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[i习作temp] issue185【Goal to Reach Excellence小组】第13次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2008-2-15 01:27:39 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
IS-185 - "Scandals-whether in politics, academia, or other areas-can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could."

The speaker claims that in many areas scandals can be useful because they could focus our attention on problems in ways that no reformer or speaker ever could. I concede this statement insofar as sometime scandals have some advantages. But it is not always the case, in my opinion, overemphasize scandals is harmful.

Admittedly, to some extend, scandals are beneficial to the society due to they can reveal some facts hidden behind the appearance. Disclosing the bad behaviors help people to know the truth and promote the society to establish wiser regulations. Take the well-known Watergate affair as an example, the scandal of Nixon lead a series of new policies about the politicians. Though the scandal causes some negative effects to the people's impression about the congress and Nixon, it let the people find the problems existed in the political area and then solve them. For another instance, last year the director of Medicine Inspection Bureau of China had been revealed corrupting considerable public money, and thereby received the sentence of death. This scandal warns the other officials not to corrupt and avoid more possibilities of the similar cases happen.

However, some scandals are entirely gossips and have no meaning, especially in some realms, such as the entertainment area and so forth. These scandals will waste the people's time and distract people’s attention to some trifles. For example, some stars make scandals about themselves in order to increase their own reputation by the means of put their name on the head of newspapers, and medias always propagandize these kinds of scandals for maximizing their profits. The mass often cannot distinguish the scandals which are true and which are false. Lots of time spend on these scandals is no meaning and cause the people too gossip to do more significant things.

Moreover, after all, scandals are not good affairs; too many scandals would cause many negative effects to the society. Further, overemphasize on the scandals are harmful. Sometimes they cause the people over-concern about one's scandals but ignore the one's contribution. For example, Clinton's sexual scandal almost destroy his reputation completely. In fact, his contribution to American is more important and should not be ignore. Besides, the cost spent on this scandal is too much and undoubtly undoubtedly be wasted completely. With such much money, why do not do some more meaningful things to solve some pressing problems--such as the medicare and some other welfare work to the poor persons?

To sum up, scandals are useful in some places, but it should not be over-emphasize. People should realize that there are more important things waiting to be solved and should not spend too much time on the scandals.
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Rank: 4

发表于 2008-2-19 14:27:40 |只看该作者
IS-185 - "Scandals-whether in politics, academia, or other areas-can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could."

The speaker claims that in many areas scandals can be useful because they could focus our attention on problems in ways that no reformer or speaker ever could. I concede this statement insofar as sometime scandals have some advantages. But it is not always the case, in my opinion, overemphasis of scandals is harmful.

Admittedly, to some extend, scandals are beneficial to the society due to that they can reveal some facts hidden behind the appearance. Disclosing the bad behaviors help people to know the truth and promote the society to establish wiser regulations. Take the well-known Watergate affair as an example, the scandal of Nixon lead a series of new policies be founded about the politicians.改成to regulate their behavior.Though the scandal causes some negative effects to the people's impression about the congress and Nixon, it let the people find the problems existed in the political area and then solve them. For another instance, last year the director of Medicine Inspection Bureau of China had been revealed corrupting considerable public money, and thereby received the sentence of death. This scandal warns the other officials not to corrupt and avoid more possibilities of the similar cases from happen.

However, some scandals are entire形容词 gossips and have no meaning, especially in some realms, such as the entertainment area and so forth. These scandals will waste the people's time and distract people’s attention to some trifles. For example, some stars make scandals about themselves in order to increase their own reputation by the means of put their name on the head of newspapers, and media不可数吧 always propagandize these kinds of scandals for maximizing their profits. The mass often cannot distinguish the scandals which are true and which are false. Lots of time spend on these scandals is no meaning and cause the people too gossip to do more significant things.

Moreover, after all, scandals are not good affairs; too many scandals would cause many negative effects to the society. Further, overemphasize on the scandals are harmful.可以把这两句合起来 Sometimes they cause the people over-concern about one's scandals but ignore the one's contribution. For example, Clinton's sexual scandals almost destroy his reputation completely. In fact, his contribution to American is more important and should not be ignored. Besides, the cost spent on this scandal is too much and undoubtedly be wasted completely. With such much money, why do not do some more meaningful things to solve some pressing problems--such as the medicare and some other welfare work to the poor persons?

To sum up, scandals are useful in some places, but it should not be over-emphasized. People should realize that there are more important things waiting to be solved and should not spend too much time on the scandals.

对不起隔了这么久才改你的文章。看来你进步很大啊。虽然快考了,但是只要我们好好努力一定能达到目的。JUST KEEP FORWARD

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issue185【Goal to Reach Excellence小组】第13次作业


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