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ISSUE 83 "Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people."
With the surge of human population and the continuous expansion ofcities, more and more wild places have disappeared due to the overdueexploitation of human beings, which results in a series of problems.Having realized the consequence of exploiting these wilderness areaswithout restriction, I agree that Government shoud take theresponsibility to protect these areas from being over-exploited, whilesome proper exploitation could be allowed.
These wildernessareas, no matter how remote they are from us, are of vital importancein keeping the whold world in a healthy, balanced, and harmonous state.As we all know, wilderness areas have contributed a lot in enviromentalprotection by acting as purifier or neutralizer. Through its recyclingprocess, the unique terrian together with its covering plants, whichhas a impact on climate, manage to counterpoise the negative effect ofglobal warming, or polluted air due to the increasing human activities.In addition to adjusting the climate and making the air cleaner, thesewilderness areas also provide an safe, natural enviroment where thevarity of specis is very likely to be achieved, which is of greatimportance both in research and ecological aspects. A great deal ofsignificant discoveries have been made in these wild region, and thereare even more secrets of nature to be discovered there, provided theseareas are carefully preserved, otherwise, due to potential destructionto the enviroment caused by the invasion of human beings, a lot ofspecies are likey to be endangered or even become distinct in the nearfuture. Even worse, the entire ecosystem, often regarded as a hierachywhich the species of the upper level rely on those of the latter one,is going to break up due to distinction of some certain species.Therefore, preserving the wildness areas from being disturbed by humanbeings not only protect the lives there, but also serves the globalinterest.
Meanwhile, these wilderness areas, although often farfrom us, are undergoing more frequent intervenve brought about by humanbeing either in direct or indirect ways. Since the IndustrialRevolution, the growing needs for various raw materials has encouragedthe human being to extend their acquisition to the most remote areas,such as fishing at Artactic Ociean, deforest in the tropical pristineforest and so forth. If these exploitations of nature are not regulatedproperly, part of or even the entire wilderness regions could bedestoried. Besides, the wilderness areas could also be endanged byhuman being indirectly. For example, the acid rain which caused by theunrestrictive emit of harmful waste gas from numerous factories has anegative effect on the broad scope: the "acid" clouds could travelthousands of miles with the efforts of wind from our cities to the mostremote areas, and then pour down the acid rain there, which could be afatal attack on the eclogical environments. Therefore, under both thedirect and indirect threats, these wilderness areas are in great needof protection.
However, preservation of these wilderness areas,in my point of view, doesn't necessarily mean that all human activitiesshould be forbidden in these areas, instead, travelling, living, oreven acquisition of materials could be allowed provided that noactivity of human being would lead to unrecoverable states in theseareas. Deforest,for instance, is acceptable if the amount of timber hacked is regulatedto allow future recovery of forests there. The same regulation couldalso be applied to other acquisitions such as fishing, hunting, and soon.
To sum up, the preservation of wilderness in these areas are crucialboth to the lives there and to our human beings, and any activityshould be regulated properly. |