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[i习作temp] Issue48 [戮力同心小组]第十一次习作 by Lsofia 有拍必回! [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-8-10 18:45:18 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
ISSUE48 - "The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."

Does the study address too much emphasis on individuals? Who made the most significant events and trends in history? To the former question, I concede that in the field of history study, experts often focus their eyes on individuals instead of groups, where so much biographies come. To the latter, as far as I am concerned, famous few and groups are equally important, but in most cases, individuals play an even more vital role.

As for majority of us-- common people, often pay our attention to the celebrity, whose excellent experience often inspire our fantasy that we may one day become such a great man leaving our name on the history record. We learn his characteristics, his principles, his wonderful experience of life---most of us may never have a chance to come through---trying to find the real access to the bank of success. Definitely, the famous few are just like soil, where so much nutrition we can derive from. For the historians, they research the individuals in order to understand the groups and the temporal society better, since they best represent of what we want to get from history events. For instance, Chensheng, the leader of a famous peasant revolt in Ancient China, is a farmer from a poor family just as the same as the followers, and they rise up all because they were ground by tyranny. In general, they have the similar background; through the study of Chensheng, analyze issues such as, why he brought the war to the world? Is it because the authority is so cruel? Or his family is so poor that he can’t live on? It is easier and more convenient to know the possible cause of this war as well as the society situation at that era. In my observation, individuals are enough. We don't have enough time to channel energy into the research of all the people in a group, and then the most credible approach is to choose individuals who have typical characteristics.

When it comes to maker, as my pondering, both of them are indispensable, the followers are just like soil, while the leader is the flower on the soil, together making the history of significant events. Without leader, the group is hard to get together, just like lacking of core in an apple, the people don’t know what steps are needed to travel the road to the final triumph. Without groups of people, it is impossible to organize an event, let alone a fatal impact to the society. The energy of a collectivity is powerful, never be substitute by the few famous persons.

However, famous few serve to work a more significant impact on the society, since they always get a profound insight into the truth of the event, they have the astonishing will to control the situation in any event, which is not substitute by any of the common people. Their decision-making often determines the trend and results of the event. Consider, Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric Company, is a legend in the field of business. He reverse the 100 history enterprise with bureaucracy into an effective modern corporation, through a series of prior and affirmative measures. Obviously, to large extent, it is Jack Welch who makes GE ultimately edge into the top corporations in the world. Without a powerful leader, even if the group is 100 million, shall we say, is also hard to win the final success. Whereas, with a leader who has right strategy that been taken into effect, it is easier for an event access to the final triumph.

In sum, we cannot ignore the effect the groups of people bring to us, but the more important is the leader, the famous few, made the most significant events and trends in history easier to achieve and possible.

3. 著名人物比群体更有代表性,对社会和历史的贡献更大

[ 本帖最后由 Lsofia 于 2007-8-10 21:24 编辑 ]

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