw/witnessed the event that 6、The figure of 数据 indicated the greatest number……
第二:1、B+ the second +最高级 2、A ……,followed by B 3、A……, next comes B
The table makes detailed comparison and contract of different items between Madagascar and Mauritius around the Indian Ocean in 1999.
Madagascar dominated/ predominated/ led(多国家比较用) in the following items: surface area, population and the growth rate of population. The surface area reached/ mounted 12823 Km, compared with 2189 Km for Mauritius. Likewise, Madagascar also exceed/ outnumbered/ carried more weight that according to population (2678000 compared to 456000). Besides, the growth rate of population occupied/ took up/ covered(多用于饼状图)12%, six times as much as that of its counterpart.
However, the other items were led by Mauritius. The GDP mounted 360 US dollars per capita, three times that of Madagascar. As to enrolment of school, Mauritius outweighed Madagascar in both the primary and secondary school. The differences were 2.52% and 22%, respectively.
饼状图(pie chart)一般至少2个饼:基数的变化(每个饼的基数可能不一样)、扇区数量的变化(几个饼扇区数量不同)
泛指一份数据图表:a data graph/ chart/ diagram/ illustration/ table
饼图:pie graph
柱状图:bar chart/ histogram/ column chart
趋势曲线图:line chart/ curve diagram/ cure graph
树形图:tree diagram
流程图或过程图:flow chart/ sequence diagram
程序图:processing/ procedures diagram
2、描述:show; describe, illustrate, apparent, reveal, represent, provide, depict,demonstrate,exhibit
3、数据:figure, data, statistics
4、类属:group, category (categorise v.分类),item
Last name = family name = surname
First name = given name
1. What do Chinese people or parents think about before they give names to their new born baby.
2. Are there some traditions concerning the birth of a baby in China
In the past, some Chinese prefer male child, who can take care of them when they are old, because girls are married out. Farmers also prefer male child who can help them in farming because men are stronger.
3. Talk about your family background.
Traditional family liseral family extended family nuclear family
4. Explain Chinese traditional family structure.
Membership: by blood by marriage adoption
Living style: large family members live under one roof
Ownership of property, house or other property are jointly owed not by a single son but by all family members.
5. What is your personality?
Extrovert introvert open-minded industrious kind-hearted hospitable hilarious
6. What factors are responsible for who you are?
Friends family school
7. What is your habit?
Eating: vegetarian spicy food bitter taste sweet taste salty taste
Sleeping: snoring one-sided soft music nightmare go to bed late wake up early
Others: good listener considerate
8. Talk about some of your country’s culture?
We have some festivals: spring festival dragon-boat festival lantern festival
Food/ eating culture: moon-cake dumpling
We usually go to temples to pray (divine luck)
Chinese do remember their dead generation (sacrifices)
We also dress in red during traditional wedding
9. What is your hobby and what do you learn from it ?
Keep fit team-work/ team-spirit broaden my horizon communication
10. What sporting activity do you like?
--explain the basic skills in doing this sport
--rules/ regulations
11. Tell me any local food in your hometowns, what ingredients used for making it? Explain some of the nutrition value it has?
12. What factors do you think can hinder or promote peoples creative ability?
Education background environment personality
13. What’s your friendship value?
14. What’s your ideal job? What challenge do you think you may meet in this job?
15. How do you balance your busy and spare time activities?
16. Discuss some tourist sports in your home-town, explain the role of tourism in the society?
Culture exchange recreation inform education creation of job investment social benefits
17. How has your childhood experience shaped your today’s life?
I attended a good kindergarten when I was a child. My parents made sure I got some music skills, like playing piano. I learnt it in this school. Today, it is part of my career and hobby.
18. Differences between knowledge and experience?
19. Talk about your neigh hood what do you like or dislike about it?
Urban suburb countryside
20. What is your major?
21. Explain your dressing style? What information can you get from people’s dressing? Talk about some clothing material?
Job, hobby, sweater, wool, overcoat羽绒服, mental status精神状况, mental illness
Material: velvet天鹅绒, skin, silk, leather, wool, satin, cotton nylon
1. Describe any sculpture you know?
--what sculpture it is?
--where is it?
--which image is it?
--how it look like?
--talk about some importance of sculpture
Sculptures can improve our landscape
It can be a memory of their great heroes forever
It can also help develop tourist site
It keeps record of history
It can serve as an idol for others
2. Describe any musical instrument you play?
--what instrument it is?
--how it looks like?
--what are the parts?
--how to play it?
--explain the importance of learning musical instrument
Music is part of our lives. People usually play music or listen to music. I do too. In fact, there are so many musical instruments like drum, guitar and so on. However, I like piano so much. I play it. Piano has two types upright piano and grand piano. It is a box shaped object. The parts include strings, hammer, pedal, sound board and keyboard. I play it using music notes. The tone and the temps decide which key I press with my fingers. I can produce the sound according to my notes, high, low temps.
3. Learning musical instrument is important in many ways
It can improve my creative thinking, ability
It can be a career
You can have a content for it and make money
It helps you to entertain yourself and others
Music cools our soul
Reflect culture
4. Describe any epidemic outbreak in China
--What is it?
--when it happened?
--what caused it?
--how did it affect the people?
--suggest how to prevent it
The world has witnessed so many health crisises. In fact, there are many epidemic cases. For example, HIV (human immune virus), AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome), Bird flu, plague and so on. However, China witnessed SARS ( severe acute respiratory syndrome) in 2003.
--By a virus from eating a wild animal
--By migrating birds
--By dirty environment
--Travel restriction
--Destruction of birds, animals
--Health crisis
--Loss of man power
--Injection (preventive injection) of anti-body vaccination
--Exit and entry parts of China must be alert/ watchful
5. Describe any industry in your region?
--What is it?
--What it produces?
--What are the benefits of having it?
--Explain some problems caused by it?
Classification: primary industry secondary industry manufacturing tertiary (service) industry heavy/light industry
Benefits: employment improve the economy improve research social development
Problems: pollution injuries it can lead to loss of jobs of it is machine mode of production communication capital intense
6. Classify mass-media?
--what are the types of mass-media?
--what are the basic differences?
--talk about the role of mass-media?
--how can mass-media be controlled?
--what problems do we have as a result of mass-media
Types: videos TV newspapers internet mobile phone
Roles: information mobilization job creation informal education advertisement
Problems: misleading bias=one-side=stereotype cause corrupt juvenile delinquency
Classification mass-media: electronic/print modern/ traditional entertain/ newspaper
7. Describe any handicraft you made yourself?
--what is it?
--when did you make it?
--what material used in making it?
--how you made it?
--explain how you feel making it?
8. Describe any investment plan you have?
--what is it?
--how you plan to carry it out?
--what are the challenges?
--explain how to overcome it?
--what will you gain because of this plan?
9. Describe any flower you know?
--what is it?
--how it looks like?
--talk about the use of the flower?
--what do you think the importance of flowers?
Decoration good scent (perfume) revenue (tulip) border/ boundary herb or medicine flowers can let us know the change of seasons affection to the sick or dead sports awards can save away insects
10. home/ accommodation
--arrangement style: villa castle flat cottage
--rooms: guest room
--use: ranch
--why you like it?
11. Describe any letter you got?
--what letter is it?
--when you received it?
--what’s the content?
--how did you feel after reading it?
--talk about some reading and writing skills you know?
12. What’s the traditional building in your hometown?
--what building is it? Bungalow
--where is it?
--how it looks like?
--what’s the use of the building?
--why is it different from modern buildings?
Uses: a place of worship (pray) for sacrifices tourist site culture symbol
It has a high roofing the roof is curved (Dragon on the roof)
It’s rectangular in shape
The door is wide
It’s made of wood or stone or bricks
It’s painted red or yellow
13. What’s your shopping habit?
--the factors that influent your shopping decisions?
--which shopping center do you prefer?
--talk about the reasons you prefer it?
Wishful thinking: 想买,但买不起 center: trust-mart 好又多 wu-mart 物美
factor: price, need, advertisements promotion, other user’s comment, quality, financial status
reason: good quality, e-shopping, discount, warranty保修, cheaper price, convenient, discounted goods
14. Talk about any book you have read?
--sth about plot情节, climax, background, theme主题, ending (comic, tragic悲剧, tragic-comic喜忧参半), lesson, influence, anticlimax下降, storyline, character (hero, heroine, people), title, name of the book, conflict, antagonist敌手,protagonist主角,monologue独白,poem, dialogue
1. How has human beings contributed to the environmental degradation?
Pollution: co-carbon dioxide solid-waste grazing
Industrialization/ globalization
2. How has Chinese traditional values changed?
Honest hardworking being polite respect of culture
3. Explain the differences between your hometown. and other places in China.
Differences: diet landscape weather food
Similarities: culture family values national dialects
4. Discuss the changing role of women in the society? How can women be empowered?
In the past: procreation kitchen
Now: bread winner professional independent
Ways: education participation financial plan
5. Differences between academic skill and scientific skill?
Academic skills: research story history
Scientific skills: experiment data objective tested accuracy
6. What’s the difference between hand-made and machine made crafts?
Mass-production separation of labor duplicated time value
7. Is countryside better than living in the city? Give reasons for your answer or why id diverse rate increasing rapidly in China now?
Misunderstanding,lack of communication (gap),change in social status,unfaithfulness concubine小妾,barren不孕,impotent无能的
8. What changes do you think must be carried out in education sector in China?
Lower fees/ tuition even education Universal education
9. What are the differences between old and young people in their style of home decoration?
Throw pillow conservative craft electronics old modern furniture glass tiles
Section1 Which products have you seen advertised on TV?
Do you enjoy watching advertisements?
What kind of ad. appeals to you?
Section2 Describe an ad. which you have seen?
-- What they did in the ad.
-- What message was the ad. convey?
Section3 False advertisement is allowed?
Section1 Have you ever been on a blind date?
What is the best way to meet a potential partner?
Section2 Marriage customs in china.
-- Traditional way of meeting someone
-- Courtship
-- Proposal
Section3 Tell me about a Chinese wedding.
Section1 Tell me about your hometown? Where situated? How to get there? Climate?
Section2 How is it different from Hangzhou?
-- Economy
-- Living condition
-- Life-style
Section3 Biggest problem in your hometown?
How would you improve it?
Section1 Please outline industries in China.
What technology does China lack?
Section2 Means of transport?
-- What kind available?
-- Problem
-- Solutions
Section1 Do you have a camera?
Do you like taking photos?
Section2 Talk about photography
-- Why photos important to people?
-- How changed in past and now?
-- What is the best way to save photos?
Section3 Do you acceptable to take photos of strangers?
Section1 What’s your favorite season?
Worst weather you’ve ever encounter?
Section2 global warming
-- define
-- causes
-- effects
Section3 Tell me about any nature disaster
1. Explain or talk about some historical background/ foundation of your hometown or native land?
Early settlers—ancestors ruler-ship—kingship dynasty production method (occupation)—silks painting brush communal/ arrangement value system—honesty, respect, family is the center piece, self-control
2. Mention some belief concerning any traditional festival in China?
Double ninth—two opposing principles of nature go to the mountain eating cake
3. What’s your turn on (likes)/ turn off (dislike)? |