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[i习作temp] Issue26 有拍必回 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-12 19:29:37 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue26"Most people would agree that buildings represent a valuable record of anysociety's past, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground thatmodern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes. In suchsituations, modern development should be given precedence over the preservationof historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served."


Architecture, animportant component of culture, is one of the glorious values that ourancestors left for us.
In this sense, weshould preserve these old treasures. And when preservation of such buildings conflictswith modern development to satisfy the need of urgent construction, we should tryour best to find ways that integrate the preservation and contemporary needs.

Firstly, it isnecessary for us to preserve old buildings because of their great cultural, academicand economic value.Old buildings, stillstanding nowadays, witness the evolvement of the human civilization, andthemselves are a part of civilization of their age. For example, Pyramids standfor the glorious Egyptculture, and the Parthenon is a magnificent structure represents ancient Greekculture, while the Eiffel Tower is symbol of both civilizationof industrialization and culture. In addition, historic buildings possesscountless academic values for architects, historians and anthologists. Fromthem, people know what happened in the past, to know the history of the nation,and life of people in the past. Such research will help us to achieve a betterunderstanding of our society. Besides, historic buildings always attract peopleto visit. Every thousands of people come to visit the Louvre Palace, the GreatWall and many other historic buildings, tourism there brings huge amounts of incomesto the city, and plays an important role in the local economy development. Thus,the meaning of protecting historic buildings is more than mere responsibilityand duty.

Moreover, sacrificethe historic buildings to develop modern ones is a myopic measure that fails toobtain a goal of sustainable development. If we give modern development precedenceover the preservation of historic buildings, then more and more historicbuildings may disappear. We all know that historic buildings are irrecoverable resources.Once we destroy them, we would never rebuild them, accordingly could not leaveany for our descendents. To illustrate this, we can see no further than the China. For along time, Chinaignores the importance of historic buildings, and blindly exploits a lot ofsuch valuable buildings to meet its development. As a result, most precioustemples, palaces and gardens are replaced by modern skyscrapers. Now, manyChinese realize the severity of such myopic measure, but it is impossible tomake up the destroyed historic buildings. What’s worse, if every generationgives precedence to its contemporary development, fewer and fewer historicbuildings will be passed down, and one day we may find no historic buildings atall. Hence, to achieve a sustainable development, we should not give modern developmentprecedence over the preservation of historic buildings.

When preservationof historic buildings conflicts with modern development, we should make ourdecision based on comprehensive consideration, and try to find an integratedway to solve the conflict. As for those which of unique value and typical representationof an era, we should put the preservation into the first place, meanwhile, wecould develop tourism to increase income and then invest the money to meetcontemporary needs. For example, we can buy a new place to build new hospitalsand schools. While referring to those which are not unique, less valuable, wecan make use of it to serve modern development. Take the old buildings on the Jianghan Road in Wuhanof China for example. Buildings built in the last century nowadays have beensuccessfully turned into a thoroughly new area as centers of banks and stores.Such method achieves satisfactory effect to meet modern needs, withoutdestroying historic buildings.

Historicbuildings, which record achievement of our civilization and the essence of our culture,should be treasured by us. When they conflict with contemporary development, compromisedways can solve the problem and ensure a sustainable development.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-8-12 20:37:33 |只看该作者
Architecture, an important component of culture, is one of the glorious values that our ancestors left for us. In this sense, we should preserve these old treasures. (全反对?)And when preservation of such buildings conflicts with modern development to satisfy the need of urgent construction, we should try our best to find ways that integrate the preservation and contemporary needs.

Firstly, it is necessary for us to preserve old buildings because of their great cultural, academicand economic value.Old buildings, stillstanding nowadays, witness the evolvement of the human civilization, and themselves are a part of civilization of their age. For example, Pyramids standfor the glorious Egyptculture, and the Parthenon is a magnificent structure represents ancient Greekculture, while the Eiffel Tower is symbol of both civilization of industrialization and culture.(工业化的文明,和文化?? 应该是工业化的,文明和文化吧?) In addition, historic buildings possess countless academic values for architects, historians and anthologists. From them, people know what happened in the past, to know the history of the nation,and life of people in the past. Such research will help us to achieve a better understanding of our society. Besides, historic buildings always attract peopleto visit. Every thousands of people come to visit the Louvre Palace, the GreatWall and many other historic buildings, tourism there brings huge amounts of incomesto the city, and plays an important role in the local economy development. Thus,the meaning of protecting historic buildings is more than mere responsibilityand duty.

Moreover, sacrifice the historic buildings to develop modern ones is a myopic measure that fails to obtain a goal of sustainable development. If we give modern development precedence over the preservation of historic buildings, then more and more historic buildings may disappear. We all know that historic buildings are irrecoverable resources.Once we destroy them, we would never rebuild them, accordingly could not leave any for our descendents. To illustrate this, we can see no further than the China. For along time, Chinaignores the importance of historic buildings, and blindly exploits(开发?貌似不当) a lot of such valuable buildings to meet its development. As a result, most precious temples, palaces and gardens are replaced by modern skyscrapers. Now, many Chinese realize the severity of such myopic(重复) measure, but it is impossible tomake up the destroyed historic buildings. What’s worse, if every generation gives precedence to its contemporary development, fewer and fewer historicbuildings will be passed down, and one day we may find no historic buildings at all.(哎,上一代的建筑对下一代来说难道不是historic building么...) Hence, to achieve a sustainable development, we should not give modern developmentprecedence over the preservation of historic buildings.(没看出留文化遗产给后代跟所谓的可持续发展有什么关系...文化遗产就文化遗产好了撒...跟上段有重复...)

When preservation of historic buildings conflicts with modern development, we should make ourdecision based on comprehensive consideration, and try to find an integratedway to solve the conflict. As for those which of unique value and typical representationof an era, we should put the preservation into the first place, meanwhile, wecould develop tourism to increase income and then invest the money to meetcontemporary needs. For example, we can buy a new place to build new hospitalsand schools. While referring to those which are not unique, less valuable, wecan make use of it to serve modern development. Take the old buildings on the Jianghan Road in Wuhanof China for example. Buildings built in the last century nowadays have beensuccessfully turned into a thoroughly new area as centers of banks and stores.Such method achieves satisfactory effect to meet modern needs, withoutdestroying historic buildings.(这不就是case by case么...那前两段是用来做什么的?完全是废话...)

Historic buildings, which record achievement of our civilization and the essence of our culture,should be treasured by us. When they conflict with contemporary development, compromisedways can solve the problem and ensure a sustainable development.

观点说一下:作者花了大量篇幅论证"Architecture, an important component of culture, is one of the glorious values that our ancestors left for us. In this sense, we should preserve these old treasures.",最后又笔锋一转到"While referring to those which are not unique, less valuable, wecan make use of it to serve modern development"...不能不说有点逻辑混乱.
PS 分论点中:"牺牲历史建筑有失长远发展"就是因为"历史建筑的各种价值",实际上是一个意思.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-13 08:36:13 |只看该作者
Issue26"Most people would agree that buildings represent a valuable record of anysociety's past, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground thatmodern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes. In suchsituations, modern development should be given precedence over the preservationof historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served."


Architecture, an important component of culture, is one of the glorious values that our ancestors left for us.
In this sense, we should preserve these old treasures. And when preservation of such buildings conflicts with modern development to satisfy the need of urgent construction, we should try our best to find ways that integrate the preservation and contemporary needs.

Firstly, it is necessary for us to preserve old buildings because of their great cultural, academic and economic value.Old buildings, stillstanding nowadays, witness the evolvement of the human civilization, andthemselves are a part of civilization of their age. For example, Pyramids standfor the glorious Egyptculture, and the Parthenon is a magnificent structure represents ancient Greekculture, while the Eiffel Tower is symbol of both civilizationof industrialization and culture. In addition, historic buildings possesscountless academic values for architects, historians and anthologists. Fromthem, people know what happened in the past, to know the history of the nation,and life of people in the past. Such research will help us to achieve a betterunderstanding of our society. Besides, historic buildings always attract peopleto visit. Every thousands of people come to visit the Louvre Palace, the GreatWall and many other historic buildings, tourism there brings huge amounts of incomesto the city, and plays an important role in the local economy development. Thus,the meaning of protecting historic buildings is more than mere responsibilityand duty.

Moreover, sacrifice the historic buildings to develop modern ones is a myopic measure that fails to obtain a goal of sustainable development. If we give modern development precedence over the preservation of historic buildings, then more and more historicbuildings may disappear. We all know that historic buildings are irrecoverable resources.Once we destroy them, we would never rebuild them, accordingly could not leave any for our descendents(这段是说的可持续发展,但是TS后面的都在写不可恢复性). To illustrate this, we can see no further than the China. For along time, China ignores the importance of historic buildings, and blindly exploits a lot ofsuch valuable buildings to meet its development. As a result, most precioustemples, palaces and gardens are replaced by modern skyscrapers. Now, manyChinese realize the severity of such myopic measure, but it is impossible tomake up the destroyed historic buildings. What’s worse, if every generation gives precedence to its contemporary development, fewer and fewer historicbuildings will be passed down, and one day we may find no historic buildings atall. Hence, to achieve a sustainable development, we should not give modern developmentprecedence over the preservation of historic buildings.

When preservation of historic buildings conflicts with modern development, we should make our decision based on comprehensive consideration, and try to find an integratedway to solve the conflict. As for those which of unique value and typical representationof an era, we should put the preservation into the first place, meanwhile, wecould develop tourism to increase income and then invest the money to meetcontemporary needs. For example, we can buy a new place to build new hospitalsand schools. While referring to those which are not unique, less valuable, wecan make use of it to serve modern development. Take the old buildings on the Jianghan Road in Wuhanof China for example. Buildings built in the last century nowadays have beensuccessfully turned into a thoroughly new area as centers of banks and stores.Such method achieves satisfactory effect to meet modern needs, withoutdestroying historic buildings.

Historicbuildings, which record achievement of our civilization and the essence of our culture,should be treasured by us. When they conflict with contemporary development, compromisedways can solve the problem and ensure a sustainable development.
我觉得组长也在如何把一个段落写的丰满方面是缺乏一些目标的 可以考虑在这方面努力

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Rank: 1

发表于 2007-8-13 09:25:52 |只看该作者
Architecture, an important component of culture, is one of the (most) glorious values that our ancestors left for us.
In this sense, we should preserve these old treasures. And when preservation of such buildings conflicts with modern development to satisfy the need of urgent construction, we should try our best to find ways that integrate the preservation and contemporary needs.

Firstly, it is necessary for us to preserve old buildings because of their great cultural, academicand economic value.Old buildings, still standing nowadays, witness (这个词挺好的)the evolvement of the human civilization, and themselves are a part of civilization of their age(ages). For example, Pyramids stand for the glorious Egyptculture, and the Parthenon is a magnificent structure represents ancient Greekculture, while the Eiffel Tower is symbol of both civilizationof industrialization and culture. In addition, historic buildings possess  countless academic values for architects, historians and anthologists. From them, people know what happened in the past, to know the history of the nation,and life of people in the past. Such research will help us to achieve a betterunderstanding of our society. Besides, historic buildings always attract peopleto visit. Every thousands of people come to visit the Louvre Palace, the GreatWall and many other historic buildings, tourism there brings huge amounts of incomesto the city, and plays an important role in the local economy development. Thus,the meaning of protecting historic buildings is more than mere responsibilityand duty.(最好在句子结构上作些调整,某些分句其实是完整的独立句)

Moreover, sacrifice (这里是动词还是名词呢? 动词的话不能直接作主语,名词的话好象再加一个介词会顺一点吧)the historic buildings to develop modern ones is a myopic measure that fails toobtain a goal of sustainable development. If we give modern development precedenceover the preservation of historic buildings, then more and more historicbuildings may disappear. We all know that historic buildings are irrecoverable resources.Once we destroy them, we would never rebuild them, accordingly could not leaveany for our descendents. To illustrate this, we can see no further than the China. For along time, Chinaignores the importance of historic buildings, and blindly exploits a lot ofsuch valuable buildings to meet its development. As a result, most precioustemples, palaces and gardens are replaced by modern skyscrapers. Now, manyChinese realize the severity of such myopic measure, but it is impossible tomake up the destroyed historic buildings. What’s worse, if every generationgives precedence to its contemporary development, fewer and fewer historicbuildings will be passed down, and one day we may find no historic buildings atall. Hence, to achieve a sustainable development, we should not give modern developmentprecedence over the preservation of historic buildings.

When preservation of historic buildings conflicts with modern development, we should make our decision based on comprehensive consideration, and try to find an integrated way to solve the conflict. As for those which of unique value and typical representation of an era, we should put the preservation into the first place, meanwhile, wecould develop tourism to increase income and then invest the money to meetcontemporary needs. For example, we can buy a new place to build new hospitalsand schools. While referring to those which are not unique, less valuable, wecan make use of it to serve modern development. Take the old buildings on the Jianghan Road in Wuhanof China for example. Buildings built in the last century nowadays have beensuccessfully turned into a thoroughly new area as centers of banks and stores.Such method achieves satisfactory effect to meet modern needs, withoutdestroying historic buildings.

Historic buildings, which record achievement of our civilization and the essence of our culture,should be treasured by us. When they conflict with contemporary development, compromised ways can solve the problem and ensure a sustainable development.

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