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[i习作temp] [Jet小组]第四次作业 issue50 [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-2-9 23:08:08 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue50 [Jet小姐]第四次作业

TOPIC: ISSUE50 - "In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach."

WORDS: 530

While acknowledging  that in certain acdemic area,it is helpful for faculty to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach ,however,this is not alway s true.It just depends on the catagories of deciplines with different relevance with practice.

As far as deciplines ,such as landscape architecture,computer,

medicine and alike are concerned,I strongly agree with the statement that the work outside academia in professions relevant to the courses they teach plays a crucial role.

In these academic areas ,even the steadfast comand of certain knowledge is useless unless it is combined with real-world examples.  

The principles ,laws and theories in physics are so complex and dull that requires much practical work  for professors to enliven and enrich the curriculum,sparking students interest while guaranteeing a better mastery of the knowledge.

Moreover,the history of certain academic areas such as landscape architecture are relatively short  ,where there is little ,or premature if any ,theories.It is only through participating in real projects that professors can impart students the useful experience to analyze the specific circumstances and the way to address varities of problems they meet .Thus ,students can gradually gain the  essence of designing,which they can take adavantage to their future design.They must bear in mind that their purpose of learning is to solve real problems and create wonderful landscape.

In addtion,by keeping abreast with the outside world ,not only can professors  be acquainted with the prospectives or trends of the specific field ,but can they see a broad enough picture .Thus ,they can help the students better understand their field of study ,mold the students to  meet the future demand of society and effectively instruct them who are serious about pursuing a career in that field.

However,too much of any one thing becomes problematic;letting professors totally engaged in the work outside academia  ,devoting a significent amount of time and energy to it,will undoubtly serves to distract their focus on teaching and  ultimately  dilute the quality of instruction.

On the other hand,for the other less practical disciplines,the experience of the faculties outside in professions related   is not always necessary to improve the instuction quality. First, in certain academic areas ,it is difficult for these faculties to find relevant professions to apply their knowledge to. This is especially true in the humanities; after all, besides universities and research institues,organizations , what work outside academia is there for a well-cultivated historian researching the history of ancient Greek or a philosopher of insightful perspective.

Secondly,even if there are some relevant professions,the faculties engagement in the professions does not contribute in digesting  and assimulating the pure knowledge and thus does nothing to improve the quality of the instruction . A physicist understanding of the universe won't be deeper after he spends ten years on designing computers which is obviously physics related job. After all,Free research environment , not the experience outside help improve the instruction quality of these less practical fields.

To sum up , aside from certain relatively practical academic areas which  necessitate  faclties of to work outside  in professions relevant to the courses they teach to improve the quality of instruction ,there are also some deciplines    in which outside work is either unavailable or unnecessary.

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[Jet小组]第四次作业 issue50


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