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[i习作temp] Issue208 有拍必第一时间回 [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-8-6 04:13:35 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue 208 The way people look,dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about asociety's ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of itspeople.
2.从外表与行为不能tell much社会的思想与价值观

Generally, the social attitude and interests can bereflected by its people’s appearance and behavior directly and in directly. Yet,people might conclude that surface of social members could fairly image the society’sideas and values. To know much about a society’s thought as well as its values,however, we need a comprehensive understanding of other aspects such asculture, custom and history, not merely outlook and act.

It is true that people’s exterior can, more or less, showtheir attitudes and interests. Forinstance, most people like leisure and colorful dressing in ordinary life, showingan attitude of living life to the full, while some peoplelove dressing formally all the time, representing a conventionaland conserved attitude. In addition, football fans who are fond ofsoccer may often dress the shirt of the team that he supports, while young men whoenjoy Hip-Hop may prefer clothes that are of very large size as well as veryindividual personality.Moreover, despiteof appearance, behaviors is also a mirror of attitudes and interests. Forexample, we may find professors who are always engrossed in thought may lapse into reveriewhen he is walking, while accountants that deal with data all day long may besensitive to figures in their leisure time. So their actions clearly reveal their attitudes and ideas too.

Nevertheless, couldwe truly understand a society’s thoughts and values merely from what people aredressing and doing? Theanswer is negative, in that our outlook and behavior are too superficial toextract the essence of the social ideas and values that are of long standing.And whenever we observe one person's appearance, we would make a hasty generalization based on these superficial phenomena. Moreover, as everysociety contains different kinds of people who have different life styles, value,and favorites, resulting in various kinds of complex public behaviors, it israther difficult to achieve an overall understanding a society. Beside, large societies often have subcultures,or groups of people with distinct sets of behavior and beliefsthat differentiate them from a larger culture of which they are a part. Thesubculture may be distinctive because of the age of its members, or by their race, ethnicity,classor gender.The qualities that determine a subculture as distinct may be aesthetic,religious ,occupational,political,sexualor a combination of these factors. Hence, reliable conclusion about understandingof a society can’t be made according to merely observing and analyzingdifferent appearance and behavior of people.

Furthermore, crucialaspects helping to know a society’s thoughts and values are culture, custom andhistory. It is well-known that thoughts and values are embodied in culture, so a deep understanding of thoughts and values can’t be obtained without a comprehension of culture. Custom,we believe, also play an important in comprehending a society’s ideas andvalues. We can see no further to the French wedding rituals. From the white dominanttone, delicate coupdemarriage and beautiful weddingarmosre on the Frenchwedding rituals, we can feel the romantic element in this country’s thoughtsand ideas. Besides, history helps us obtain cause and effect of the development ofsocial thoughts and values. For example, if we get familiar with the history ofthe United States, which is abound with struggles for freedom and human rights,such as the Independence War that abolished slavery, and the feminist movementfor women’s rights, then we might be no surprise at that freedom and justice impenetratethe society’s thoughts and values. All these factors are important to help toknow much about a society's ideas and values.

In sum, though individualappearance and behavior will be recognized as a signal of people’s attitude andinterest, mere such appearance and behavior fail to tell much about a society’sthoughts and ideas. To reach a deep comprehension, we need seethrough the appearance to perceive the essence.

[ 本帖最后由 woodman 于 2007-8-7 10:46 编辑 ]

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