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[i习作temp] issue50【jet小组】 第四次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-2-8 23:08:12 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
ISSUE50 - "In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach."


Nowadays ,it ,somehow or the other ,has been a vogue that the professors and the reseachers  are more likely to be the businessmen in the cooperations and moaketplaces rather than the  educators in the univesites . And the the advocaters  of this phenomenom insist that the teachers’ tasks related to their fields outside the campus woul be greatly benefical to the advancement of the education level. But an embarrassing situation is shown  a  opposite opinion that the working ouside the academic areas would hardly help improving but usually counterwork the research and instuction work of the universities.
As an old oriental saying indicates , the best teacher is atmosphere .So the primary defect of educaters’ and academicians’  outside working is the demilishment and the deconstruction of the conventional academic ambience  on the campus. Although ,indeed,the tasks for the cooperations and agencies in the society could supply profiits such as abundant financial aids to the professors and intern opportunities for the students,  the expanse on the academic value and the conventional teaching is much more . It ould be imagine that the teachers would delay the courses for the reports to the co-operated firms and the students might be absent of the classes to make money by parttime jod as an interne.And this embarrassing situation may be the vital reason that the limit of the outside working rate is increasingly accepted by the outstanding universities and collages,which is indicated by a recent survey pruduced by  an associated education agency subjected to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization – UNESCO.       
Futhermore, to faculty of some academic fields , the working outside would do little benefit to their professional ability ,while ,further, the economic intersets may brase the equity and authority of academic. If a famouse economic and financial  professor advocate for a cooperation in which he is working and  eventully his endorsement is proved to be unture,  not only the personal honor is certainly demolished ,but also the academic level of the university he serves might be disbelieved .
Addmitedly, proper may possibly be assistant to the education and research in some areas such as architecture, engineerine or pharmacy, because mainly the improvements and advancements of them  achieve  in the pragmatic projuects . But even in these fields , the working ouside the academic research and education  must be regulated by right mechanism .
In sum , as educaters and reseachers , the  faculty on campus should be clarified that only in partial areas of academia  the working outside the universities are needed to help ameliorating the quality of education and research and also this working should be controled and limited , because  the overmuch will lead to going astay away form the academic development.
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Rank: 2

发表于 2008-2-11 12:47:00 |只看该作者
Nowadays ,it ,somehow or the other ,has been a vogue that theprofessors and the reseachers  are more likely to be the businessmen inthe cooperations and moaketplaces rather than the  educators in theunivesites . And the the advocaters  of this phenomenom insist that theteachers’ tasks related to their fields outside the campus woul begreatly benefical to the advancement of the education level. But anembarrassing situation is shown (showed???) a  opposite opinion that the workingouside the academic areas would hardly help improving but usuallycounterwork the research and instuction work of the universities.

As an old oriental saying indicates , the best teacher is atmosphere.So the primary defect of educaters’ and academicians’  outside workingis the demilishment(demolition???) and the deconstruction of the conventional academicambience  on the campus. Although ,indeed,the tasks for thecooperations and agencies in the society could supply profiits such asabundant financial aids to the professors and intern opportunities forthe students,  the expanse(expense) on the academic value and the conventionalteaching is much more(higher???) . It ould be imagine that the teachers woulddelay the courses for the reports to the co-operated firms and thestudents might be absent of the classes to make money by parttime jodas an interne.And this embarrassing situation may be the vital reasonthat the limit of the outside working rate is increasingly accepted bythe outstanding universities and collages,which is indicated by arecent survey pruduced by  an associated education agency subjected tothe United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization –UNESCO. (如果能够进一步分析文中提到的conventional academice ambience对教学质量的重要性会更有说服力一些)

Futhermore, to faculty of some academic fields , the working outsidewould do little benefit to their professional ability ,while ,further,the economic intersets(???) may brase(???) the equity and authority of academic.If a famouse economic and financial  professor advocate for acooperation in which he is working and  eventully his endorsement isproved to be unture(untrue),  not only the personal honor is certainlydemolished ,but also the academic level of the university he servesmight be disbelieved .

Addmitedly, proper(???) may possibly be assistant to the education andresearch in some areas such as architecture, engineerine or pharmacy,because mainly the improvements and advancements of them  achieve(was achieved)  inthe pragmatic(practical) projuects . But even in these fields , the working ousidethe academic research and education  must be regulated by rightmechanism

In sum , as educaters and reseachers , the  faculty on campus should beclarified(觉得用it should be clarified that句型更好一些) that only in partial areas of academia  the working outsidethe universities are needed to help ameliorating the quality ofeducation and research and also this working should be controled andlimited , because the overmuch will lead to going astay(???) away form theacademic development.(本文开始给读者印象是“全盘否定”,结论似乎反对只是“过量的外出工作”,中间感觉少了一些过渡)


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issue50【jet小组】 第四次作业


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