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[a习作temp] argument145 【勇往直前】 [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-8-5 10:43:43 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ARGUMENT145 - A new study collected data that shows that people who snore are more likely to gain weight than are people who do not snore. It is well known that many people who snore also stop breathing frequently during the night for a few seconds, a condition called sleep apnea. The interruption of breathing wakes the person-often so briefly that the waking goes unnoticed-and can leave the person too tired during the day to exercise. Anyone who snores, therefore, should try to eat less than the average person and to exercise more.
WORDS: 458          TIME: 00:30:00          DATE: 2007-7-31 18:35:46
The evidence cannot represent the general conditions
In this argument the author suggest that people who snore should exercise more and eat less in order to maintain fitness. In his deduction, he assumed that the reason for people being fat is lacking enough exercise and the reason for lack of exercise is that snoring makes these people tired. However, these two assumptions are ee and the author's suggestion is not convincible. As we discuss below.
  Firstly, although the phenomenon called sleep apnea exists, we are insufficient to state that thethis [condition] phenomenon cause people to wake up. The author unfairly infers that the sleep apnea can cause people to wake up.(无因推测,)】 but he provide no evidence and detailed data to support it.if we want to judge that the patients are wakened up frequently, since he can not feel it himself, we should use apparatus to examine how, how can we  equipment or apparatus here to monitor the states of the person in the survey. Then even themselves do not sense that they are woken up, how did author judge that they were waked so frequently? If this is based on mere speculation rather than Before the author use the date from apparatus showing that people are indeed wakened up, we can not hastily draw the conclusion unless the author take these factors into consideration, the is unconvincible
  Even if the sleep apnea can cause people to wake up, we can not deduce that would make people tired during the dayit’s insufficient to deduce that thethe tiredness doesn’t necessarily indicates that 】【Even if sleep apnea can cause people to wake up, the author’s conclusion depend on the unproved assumption that waking up frequently will make people tired during the day However, the authors provide no evidence to support/ substantiate it 】无因推测. No further evidence show how long the interruption of breathing is. The evidence that the author cited only states that there are a few seconds of interruption, then, we can wonder, during the other time of sleep, this phenomenon does not occur. What's more how serious can the conditon called sleep apnea affect one's quality of sleep? No evidence shows that. Maybe compared with the whole night, these few seconds does not loom so large, for the person even hardly noticed it-just as stated in the survey. And therefore people are not tired in the day time.
What's more, given that these people are tired during the daytime, the tiredness of the day does not necessarily indicates that it would likely cause people fat . Firstly how tired are the patients in the day time, are most of them too tired to do any exercises? It is possible that although a lit bit tired during the day, if this is true, then the authors conjecture is unproved unauthentic.  Meanwhile, there might be other factors that causing people become fat, for examlpe, some medicine woule cause people to become fat, then would the phenomenon of snoring works the similar way as it? If so, it is not lack of exercies but other causes that leading to fatness. What's more, the author failed to investigate their exercising conditions, maybe many of them really do enough exercises, if this is true, the author's suggestion is also of litttle value. In all, the author failed to provide enough information to make the statements true.
To sum up, the author's conclusion is based on the assumption that the condition of sleep apnea can cause people to wake up, the reason for people being fat is lacking enough exercise and the reason for lack of ecxercise is that snoring make these people tired
错误因果中无因推测――即作者主观臆断的强加因果关系 而事实不充分
The mere fact that proves nothing about the and the
和它因很相似,区别在于infer/conjecture 的事实不见得是存在的 有些明显不需要它因或推论明显没证据时



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