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[i习作temp] Issue17 [Jet小组] 第八次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2008-2-18 16:54:14 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
题目:ISSUE17 - "There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."
字数:480          用时:0:45:00          日期:2008-2-17

Laws, the strictest regulation to keep the society in order, cannot be easily divided into just and unjust as the speaker said. It is necessary for every individual to clarify the basic function of laws and then decide what to do with laws.

First and foremost, we should obey laws for the simple reason that they are called 'laws'. Laws are made to set a country in order and protect its citizens' life and possessions. They are also set after a series of consideration and usually stand behind a certain group of people.

Besides, it is the legislation's job to legislate laws for their country and it is natural that laws vary a lot in different countries. For example, in the United States, abortion is illegal while in some developing countries such as People's Republic of China, abortion is an effective measure to control the rapid increase of population. Laws are usually set up on the basis of social culture and circumstance of the nation. In this case, citizens should obey these laws for the profits of their country and at least for the good of themselves.

The reason why I claimed that laws cannot be simply put into just and unjust is that the meaning of justice will change with situations. Justice is a standard that is usually judged by personal values. There is hardly any definition of justice which can be admitted by every individual. On this basis, it is ridiculous to claim that everyone in society has a responsibility to obey some laws and disobey some other laws. For instance, this may probably leads to an embarrass situation that when some individuals obeying a law such as 'no spitting at public places' a responsibility, another certain group of people may take their responsibility to resist this so-called unjust law and franticly spit at public. If that really happens, can there be any peace in the country and is there anymore a 'garden country' such as Singapore?

As a common sense, laws, no matter judged in what points of view, should be obeyed by all individuals to keep order and maintain the authority of law. When facing a seemly unjust law to a majority of people in society, it is the time to reconsider that whether the law should be revised or abandoned. What is more important, however, every individual should be clear that it is still the legislation's job to do it. Disobeying or resisting a law can only cause chaos in society and do no help to improve it.

In conclusion, there should not be a so-called responsibility to disobey and resist unjust laws but a responsibility to supervise the legislation's work for every individual. What's more, if a law do harms a majority of people's profits, a better way to improve it may be suggestion to the legislation or, sometimes, stride if really needed.
What if everything happens out of control?
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Rank: 2

发表于 2008-2-20 01:12:56 |只看该作者
Laws, the strictest regulation to keep the society in order, cannot beeasily divided into just and unjust as the speaker said. It isnecessary for every individual to clarify the basic function of lawsand then decide what to do with laws.

First and foremost, we should obey laws for the simple reason that theyare called 'laws'. Laws are made to set a country in order and protectits citizens' life and possessions. They are also set after a series ofconsideration and usually stand behind a certain group of people. (论述不够充分)

Besides, it is the legislation's job to legislate laws for theircountry and it is natural that laws vary a lot in different countries.For example, in the United States, abortion is illegal while in somedeveloping countries such as People's Republic of China, abortion is aneffective measure to control the rapid increase of population. Laws areusually set up on the basis of social culture and circumstance of thenation. In this case, citizens should obey these laws for the profitsof their country and at least for the good of themselves.(”有助于国家的安定“可以理解,但不明白为什么遵守法律会”至少对我们自己有利“呢?)

The reason why I claimed that laws cannot be simply put into just andunjust is that the meaning of justice will change with situations.Justice is a standard that is usually judged by personal values. Thereis hardly any definition of justice which can be admitted (accepted???)by everyindividual. On this basis, it is ridiculous to claim that everyone insociety has a responsibility to obey some laws and disobey some otherlaws. For instance, this may probably leads to an embarrass situationthat when some individuals obeying a law such as 'no spitting at publicplaces' a responsibility, another certain group of people may taketheir responsibility to resist this so-called unjust law and franticlyspit at public. If that really happens, can there be any peace in thecountry and is there anymore a 'garden country' such as Singapore?

As a common sense, laws, no matter judged in what points of view,should be obeyed by all individuals to keep order and maintain theauthority of law. When facing a seemly unjust law to a majority ofpeople in society, it is the time to reconsider that whether the lawshould be revised or abandoned. What is more important, however, everyindividual should be clear that it is still the legislation's job to doit. Disobeying or resisting a law can only cause chaos in society anddo no help to improve it.

In conclusion, there should not be a so-called responsibility todisobey and resist unjust laws but a responsibility to supervise thelegislation's work for every individual. (好建议)What's more, if a law do harmsa majority of people's profits, a better way to improve it may besuggestion to the legislation or, sometimes, strideif really needed.


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