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[a习作temp] argument180 勇往直前小组 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-10 12:05:30 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
In this argument, the arguer recommends that requiring all of employees of Acme Publishing Company to take the Easy Read Course would benefit the company a lot. To support his opinion, the arguer provides several evidences such as two examples about graduated students of this course, and stations from many other companies. However, I find there are some logical flaws lying on the arguer's inducement.

At the beginning, there are some other possibilities causing the results of the two graduates mentioned by the arguer. First, the graduate who could read a five-hundred-page report in only two hours might be a professional reader who has been practiced enough about quick reading because of his majority of university is language. Or perhaps even though the graduate has read the report with five hundred pages quickly, it does not mean that he has accepted information and knowledge in this report. If he does not understand the content of the report well, his working productivity is still low as before. Second, the instance of another graduate could not persuasive me to support his opinion, either. No evidence is provided to prove that there are any relation between the Easy Read Course and the position promotion of the graduate. It is possible that the graduate is a perfect employee suiting to vice president of his company, because he has worked in the company for several years, or he achieves a great success which benefits his company a lot. Without detailed private information about these two graduates, the evidences given by the arguer could not convince me.

Then, even if the successes of two graduates could contribute to the Easy Read Course, only two personal examples could not reflect the whole learning effects of all students. If about two thousand people have taken part in the Easy Read, only two graduates have achieve success do not mean anything. As we know, people have different abilities about learning. It is possible that other students could learn little ability which is useful to improve their productivity. The arguer could not prove that the Easy Read Course is effective to majority of students.  

Finally, even if the reading course is useful to majority of students, it is also incorrect to give such a recommendation that Acme should require all of their employees to take the Easy Read. In Acme Publishing Company, employees work in different positions whose requests are different at all. For example, workers for typewrite need improve their typing ability instead of reading speed. And vice president of the company should strengthen his management ability rather than quick reading productivity. Moreover, given that many other companies have greatly improved productivity, it does not draw a conclusion that it will be useful in Acme Publishing Company, because those other companies might have entirely different situations. Hence, the suggestion of the arguer is not proper to request all of employees to take the Easy Read Course.

In a short, the personnel director does not provide a persuasive suggestion about the Easy Read Speed-Reading Course. He should provide more evidences and examples to support his opinion, such as more real instances about graduates or some comparative detailed information about other companies.

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