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[i习作temp] Issue83 勇往直前 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-10 00:20:23 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Should government preserve national public wilderness areas? Apparently, the speaker's answer of this question is assentient. In my opinion, I agree with the broad assertion of the speaker. However, in order to analyze the problem clearly, I consider that the government should choose proper methods to protect these wilderness areas to make wild circumstance without destruction.

At the beginning, I consider that publicly owned wilderness areas of our natural state should be preserved by government, even if few people once go to these places. As we know, parts of earth which has been exploited have been in the edge of bearable levels, not only natural resources but also living circumstances. In such instance, government have to used powerful methods to protect public wild places, such as deserts and Antarctic continent, because these wilderness areas still preserve some valueless resources. For example, scientists have detected that Sahara Desert is enrich in oil and many kinds of mental resources. And Arctic continent is important for the whole human races because of its fresh water resources. In order to make human beings could develop constantly, governments, even the United Nations, try their best to preserve their public areas well enough, even though few people could arrive even live in these wild places.

On the other hand, government should choose the best methods to preserve undeveloped areas. Some wilderness places should be protected particularly, such as ice hills in Arctic continent and oil resources in deserts. If government do not use proper and scientific way to preserve these places, it is possible that circumstances of wilderness areas would be destroyed by actions of government. For instance, governments nearby Arctic continent should make sea areas around Arctic clean enough to preserve ice hills of Arctic unpolluted. In addition, government should use financial budgets scientifically in preserving publicly owned wild places in their natural state. Money and human resources could be used in protecting undeveloped places usually limited, because governments have other more important national affairs to solve, such as battling in wars, developing economy and improving people's lives. Based on discussions above, government should choose the most proper methods to balance preserving national wild places and other crucial national affairs.

Consequently, I agree with the speaker's assertion that government should preserve public owned wilderness areas; moreover, government should using proper means to preserve these places. It is not an easy problem to deal with. With the development of modern society, actions of human beings have destroyed our natural circumstances. So when preserving undeveloped places, government should conserve them as unvarnished situations. After all, these wild places would be useful for human beings in the future. We have faced the oil crisis all over the world now, which affects some important parts of our lives. For example, people have to pay more money to buy oil for our cars, and industry’s' cost producing oil-made products increase higher than before. Hence, it is crucial to preserve wilderness areas unvarnished for people to develop them in the future.

In summary, I agree with the speaker's broad assertion, and I consider that it is more important to choose right means to preserve public wild areas.

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